"No." Xiaolongnu insisted.

"Miss Long, Miss Long." At this time, an old woman ran over from behind Xiao Longnv and called.

"This mother-in-law is good." Li Zhenwu knew that this was Grandma Sun, and it was up to Grandma Sun to have a good relationship with Xiaolongnv, so he said hello.

"Who is this son?" Grandma Sun asked, looking at Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu replied, "Mother-in-law, my name is Li Zhenwu."

"Sword Emperor?" Grandma Sun said in shock.

"Mother-in-law, do you think my age looks like?" Li Zhenwu then remembered that Rong'er had said that when Huashan was discussing the sword, he alone defeated Huang Yaoshi and others, and was called the Sword Emperor, so he asked Sun Granny said.

"It doesn't look like it, but Mr. Li, what's the matter with you coming to the ancient tomb?" Grandma Sun asked Li Zhenwu carefully for a while.

"Mother-in-law, I admire Lin Chaoying's heroine, and I want to go in and pay my respects. Also, I got the news that the Chi Lian fairy Li Mochou is going to come, so I came here to pay homage to my predecessors and to report the letter." Li Zhenwu knew Grandma Sun was most concerned about Xiaolongnu, so she released the news that Li Mochou was coming.

"Mochou is coming?" Grandma Sun's expression changed.

"Miss Long, since this young master wants to pay homage to the eldest young lady, why not let this young man come in and pay her respects?" Grandma Sun said to Xiao Longnu.

Li Zhenwu's words just now used the soul-moving method, of course, it was used by Xiaolongnu. Although Xiaolongnv's skill is not high now, but the ancient tomb's mental method shields the seven emotions and six desires, and has a sensitive sense of the essence and mystery method. If the woman found out, it would be a real loss of rice.

"Okay." Xiaolongnu looked at Li Zhenwu for a while, spit out the word, then turned around and went directly back to the ancient tomb.

After Li Zhenwu entered the ancient tomb, he found that it was worthy of being created by Wang Chongyang in the first place. There were countless various organs. If Li Zhenwu directly broke through, he might end up with half his life if he didn't die.

"Master, I don't know where you heard about Mochou... Li Mochou." Grandma Sun's expression kept changing along the way, and when she came to a corner, Grandma Sun asked.

"Long girl has so many people asking for marriage this time, it is Li Mochou's handwriting." Entering the ancient tomb, Xiao Longnv directly asked Grandma Sun to take Li Zhenwu to Lin Chaoying. He walked in front of Grandma Sun and continued walking.

"Mochou, are you alright?" Grandma Sun asked with her head lowered.

"Son, wait a minute, the old man will take you there. The ancient tomb is full of organs. If you are not careful, there will be countless dangers." Grandma Sun was stunned, and saw Li Zhenwu walking in front of her and said.

"Mother-in-law, please." Li Zhenwu stopped and said.

Suddenly, the sound of fighting came, Granny Sun stopped, and immediately ran to the source of the sound. Li Zhenwu also directly passed Granny Sun and went to the fighting place.

At this time, there were two figures intertwined in Xiaolongnv. One of them was a girl in a thin white cloth, and the other was holding a whisk and wearing apricot-yellow Taoist robes. This was the one who came after Li Zhenwu. Li Mochou.

Li Mochou asked, "Junior sister, I don't want to embarrass you either. As long as you hand over the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, I will leave the ancient tomb and never come back." Since she was forced away by Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong, her heart was filled with the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra. , She wanted to get it even more urgently. She entered the ancient tomb today because she wanted Xiaolongnu to hand over the secret book.

Xiao Longnv's expression was cold and indifferent. She was really cold as ice and snow. She only heard her indifferently say, "Senior sister, the master once said that the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl can't be handed over to you, so you should retreat!" Her voice was clear and bright, like hitting a jade. exhausted.

Hearing this, Li Mochou said warmly, "Senior sister, I was bullied outside, you disregard the friendship of the same sect and let me practice martial arts to get revenge." Although her martial arts are higher than Xiaolongnv, in the ancient tomb, I don't know the difference. The secret way, every time she came over, she was forced to retreat. It would be better if she could use words to get the junior sister to hand over the Heart Sutra.

After Xiao Longnv heard it, she still looked indifferent and said softly, "You were expelled from the ancient tomb by the master long ago, and the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl cannot be handed over to you."

After listening to Li Mochou, he shouted, "Master is eccentric. All good things are left to you. Since you won't give them to me, I have to get them myself." As she spoke, her figure flickered, and she floated down to Xiaolongnu's side. , the whisk in his hand has been swung out.

When Xiao Longnv saw Li Mochou blowing the dust, she knew that she was not her opponent. The two of them fought against each other for a short time, and they started to lose. Her left hand was lightly raised, and a piece of white satin was suddenly thrown out, hitting the tip of her dust. On the handle, there was only a crisp sound of 'ding ding~~~', it turned out that there was a golden ball tied to the end of the satin, and then Xiao Longnu's body fluttered away, her eyes were clear and clear, and she said coldly, " Senior Sister, hurry up and retreat! You are not my opponent in the ancient tomb."

After hearing this, Li Mochou was secretly angry, because she didn't understand the mechanism in the tomb, and she often suffered losses in fierce fights here. Otherwise, with the martial arts of the younger sister, she would not be her opponent.

"Dragon girl." Li Zhenwu arrived at this time, and saw that Xiao Longnv had nothing to do, so he watched from the side.

"It's you?" Li Mochou heard a man's voice. He wanted to make fun of Xiaolongnu and disturb her mind, but after seeing Li Zhenwu's face, he was surprised.

"Meet again, Fairy Li." Li Zhenwu said with a smile.

Chapter 9 Li Mochou leaves!

"You...why are you here." Li Mochou pointed at Li Zhenwu and trembled.

Although Li Zhenwu didn't make a move that day, the power of Li Zhenwu shocked her so much that she didn't dare to take any action, so that day she didn't say anything or did anything and left in a daze.

"What Fairy Li said, can't you be here?" Li Zhenwu said with a faint smile.

The little dragon girl on the side was also a little surprised. I didn't expect that when this mysterious Young Master Li came, the senior sister seemed to be very afraid of him, standing there and didn't even dare to move.

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to... let a man in. It seems that the master is also a non-human person." Li Mochou originally wanted to talk about a wild man, but when he thought of Li Zhenwu, he immediately changed his words.

From the scene in front of him, Li Mochou knew that Li Zhenwu might have fallen in love with Xiaolongnv, so it was like Xiaolongnv was in trouble. Xiaolongnv was in a really good mood when she heard this sentence, and she didn't have any excuses, and her tone was still as cold. "He just came in to worship the ancestors and mother-in-law, and he will go out after the worship."

"He, pays homage to the patriarch and mother-in-law. You don't even look at how old he is. How can you know the patriarch's mother-in-law." Li Mochou laughed for a while, and mocked Xiaolongnu.

When Li Zhenwu heard this, he really wanted to shoot Li Mochou to death, but 530 finally held back and just gave a finger to enter the meridian from Li Mochou's Yuquan Point.

"Uh." Li Zhenwu's fingers entered Li Mochou's meridians, and Li Mochou felt severe pain in the meridians throughout his body. As the infuriating energy flowed to where it went, it was extremely painful, so Li Mochou couldn't hold back. called out.

"Sure enough, it seems that as long as you run on the junior sister today and drive him out, the Jade Girl Heart Sutra may not be available." Li Mochou saw that Li Zhenwu was only doing this, and he knew that Li Zhenwu cared about Xiaolongnu, so he thought to himself.

"Do you know the patriarch and mother-in-law?" Xiaolongnu turned to face Li Zhenwudao.

Li Zhenwu looked at Xiaolongnv and asked himself at this time, and sighed in his heart, Xiaolongnv was really like a blank sheet of paper. When confronting Li Mochou, he even asked these irrelevant things, but Li Zhenwu couldn't help answering this question. Otherwise, he really became someone with ulterior motives, so he said, "I know your grandfather and grandmother Lin Chaoying, of course."

Li Zhenwu told them about the entanglement between Lin Chaoying and Wang Chongyang, and then praised Lin Chaoying a few times, when Granny Sun came over.

"Mochou." Grandma Sun came in and heard that Li Zhenwu was talking about Lin Chaoying, so she hid aside and didn't disturb Li Zhenwu. After listening, she saw that the person was Li Mochou, so she felt longing and loving. called.

"Sun... Grandma Sun." Li Mochou also called out. Although Li Mochou was known as the Chi Lian Fairy, but seeing Grandma Sun who served him since childhood, he was a little afraid to face it, especially in this situation.

"Mochou, Mochou, you'd better go!" Grandma Sun said reluctantly after calling twice.

"Why don't I go, why can't I practice the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl, why should I go." Li Mochou suddenly said frantically.

"Senior sister, let's go!" Xiaolongnu also said at this time.

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