"Hey, I didn't expect that the stupid big man's martial arts progressed so fast that he could even tie with Ouyang Feng." Huang Rong was surprised.

At the bottom, Ouyang Feng and Guo Jing took a full blow, and the two retreated six or seven steps at the same time. Although Ouyang Feng was a lunatic, he saw that Guo Jing was able to draw with him, so he ran wildly again.

"Brother Guo, I didn't expect to see you for a while, and your skills have improved greatly." Li Zhenwu put his hands on Guo Jing's back after Ouyang Feng left to heal Guo Jing.

"Brother Li has passed the prize." Li Zhenwu's internal strength entered Guo Jing's body, and Guo Jing's injury was suppressed, and then he said.

As soon as Guo Jing recovered from his injury, he went straight to Yang Guo to investigate Yang Guo, and found that he was completely healed now, and immediately let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother Guo, what's your plan next?" Li Zhenwu pointed to Yang Guo and said to Guo Jing.

"Gu'er, I want to take it back. After all, he is Uncle Yang's only heir." Guo Jing replied.

"Where's that little girl?" Li Zhenwu pointed at Cheng Yingdao, who heard the voice of Ouyang Feng and Guo Jing fighting.

Yesterday, Wu Sanniang supported Wu Santong and followed Guo Jing. When Li Zhenwu and Guo Jing were drinking, Wu Santong woke up and attacked Wu Sanniang like crazy. Wu Sanniang was beaten to death by Wu Santong without any preparation. .

Wu Santong also ran away madly after Wu Sanniang's death. Guo Jing is indeed a hero. Seeing Wu Santong and Wu Sanniang like this, he directly accepted the two children of the Wu family as apprentices. After hearing about Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang also lost both parents and was homeless, so they were also taken in.

Li Zhenwu thought that Cheng Ying should have been Huang Yaoshi's apprentice, so he asked.

"I want my father-in-law to accept her as a disciple, I wonder if Brother Guo is willing?" Li Zhenwu continued to ask when Guo Jing was still stunned.

"Husband, how do you help daddy get a little girl to be his apprentice?" Huang Rong asked.

"Rong'er, don't you think it's not a thing for father-in-law to retreat all day? Besides, I saw the face of this little girl just now, and I figured out that she should have a relationship with father-in-law, so I helped father-in-law accept an apprentice on his behalf." Li Zhenwu answered Huang Rongdao.

Huang Rong thought about the crazy retreat of Huang Yaoshi all these years, so she nodded and said to Guo Jing, "Brother Guo, may I not?"

"Master Huangdao?" Guo Jing asked in confusion at this time.

Ke Zhenye knocked the iron crutches directly on the ground and said, "This little girl can't take Huang Laoxie as her teacher and be an outlaw like him. Can you teach this little girl well? Jinger, I absolutely disagree."

"call out"

A stone directly knocked Ke Zhen'e's iron crutches into the air. At this time, Li Zhenwu said coldly, "Small punishment and big commandment, Ke Zhen'e, my father-in-law will not tolerate your insults."

After Ke Zhen'e said these words, Mu Nianci cried out in his heart, it was broken, and as expected, seeing Li Zhenwu knocking Ke Zhen'e's iron crutches out, he immediately appeased Ke Zhen'e and Guo Jing, Li Zhenwu said, "Brother Li, ask this little girl, if she wants to, let her worship at the door of the Yellow Island Lord."

Ke Zhen'e threw his iron crutches out of Li Zhenwu, and immediately put his hand into his arms, ready to take out a dart, but was stopped by Mu Nianci. After saying this, he gave Guo Jing a wink and motioned Guo Jing to block Ke Suppress evil.

Just now Guo Jing saw that Li Zhenwu just beat Ke Zhen'e's iron crutches away. He knew that Li Zhenwu had kept his hand, but he had respected his teachers since he was a child, so he was going to find Li Zhenwu's theory, but was stopped by Mu Nianci. When Mu Nianci gave him a wink, he quickly appeased Ke Zhen'e.

"Little girl, do you want to?" Li Zhenwu walked in front of Cheng Ying and said amiably.

"Can I bring my cousin?" Although Cheng Ying was young at this time, she saw Li Zhenwu and the others blocking Li Mochou easily yesterday, and now that Mrs. Guo also retreated from Li Zhenwu and the others, remembering what Li Zhenwu just said, So asked.

Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, "No, it can only be you, and only you and my father-in-law have a relationship. Your cousin's fate is not with me."

Huang Rong said those words at Ke Zhen'e, so she wanted to teach him a good lesson. Seeing that Li Zhenwu had taken action before her, she was also grateful for the help Guo Jing gave her when she was looking for Li Zhenwu, so she didn't take action.

Thinking of what Ke Zhen'e had just said, Huang Rong felt a little revengeful and said to Cheng Ying, "Little girl, if you take my father as your teacher, I guarantee that within a few years, your martial arts will be similar to Li Mochou's. If there is Senior Sister, I will also point you to it!"

"I... I will." Cheng Ying looked at Lu Wushuang, then remembered her blood feud, and said to Huang Rong with difficulty.

"Rong'er, you are very treacherous, you have even used the soul-moving technique." Li Zhenwu sent Huang Rong a voice transmission.

"Humph! If it wasn't for the sake of the stupid big guy who helped me back then, I would definitely teach Blind Ke a good lesson. Having said that, I also like this little girl, and I must take her to Peach Blossom Island. "Huang Rong also said through voice transmission.

Li Zhenwu felt a little sad at this time, he knew that Huang Rong always wanted a child, but since Li Zhenwu turned from Jiuyin to Taiji, the boy's body couldn't be broken, because if he had sex with Huang Rong, the yin and yang qi in his body would immediately be destroyed. Unbalanced, so when Li Zhenwu was on Peach Blossom Island, he just took advantage of Huang Rong with his hands and mouth, but there was nothing real.

"Rong'er, I'm sorry." Li Zhenwu apologized.

"Since you're sorry for me, then hurry up and cultivate to the top, Rong'er, I really want to have a child!" Huang Rong's voice transmission was a little naughty at first, but after that, there was some hope and loss.

Li Zhenwu held Huang Rong's hand tightly at this moment, did not speak, just stared at Huang Rong.

"Cousin, I don't want to leave you." At this time, little loli Lu Wushuang said with a bit of tears when she heard Cheng Ying's choice.

Chapter 6

"Big brother, big sister, can't you really bring your cousin with you?" Cheng Ying asked immediately when she saw her cousin like this.

"Sister Huang, why don't you accept this little girl as your apprentice!" Mu Nianci said at this time.The biggest difference between Mu Nianci and Huang Rong is that Mu Nianci will help those who have nothing to do with him if they need help.

Although Mu Nianci didn't know where Li Zhenwu took a fancy to Cheng Ying, he immediately said to Huang Rong when he saw Lu Wushuang's reluctant eyes.

Huang Rong didn't answer, but looked at Li Zhenwu. Since Li Zhenwu didn't let her kill Yang Guo, Huang Rong knew that Li Zhenwu came out this time with a purpose. Look at Li Zhenwu.

At this time, Cheng Ying, Lu Wushuang, and Mu Nianci's eyes also focused on Li Zhenwu. In fact, Li Zhenwu did not accept Lu Wushuang because he thought of Lu Wushuang's character in the original book. He was afraid that after accepting Lu Wushuang, the plot would be disrupted. , then Li Zhenwu will not be able to obtain good luck.

But when Li Zhenwu saw Huang Rong, he seemed to like children very much, so he nodded to Huang Rong, and then sent a voice to Huang Rong, "Rong'er, you can accept this little girl, but you can't avenge her, and she left the island, I also have to have my permission."

"Husband, you are... okay." Huang Rong wanted to ask why, but seeing Li Zhenwu's serious expression, she immediately agreed.

"Great." Lu Wushuang saw Li Zhenwu nodded in agreement, and immediately hugged Cheng Yingdao.

"Congratulations to Sister Huang's good apprentice." Mu Nianci immediately congratulated.

"I think this kid is pretty good too. His future achievements are no worse than Brother Guo." Li Zhenwu tested Mu Nianci.

Because of Li Zhenwu's words, Mu Nianci's face became ugly, and he agreed casually. At this time, Guo Jing walked over by himself and said to Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong with an ugly expression, "Brother Li, we are going back to Xiangyang. , there will be a period later.”

Although Guo Jing persuaded Ke Zhen'e, but Ke Zhen'e didn't want to meet with Li Zhenwu and the others again, so he was alone there, and urged Guo Jing to return to Xiangyang as soon as possible, which is why Guo Jing's words just now.

"Brother Li, Sister Huang, why don't you go to Xiangyang for a few days with us. Nianci hasn't seen Sister Huang for a long time." Mu Nianci immediately remedied after hearing Guo Jing's words.

"But Brother Guo doesn't seem to want it!" Li Zhenwu knew that this must be Ke Zhen'e's idea, so he teased.

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