So at this moment, there are ninjas who are excited to ask questions, but there are also young ninjas who are blank and don't know what 'that adult' refers to.

"That's right, it's Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu, the disciple of the third Hokage, he's back!" In Shiranui Xuanshui's tone, there was some sigh, some confidence, some pride, and pride.

Some Konoha ninjas were very excited when they heard that Shiranui Xuanshui confirmed in person.

And some young ninjas couldn't help but ask, "Is 'that lord' a ninja from Konoha?"

"Of course, the lord just now is the most outstanding disciple of the three generations of Hokage!"

While they were talking, Li Zhenwu, who was above the sky, also moved.

None of the ninjas on Konoha's side could see Li Zhenwu's figure clearly.

On Sand Ren's side, the same is true, no one can see Li Zhenwu's figure.

However, Konoha's ninjas could see that the hundreds of sand ninjas who had stopped, suddenly one by one, flew out of thin air, or suddenly fell to the ground, but the afterimages that could be captured occasionally showed that this It was Li Zhenwu who used extremely fast speed to hit the sand ninjas one by one!

"Good, good, amazing!"

Some Konoha ninjas were stunned and watched without moving, because at this moment, they didn't need any action.

Hundreds of sand ninjas, in the blink of an eye, have already smashed most of the streets!

"Master Zhenwu's strength is terrifying."

A Konoha ninja murmured that he knew Li Zhenwu, but seeing Li Zhenwu's performance at the moment, he still couldn't believe it, because it was too terrifying.

"Even if Lord Hokage himself is here, can he do this?" Even Konoha Ninja couldn't help but doubt.

Another Konoha ninja couldn't help but said: "Lord Zhenwu was almost unmatched in physical skills back then. After so many years, Lord Zhenwu's physical skills are even more terrifying!"

"It's amazing, even a single ninjutsu is useless, just taijutsu can do it!" There are also young Konoha ninjas, with a look of admiration in their eyes.

"Zhenwu has become even more powerful in the past few years!" Shiranui Xuanshui stared blankly, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

When he was in the village before, Li Zhenwu's age and strength were already called a 'monster', but after so many years, his return is even more shocking!

In the blink of an eye, or not more than a few dozen breaths, almost all of the hundreds of sand ninjas who were strong had already rushed to the street. Li Zhenwu also stopped and looked at the Chunin exam thoughtfully. direction.

Then he flew in front of Shiranui Xuanshui, and said softly, "I'll go to Mr. Sarubi first to have a look, and I'll leave the rest of the cleaning up here to you."

"No problem, don't worry!" Shiranui Xuanjian responded with a loud assurance. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the stage when they left the village after the initial stoicism. In battles, Li Zhenwu always took the lead, often leaving it to him and him. Inuzuka flowers are all insignificant little shrimps!

But this feeling is very reassuring!

Shiranui Xuanshui just flashed this thought in his heart, and found that Li Zhenwu had already nodded, and then the whole person flew into the sky.

Shiranui Xuanshui turned around excitedly, and was full of enthusiasm for a kind of Konoha ninja. He waved his hand: "Zhenwu has eliminated most of the sand ninjas, let's go and deal with the remaining sand ninjas!"

And it was not long after Li Zhenwu left, when they were still besieging the few remaining Sand Ninjas with insufficient strength, they rushed all the way, and Ibiki Mori, who brought many of his subordinates to support, also arrived!

But he looked at the chaos in front of him. There was only one giant dead snake lying softly on the ground, and the sand ninja fluttering all over the street, and the Konoha guards who were almost uninjured. Clear the situation.

"What's going on? How come the serpent has been killed?"

Ibei Mori was surprised, 597 he looked at the power of the Konoha ninja present, thinking that it should not be enough to cause the current scene!

"Lord Ibizi, 'that sire' is back!" A young man who had completely admired Li Zhenwu, couldn't help but excitedly said to Sennei Ibi.

"'That lord'?" Ibiki Mori was stunned at first, but didn't react.

"It's Lord Zhenwu, the Lord Zhenwu known as the 'Knoba Monster' is back!" An older ninja added.

"Li Zhenwu is back?!" Ibizi's pupils shrank, looking at the scene in front of her, she was no longer surprised, but murmured as a matter of course: "No wonder, so many sand ninjas and this big snake have been wiped out. , it seems that his strength is even stronger!"

Konoha, the chunin exam venue.

Following Orochimaru's actions, in the audience, suddenly many people took off their outer clothes and stood up abruptly.

And on their bodies, it is a sign of sound forbearance.

At the same time, Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmarou, who had closed their eyes in the auditorium and seemed to fall asleep, suddenly opened their eyes!

Chapter [-] Kakashi's Sudden! (third more)

In the auditorium of the original Chunin examination room, many Yinin suddenly jumped up, ripped off his disguise and returned to his original appearance.

Kakashi Hatake and Gaara, the two Konoha Junin, couldn't help but have a headache when they saw this scene.

However, as Jōnin with countless mission experience, they did not panic, but instead continued to deal with the sudden appearance of these Ninjas.

In addition, Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmarou from Tino Ninja Village who had closed their eyes and seemed to have fallen into illusions in the auditorium also suddenly opened their eyes.

They stood up on this occasion.

Bai even said calmly: "What Lord Zhenwu said really happened, follow the plan and try to help Konoha!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them had suddenly dispersed. In every corner of the auditorium, they helped Jagged Kai and Hatake Kakashi to deal with these sound ninjas!

"Eh? They are... a few children of the body ninja village." Hatake Kakashi noticed this scene, and found that the three of them were helping Konoha.

And at this moment, Bai laughed and said to Hatake Kakashi: "At the order of our Master Zhenwu of Body Ninja Village! We will help Konoha to tide over this difficulty!"

"Lord Zhenwu?" Hatake Kakashi was the first to hear the name of the three from Bai and the others.

And it was this name that directly reminded Kakashi of Li Zhenwu, the Konoha monster who once exchanged afterimage fists with Chidori!

At this time, Kakashi also practiced the previous things together, especially the afterimage boxing that the trio of the body ninja village will have, and the shadow of Konoha style in the body art that he is good at.

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