Huo Du continued to say aloud, "This is the next master, the Tibetan holy monk, everyone is honored as King Jinlun, and he is the first protector of the country appointed by the emperor of today's Great Mongolia." These words were very loud. , the heroes in the hall can hear clearly.

Everyone looked at each other in amazement and thought, "We are here to discuss defending against Mongolia's southern invasion, why is there a Mongolian protector of the country?"

When Li Zhenwu heard this, he knew that it was time to do it himself. After saying something to Huang Rong and Xiaolongnu, he used his true energy and laughed loudly, "Hahaha... What a Mongolian national teacher, what a golden wheel. Dharma King." The laughter secretly used a method similar to a lion's roar, aiming at Dharma King Jinlun, so shocked that Dharma King Jinlun had to use his true energy to cover his ears, and other people in the hall were also panicked by Li Zhenwu's hand. Tinnitus and dizziness.

"Where is the master?" King Jinlun said solemnly.

"Is it Brother Li?" Unlike Jinlun, Guo Jing said with some joy. Because Guo Jing couldn't see the level of Jinlun, he was still a little worried, so Li Zhenwu's appearance made him very happy.

Li Zhenwu stood up to take care of Guo Jing, and then looked at Huo Du, who was gnashing his teeth because he found him just now, with a half-smiling smile. Obviously, Huo Du hated him extremely, Li Zhenwu said with a smile, "I don't know that Prince Huo Du has recently How are you doing? The last time I left in a hurry and the reception was not good, I am really ashamed. Now that I see you again this time, although I am not the master here, I will definitely take good care of you. "

Chapter 26 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

Prince Huodu remembered the humiliation on Zhongnan Mountain last time, and said viciously, "Don't be complacent, Xiao Wang will definitely get it back." The most important thing is that he still doesn't know Li Zhenwu's identity. If he knows Li Zhenwu's identity Identity, it is estimated that I would not dare to talk like this.

Li Zhenwu sneered and said, "Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it. I'll wait."

King Jinlun said a few words in Mongolian to Huo Du, and saw Huo Du coldly snorted, ignored Li Zhenwu, folded the fan, opened it, and said in a loud voice, "Our master and apprentice didn't answer today. The hero post, but came to the hero banquet, and was an uninvited guest, but I thought of meeting the sages, but I couldn't care so much. The grand meeting is rare, and the good times are no longer. See, you have to choose a leader of the alliance with outstanding martial arts, the leader of martial arts, who you think is the leader of the world's heroes, what do you think?"

A man with a big sword came out and said, "This is a good word. We have already elected Guo Daxia as the leader of the alliance. What advice do you have?"

Huo Duyi closed the fan in his hand and said, "This hero is right, but Xiao Wang has some humble opinions. Since this is the election of the leader of the martial arts alliance, then you must have outstanding martial arts, right?"

The man replied, "Not bad."

Li Zhenwu was speechless when he saw it, but he jumped directly into Huo Du's trap, and Li Zhenwu couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, Huo Du continued, "Okay, then I ask you all, why do you recommend Guo Daxia as the leader of the martial arts alliance? My master's martial arts are the best in the world, and his old man should not be the leader of the martial arts alliance. ?"

After listening to these words, everyone understood the purpose of these people. It was obvious that they knew that the Hero Conference would be unfavorable to Mongolia, so they came to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance. Although the hero of the Qing Dynasty would never listen to his orders, it also weakened the momentum of the Han people to resist Mongolia.

"It means that if this Broken Wheel Dharma King wants to be the leader of the martial arts alliance, he must first ask him to resign from the Mongolian national division, and then come again!" Li Zhenwu said when he saw that the people on the field did not respond.

After Huo Du listened, he gave a wink to a person in the crowd.

"Where did the junior come from, where do you have the right to speak?" I saw an old man with a long beard saying to Li Zhenwu.

"Hahaha, junior." After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, he took the eighteen palms to subdue the dragon and directly slapped the old man on the ground, and then said, "I didn't expect that there was a traitor."

"Traitor, no way." There was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

"Brother Li, he's a traitor?" Guo Jing saw that Li Zhenwu had attacked the old man, and was about to stop him, but Li Zhenwu attacked too quickly and didn't have time, and then he heard this sentence and asked immediately.

"Huo Du, I didn't expect you to put a traitor here, it's really good!" Li Zhenwu's eyes lit up, and he sneered at Huo Du.

"Humph! Sure enough, they are inferior people from the Central Plains, and they like to kill each other so much." Huo didn't answer Li Zhenwu's question, but instead attacked his morale.

"Rong'er, just sit there and watch." As soon as Huo Du said these words, Huang Rong was about to stand up to defend Li Zhenwu, and Li Zhenwu immediately sent a voice transmission after he swept it.

Although the people below were angry because of Huo Du's words, they also looked at Li Zhenwu with bad eyes.

"Who are you and why did you kill Senior Wu?" Suddenly a middle-aged man stood up and said.

"Oh, isn't this Quanzhen Sect? Tell him who I am?" Quanzhen Sect, because they are the largest sect in the world, are very proud and disdain to talk to the heroes below, so they just sit down There, looking at all this, they haven't spoken since Li Zhenwu came out, and now hearing Li Zhenwu's question, several young disciples stammered, "Jian... Sword Emperor, are you? Jian Huang."

"Sword Emperor!" The middle-aged man who questioned Li Zhenwu was surprised.

"Sword Emperor is so young."

"Since the Sword Emperor said it, it must not be wrong."


Because of Li Zhenwu's identity, Huo Du heard about Li Zhenwu's identity and was shocked. Thinking of Li Zhenwu's record, he hid behind King Jinlun Falun...

Dharma King Jinlun looked at Li Zhenwu with bright eyes. Although he was a monk, Jinlun regarded martial arts as more important than Buddhism, so he said, "Amitabha, I didn't expect the Sword Emperor to be in front of him, the old man is polite. ."

"Monk Jinlun, I know you won't quit if I don't beat you, so let's do it!" Li Zhenwu made a come-and-go movement with his hands.

"My master is here to challenge the leader of the martial arts alliance, and you are not the leader of the martial arts alliance. Why should my master fight with you?" Huo Du was afraid that Jinlun was not Li Zhenwu's opponent, and the plan would fail, so he said.

"Okay, it's not the leader of the alliance, right!" Li Zhenwu laughed, then turned to Guo Jing and said, "Brother Guo, don't mind giving me the position of leader first!"

"Brother Li, it's still me..." Before Guo Jing could finish speaking, Li Zhenwu interrupted, "That's it!"

"Golden Wheel, let's make a move! Let me also see the esoteric esoteric magic, how well you practice the Dragon Elephant Prajna." Li Zhenwu jumped onto the ring and said.

King Jinlun was shocked when he heard that Li Zhenwu knew about the martial arts he practiced, but when he saw that Li Zhenwu went up to 3.6 empty-handed, he thought that Li Zhenwu looked down on him, so he jumped up and said in a bad tone, "The old man will let the donor know. arrived."

At this time, Falun Dafa King Jinlun tried his best to stimulate the Dragon Elephant Prajna, and he had already practiced the Dragon Elephant Prajna on the ninth level. The power, combined with the power of the dragon and elephant, is quite powerful, and it is not much worse than the eighteen palms of Hong Qigong.

Guo Jing, who was at the bottom, saw that the great monk was fierce, and hurriedly threw a sword on it and said to Li Zhenwu, "Brother Li, take the sword."

"A mere savage monk, I don't need my sword." Li Zhenwu flicked the sword and flicked it in front of Guo Jing, disdainfully.

Chapter 27 Heroes Conference ([-])

Hearing that Li Zhenwu looked down on himself so much, Falun Dafa King Jinlun said angrily, "Okay, then I will learn the sword emperor's great tricks." When he thought about it, he just didn't go to Mount Huashan when he was talking about swords, otherwise he would have made his mark. Zhenwu is only a young man now, so he thinks that even if Li Zhenwu is strong, how strong can he be?

Li Zhenwu disapproved of Jinlun's anger and said with a smile, "Okay, then Master Jinlun, you should take a good look." After speaking, he disappeared in place.

When King Jinlun saw this scene, he smiled and said, "Do you think you can beat my Jinlun with speed?" He shook his robe, and five metal flywheels appeared in the air, flying up and down, gold and silver respectively. , copper, iron, lead five flywheels, the five wheels are of different materials, different weights, and naturally different attack power. When flying up and down, it looks messy, but it is impossible to avoid.

Li Zhenwu suddenly appeared in front of the golden wheel again, but his face did not take 14's attention, and said, "Oh? Is that so?" At the moment of speaking, nine Li Zhenwu appeared around and spoke at the same time.He smiled and said, "King Jinlun, your five-wheel Dafa has only five wheels, and I am now nine people. I will see how you want to attack me."

The martial arts heroes below have never seen such a powerful martial arts, plus the nine Li Zhenwu who appeared in an instant, all exclaimed.


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