"Your teacher, is it Li Zhenwu?" Kakashi asked the question that he cared most about.

Bai and the other three looked at each other, then nodded: "It should be Lord Zhenwu, his name in Konoha should be Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu who is called Konoha monster!"

After these days of sporadic information, Baihe Lanmaru and Junmalu can already confirm that their Lord Zhenwu is indeed Li Zhenwu, the former Konoha monster of Konoha!

That is Konoha's other genin, Li Locke's cousin!It is Konoha's three generations of Hokage, the most outstanding disciple!

These identities of Li Zhenwu make them proud, but in their hearts, Li Zhenwu is still the Lord Zhenwu of their body ninja village!

"So it is." Kakashi murmured, connecting everything together, and suddenly realized: "Master Zhenwu of Body Ninja Village is Li Zhenwu, and there is no news of Konoha these years. Li Zhenwu is the incarnation of Li Zhenwu. Are you a ninja in the ninja village?"

Kakashi thought so, but what he didn't know was that the ninja village was actually a ninja village created by Li Zhenwu.

"It turns out that this is the case. If this is the case, I can understand it." Kakashi said, he can now understand and accept the actions of the trio of Body Ninja Village at the moment, and why they helped Konoha.

Unlike Orochimaru, Li Zhenwu is not considered a traitor to Konoha, and even now many people regard Li Zhenwu as Konoha's hero, the most outstanding disciple of the three generations of Hokage.

"Then I'll trouble you." Kakashi nodded and said, seeing the movements of the trio of body ninja village, and found that the strength of the three of them is not weaker than the general chunin, even...

Kakashi didn't bother about the trio of Body Ninja Village anymore, but turned to Haruno Sakura behind him and said, "Sakura, now I have a task for you."

"First of all, go and wake up Naruto and Shikamaru."

While talking, Kakashi used a psychic technique to summon a ninja dog.

"Wait for the three of you, you will be with Parker, and Parker will follow and lead the way."

Haruno Sakura obediently went to wake up her teammate Naruto who was currently in the illusion, and then... the ninja dog Parker bit and woke up Shikamaru who was pretending to sleep because of the trouble and strength to unlock the illusion.

Then Kakashi said: "The content of your mission this time is to track down and do the best, merge with him and stop him, and find a safe place to stand by before the new verge is issued!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sakura had already pulled Naruto away from the hole opened by Jagged Kai behind him, and the ninja dog Parker also bit Naruto who was mumbling trouble and went out together.

"Let Junmarou and Ranmaru go with you."

Three people and one dog had just set off, and Bai had already dealt with a ninja, and then came to Kakashi's side, saying so.

"Although Naruto has infinite potential, the power of the Nine Tails is hidden in his body, but he cannot control it as he wishes, and Sakura and Nara Shikamaru together cannot face the power beyond them."

Bai said: "The Yin Ren here is no longer a concern, so let Ranmaru and Junmalu help them."

Kakashi hesitated, but he knew that each of the three people in the body ninja village was very strong, but... Kakashi was still a little worried about the situation here.

Seemingly seeing Kakashi's worry, Bai smiled and said again.

"What's going on here is nothing to worry about, whether it's the ninjas of Yinin Village or the Orochimaru who has three generations of Hokage."

"Why do you say that?" Kakashi couldn't understand why Bai was so confident, because of the current situation, their Konoha lost their advantage under this hasty attack.

"Let the two children of the body ninja village help Naruto." Jie Xuekai suddenly said to Kakashi, "The situation here, including Orochimaru, is really nothing to worry about."

"Huh?" Kakashi turned his head and looked at his partner Jie Xue Kai puzzled, wondering where his confidence came from.

Jie Xue Kai took a deep breath and said, "Because, Zhen Wu, is coming!"

Hearing this sentence, Kakashi's body shook, and his eyes were very complicated at this moment, some relaxed, some puzzled, some relieved.

He nodded, then nodded to Ranmaru and Junmalu: "Excuse me."

"Small meaning, Ranmaru, let's go." Junma Lu replied, then jumped away and chased Naruto.

It was at this moment that Kakashi felt relieved and looked up in the direction of Hokage, thinking to himself.

"Zhen Wu, when will you be here?"

Chapter [-] In the ninja school! (fourth more)

Konoha Ninja School, all the students were called into the class, but the teachers all gathered together and discussed something.

Konoha Maru was unusually quiet. He looked at the sun outside the window and the rainbow-like thing around the sun, and remembered what his grandfather, who was the third Hokage, once said to him.

"Although the rainbow on the sun is beautiful, it also symbolizes the unknown. In many cases, it represents the snake..."

Konoha Maru was a little uneasy and felt a little uneasy. He noticed everything abnormal today.

The black smoke from the direction of the chunin exam room, the noise from the east of Konoha, and the teachers rushed them from the playground and called them back to the class, and then hurriedly gathered together, obviously something was wrong. .

In the school's staff classroom, a roomful of Konoha teachers gathered together, with serious expressions on their faces, discussing issues.

"In my opinion, it's best to move the students to a safe place to take refuge now," a teacher suggested.

"And it can't cause panic among the students!" Another teacher added 487.

"Then, in the name of an emergency exercise, let's evacuate the students as soon as possible." Iruka stood up and said solemnly.

At the same time, his heart was full of worries about his students who had already graduated.

"I hope everything will be alright!" Iruka thought lightly.

At this moment, they already knew that Konoha was being attacked, so one by one, their hearts were very nervous, and while they had confidence in their own village, they couldn't help but feel uneasy.

The teachers rushed out of the staff room, preparing to evacuate the students in their own classes.

But they all arrived in the corridor just now and found that the teacher who had just continued to inquire about the news ran over, but there was no nervousness on his face, but... blushing because of excitement?

"Good, good, good news." The teacher was a little out of breath and panting, but his face turned red with excitement...

"Is there any news?" Iruka looked at this colleague with excitement, a little strange.

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