"I...this...that..." Guo Jing looked at his master on one side and Li Zhenwu and the others on the other.

"Okay, let's stop teasing Brother Guo. Rong'er and I are going to bring these two little girls back to Peach Blossom Island. We will visit when we have time in the future. I just hope Brother Guo will not be like this today." Li Zhenwu saw Guo Jing said this immediately.

"Brother Li, Mrs. Li, there will be a future." Guo Jing clasped his fists.

"There will be a period later."

When Li Zhenwu, Huang Rong and two little loli got on the boat, Li Zhenwu remembered Mu Nianci's face just now, and knew that Yang Guo would be sent to Zhongnan Mountain just like the original book, so Li Zhenwu told Huang Rong , "Rong'er, you take them to Peach Blossom Island first, I have to go out."

"Husband, where are you going, and how long are you going?" Huang Rong asked nervously, after all, Li Zhenwu had a criminal record for disappearance.

"Rong'er, it won't be long, not long after, even if I can't come back for a while, I will send you a letter every few days. Don't worry, it will never disappear." Li Zhenwu immediately understood what Huang Rong was doing. Thinking of it, he immediately comforted him.

"That's good, I'll let someone turn the helm!" Although Huang Rong was still a little strange about Li Zhenwu's behavior, she didn't ask any more when she thought of Li Zhenwu's rejuvenation.

In fact, since this trip, Huang Rong has had a lot of questions, why Li Zhenwu can find Yang Kang's son at once, why did he accept an apprentice for his father, and why did he leave now, but she is a smart woman after all, knowing that Li Zhenwu does not Telling her naturally there is a reason not to tell her, so she has not asked, she is waiting for Li Zhenwu to speak.

"No need, this distance from Rong'er is nothing to your husband, remember to take care of yourself." At this time, the boat had only left the shore for two or three miles, and Li Zhenwu stepped on the water and said to Huang Rong.

"Husband, you have to take good care of yourself." Huang Rong heard from Li Zhenwu's words that he might not be back in a short time. Thinking of his promise just now, she knew that Li Zhenwu would not disappear, so she also shouted.

"Rong'er, I understand." At the time of these words, Li Zhenwu was only halfway away from the shore.


Zhongnan Mountain, also known as Zhongnan Mountain, was named Taiyi Mountain, Difei Mountain and Zhounan Mountain in ancient times.On Zhongnan Mountain, there have always been two groups of people, the Quanzhen Sect and the Ancient Tomb Sect.

Quanzhen Sect was created by Wang Chongyang in the past. When Wang Chongyang was discussing the sword in Mount Huashan, he overpowered the other four masters and won the title of No. [-] in the world. He also obtained the peerless secret book Jiuyin Zhenjing, and founded the teaching on Mount Zhongnan. , He has seven disciples in total, namely Ma Yu (Danyangzi), Qiu Chuji (Changchunzi), Tan Chuduan (Changzhenzi), Wang Chuyi (Yuyangzi), Hao Datong (Taiguzi), Liu Chuxuan (Changshengzi) ) and Ma Yu’s wife Sun Buer (Qingjing Sanren), after Wang Chongyang’s death, the Quanzhen seven sons widely spread the Quanzhen teachings in the north, making the Quanzhen religion the largest religion in the world in just over ten years…

The ancient tomb sect was created by a generation of strange women, Lin Chaoying. Her cultivation is so high that she is only the first of the five best in the world. Wang Chongyang can match her. She has been living in seclusion in ancient tombs. The grievances and grievances of old age and death do not communicate with each other. Although they are neighbors, they are not friendly.

Since Li Zhenwu got off the boat, he changed horses along the way without changing people, and rushed to Zhongnan Mountain. On the way, Li Zhenwu didn't hear the news of Xiaolongnv recruiting relatives. He knew that Li Mochou had not spread the news, so he dived to the back mountain. Waiting there for the plot to start.

Li Zhenwu came here in such a hurry, there are two purposes, the first is the little dragon girl, and the second is Li Zhenwu's biggest resentment, which can also be said to be the biggest resentment of the Chinese - Yin Zhiping.

Li Zhenwu waited in the back mountain for more than ten days, and neither Xiaolongnv nor Yin Zhiping met, but when he got the news that Huoduo was coming, Li Zhenwu immediately tidied up. In preparation, he tidied up his appearance , Hiding on the only way to the ancient tomb, waiting to be a hero, a hero who saves beauty.

After waiting for a long time, a bell rang suddenly, and it was coming from the Chongyang Palace. The bell sounded very urgent, and it seemed to be the sound of an alarm. Li Zhenwu looked up and saw that on the Chongyang Palace, the sky was full of fire. It seemed that there was an enemy attacking the Taoist temple. He was far away in the back mountain, and he heard a commotion and the interweaving of weapons.

When Li Zhenwu heard the source of the sound, he ran all the way to 1.6. He heard the sound of 'ping pong' in his ears. He spread out his footwork and rushed forward. In a moment, he walked several dozen feet. In less than a cup of tea, he came to Chongyang. In front of the palace, I saw flames spewing, thick smoke filled the air, and the fire was very fierce, but none of the Taoists in the view came to put out the fire.

Li Zhenwu jumped over the fence with his feet and saw dozens of houses scattered in the mountains. Although the fire in the backyard was big, it had not yet spread to the main courtyard. There was a loud noise, and the square in the courtyard was crowded with people, who were fighting with themselves. Forty-nine Taoists in yellow robes formed a large formation and fought against hundreds of enemies. These people were tall and short. Some of them use weapons, some use their flesh, and their martial arts skills are not bad. In addition to the large number of them, the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect have fallen behind. .If it weren't for the Tiangang Beidou Formation, the defense was tight and they would have been defeated long ago.

Chapter 7 Little Dragon Girl

The most striking thing on the square is the two of them, one wearing a red robe and a golden crown, described as a thin middle-aged Tibetan monk, the other wearing a yellow and light-colored brocade robe, his weapon is a folding fan, Your son is dressed up, in his thirties, with a proud look on his face. In front of the two, each is fighting with two Taoist priests. Holding a long sword, he was fighting with the noble son. Another Taoist priest with long beard and lacquer was in high spirits. Holding a long sword in his hand, he was fighting fiercely with the middle-aged Tibetan monk. The four people were obviously not simple. At this point, I probably understood who it was. The two Taoists should be two of the seven sons of Quanzhen. As for the Tibetan monk and the noble son, they were Huodu and Darba.

Li Zhenwu didn't go up to help, he was not familiar with Quanzhen Sect at all, and if he blocked Huo Du here, how would he know Xiaolongnu, so Li Zhenwu just watched from the wall.

14 Suddenly, the battle situation in the square has undergone a major change. I don’t know what method Huo Dushi used to defeat his opponent. I saw him slapped on the chest of the Taoist priest, and then the Taoist priest with purple face, his body was like The broken kite fell on the field, and another Taoist priest next to him heard that his companion was knocked flying, and he was anxious and did not care about other things. He lifted the injured Taoist priest and quickly retreated.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu knew that Huo Du would go to the ancient tomb of Houshan soon, so instead of staying, he went directly to the ancient tomb and waited.

There was a burst of hurried footsteps, and I saw Prince Huodu standing side by side with Darba, followed by a lot of miscellaneous soldiers. Seeing Li Zhenwu blocking the road, Huo Du immediately opened his mouth and said, "Where is the boy, give it to the uncle quickly. Get out of the way."

The trashy fish in the back were also shouting, all kinds of foul language insulting Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, and suddenly let out a long whistle, which was exactly the ghost cry of the Nine Yin Mantra. The first long whistling was not finished, and the second long whistling was sent out. The army was full of horses, galloping away, and after hearing Li Zhenwu's whistle, the fish who were still clamoring just now covered their ears and rolled on the ground.

There are two reasons for Li Zhenwu to use the sound wave technique. The first is to see the little dragon girl who didn't come out at this time. He used a whistle to remind the little dragon girl that he should come out. Foul language, Li Zhenwu only attacked in a large area.

"Pfft, in the lower Mongolian prince Huo Du, dare to ask the son Gao's name?" This whistle made Huo Du realize the horror of Li Zhenwu, so he quickly exposed his family.

"Prince of Mongolia is not scared yet. If you come under the tutelage of King Jinlun, there may be some interesting things to see. As for you..." Li Zhenwu shook his head.

At this time, a beautiful woman dressed in white, cold as frost, and like a fairy, appeared behind Li Zhenwu and said in an icy tone, "This is my ancient tomb, leave quickly."

"Dragon girl, the little prince of Mongolia, Huo Du, came here to propose marriage to the girl." Huo Du heard Li Zhenwu's ridicule, and he got angry. He was about to attack Li Zhenwu and let Li Zhenwu know how powerful he was. At this time, the little dragon girl When he came out, Huo Du was immediately attracted by Xiaolongnu and spoke directly.

"Dragon girl." Li Zhenwu just greeted lightly, because Li Zhenwu knew that the little dragon girl at this time had no lust in her heart because she practiced the ancient tomb mental method, so Li Zhenwu just said lightly.

Originally, Li Zhenwu and Huo were just facing each other, and they just wanted to get to know Xiaolongnv. After they met, they tricked Xiaolongnv to practice the Jiuyin Mantra and changed Xiaolongnv's character.

"Leave quickly." Xiaolongnu continued to speak as if she didn't hear it.

At this time, Li Zhenwu's momentum soared, and the persecuted Huo Du was a little unsteady, but Huo Du, who was in the lead, still stood up and continued, "Miss Long, if you are willing to marry Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang will definitely meet her. Miss Long is wholehearted."

Li Zhenwu saw that Huo Du was so blind, and immediately slapped Huo Du with a palm. Huo Du saw that Li Zhenwu's palm was huge and powerful, so he quickly used his strength to close the fan, and a layer of purple 537 Qi appeared on his face. He shouted in Mongolian, "Senior brother, help me!" Darba, who was behind him, listened to his brother's plea for help, without thinking too much, and slammed the golden pestle out of his hand, hitting Li Zhenwu's palm vigorously.



It's just that the strength of Dalba and Li Zhenwu is too different. The force of this palm is so fast that Dalba was knocked out first, and then his knees softened. He couldn't support it almost at the same time, and he fell to the ground.But the power of the palm did not disappear, and went directly to Huo Du. Like Dalba, Huo Du was blasted out by Li Zhenwu. At this time, Dalba and Huo on the ground only felt that their backs were about to break. The knuckles of the whole body began to rattle.

"Go away." Li Zhenwu said to them, seeing that there was still their role in the back.

Huo Du got up with difficulty, supported each other with Dalba, and left here, but after walking more than ten feet away, Huo Du gave Li Zhenwu a vicious look, and then left.

Chapter 8 Enter the tomb!

Xiao Longnv was also startled by Li Zhenwu's palm, and her expressionless face showed a hint of surprise, and said to Li Zhenwu, "You're not leaving yet."

"Miss Long, I admire Senior Lin Chaoying. I don't know if I can go in and pay my respects." Li Zhenwu watched Xiao Longnu drive him away, so he opened his mouth and said. To Huo Du's eyes, otherwise Li Zhenwu would definitely reward Huo Du with a pebble, a pebble sent out by his magical powers.

"No, men are not allowed to enter the ancient tomb." Xiao Longnv still refused Li Zhenwu with her icy tone.

"I'll just pay my respects, and I'll go out in a while, okay?" Li Zhenwu continued.

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