Konoha's ninjas stared blankly, their colleagues Shiranui Xuanshui were rescued, they should have been happy, but the scene in front of them was too amazing, so they were speechless.

On Sand Ninja's side, a ninja shouted in disbelief, "How is this possible??!"

And after this shouting, the sand ninjas didn't dare to speak any more, because the three-headed snake was still struggling under Li Zhenwu's hands!

One of the three-headed snakes was easily held down by Li Zhenwu's hand, and it couldn't move. It was because of the constant twisting of its body that it couldn't let its snake head break free from Li Zhenwu's hands!

However, the three-headed snake does not only have one head, so after struggling so much, the three-headed snake, which is not very intelligent, and the other snake head suddenly opened its bloody mouth and moved towards Li Zhenwu like lightning. Bitten over!

At this moment, Li Zhenwu seems to be ordinary, and there seems to be nothing extraordinary except floating in the air, but it is true that he has hidden his breath, so ordinary people can't feel it.

And the three-headed snake in front of him is not very intelligent, so he can't feel the powerful breath of Li Zhenwu in front of him, plus what it means for Li Zhenwu to hold it with one hand.

The monstrous and huge snake head was coming directly towards Li Zhenwu, and the mouth like a blood basin was already wide open.

Li Zhenwu was preparing to talk with Shiranui Xuanshui, he turned his head slightly, saw the action of the big snake, and said softly: "Trouble little snake."

Then, from the perspective of Shiranui Xuanshui, I saw Li Zhenwu's leg moving slightly when the snake head came to him.

I don't know the fire profound water, I just saw Li Zhenwu's legs move!It's just that he didn't even blink an eye, and he didn't even know that Huo Xuanshui would wonder if he was wrong. Li Zhenwu's legs actually didn't move.

Then, the head of the three-headed serpent suddenly burst open!

"Bang!" The head of the three-headed snake has turned into a blood mist!

Even a large part of the neck under the snake's head exploded into blood and flesh and fell from the air.

The ninjas were stunned. Almost no one of them could see Li Zhenwu's movements clearly, but the injury of the three-headed serpent made them clearly know that the man who just held the serpent with one hand just shot!

"This person seems to be..." After being stunned, there was a slightly older ninja in Konoha's ninja pile, and he murmured hesitantly to guess: "That lord!"

And after kicking one of the snake's head out, Li Zhenwu moved again when the snake turned around in pain.

He raised his hand on the snake's head, and patted it lightly!

Then, everyone could see that the snake head he photographed had fallen to the ground in a soft house.

"Bang!" At this moment, there was no divine light in the pair of vertical pupils on the snake's head.

And Li Zhenwu still didn't stop, but dodged to the last snake's head, which was screaming in pain, and raised his foot again!


It looks like fireworks made of flesh and blood bloom!

The huge three-headed snake suddenly lost all its strength at this moment, and the entire body, which was hundreds of meters long, fell to the ground weakly, and turned into a dead snake!

Having done all this, Li Zhenwu has returned to Shiranui Xuanshui's side in an instant. Just now, Shiranui Xuanshui was still suspended in the air because Li Zhenwu held him with 'qi'.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu took out a fairy bean, handed it to him, and said, "Eat it."

Shiranui Xuanshui just came back to his senses from the fact that Li Zhenwujian killed so many ninja helpless three-headed snakes with a simple punch, palm and kick.

Facing the 'Unknown Bean' that Li Zhenwu handed over, Shiranui Xuanshui did not hesitate at all, took it in his hand, and filled it into his mouth...

For Li Zhenwu, he was as trusting and convincing as when he was still a teammate back then, without the slightest doubt.

Immortal bean was swallowed by him, and at this moment, he suddenly realized that he was full of energy, unprecedentedly good, and his experience was extremely abundant.

"What's the matter?" Shiranui Xuanshui was stunned, "What did I eat?"

In the ninja life of Shiranui Xuanshui, I have heard of all kinds of secret medicines, but it is unheard of, such as fairy beans, which are so effective when they are just swallowed!

And as far as she knows, some secret medicines that are not passed down by some families in the ninja world are often powerful, but also have unimaginable side effects.

"This is the fairy bean. According to legend, the magical bean planted by the fairy himself, as long as one, if a person still breathes a breath, he will be able to recover, and there will be no side effects."

Li Zhenwu simply explained that among the Dragon Balls, fairy beans are indeed the plants grown by cat fairy, so Li Zhenwu's words are not wrong.

However, in the concept of Shiranui Xuanshui, when he heard the word 'immortal', he just thought of the legendary 'six path immortal'!

Li Zhenwu didn't care about the inner thoughts of Shiranui Xuanshui, he patted Shiranui Xuanshui's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Since you have recovered, then 3.9 doesn't have to stay in the air anymore, wait until this matter is resolved. We'll talk later."

After speaking, Li Zhenwu withdrew the 'qi' that was dragging Shiranui Xuanshui.

Shiranui Xuanshui suddenly fell, but he was not in a hurry, because the position he was in just now was only more than ten meters. For a Chunin, this distance is nothing.

Therefore, Shiranui Xuanshui landed smoothly.

After landing, Shiranui Xuanshui immediately raised his head, wanting to see what Li Zhenwu was going to do!

At this time, other Konoha ninjas rushed to the side of Shiranui Xuanshui, and asked a little excitedly: "Is this the adult?"

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Chapter [-] The Monster Returns! (Second more)

Shiranui Xuanshui had just fallen to the ground, and Konoha Ninja came to him in an instant, and asked with some excitement in his voice: "Is this the adult?"

Although others didn't name them clearly, they just used 'that lord' instead, but Shiranui Xuanshui knew right away that the other party was actually referring to Li Zhenwu.

The reason why no one called Li Zhenwu by name was mainly because when Li Zhenwu made trouble with Konoha back then, the movement was so loud that several elders of Konoha were frightened by the ban.

Therefore, the people of Konoha gradually stopped mentioning Li Zhenwu, or even mentioned, they would not mention Li Zhenwu's name, but because of Li Zhenwu's contribution to Konoha, he was called 'that adult' '!

Shiranui Xuanshui looked at the person who was questioning, and found that the other person was a little older than he should have beaten him a little, and he was also suddenly in his heart.

Many young ninjas now don't know Li Zhenwu's name, but most of the ninjas who became ninjas before Nayun 21 almost fought Konoha knew about Li Zhenwu's reputation.

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