King Jinlun snorted coldly, and the five wheels attacked Li Zhenwu in five directions at the same time. He also waved his palms and attacked the remaining Li Zhenwu. The five wheels passed through Li Zhenwu's body, but nothing was left. King Jinlun shouted, "It's all afterimages, um, it's you, let's see where you hide." Saying that, he attacked the remaining Li Zhenwu in front of him, as if he had won, and waited for the palm of his hand. When he passed through Li Zhenwu's body, he was really stunned, thinking to himself, how could it be, this is obviously the last of the nine afterimages of the enemy, why is this happening?

In fact, King Jinlun doesn't know that Li Zhenwu has now practiced the Spiral Nine Shadows in the Nine Yin Sutra to the highest level, so he can separate out more than nine afterimages. Now he can probably separate more than a dozen afterimages. , so King Jinlun's attack just now all hit Li Zhenwu's afterimage.

Guo Jing and other experts didn't see what was going on. They saw that Falun Dafa King Jinlun had scattered nine Li Zhenwu, but none of them seemed to be true.

Li Zhenwu suddenly stood not far behind Falun Dafa King Jinlun, and said, "Your attack is good, but unfortunately it's too slow. Okay, I'll have to have fun next." brain.

King Jinlun is also worthy of being the biggest boss of the divine eagle. Li Zhenwu's voice just fell, and a shield made of wheels appeared before the meeting. It appeared between him and Li Zhenwu. After Li Zhenwu saw it, he swayed and turned in front of him. With his fingers straight to his heart, Falun Dafa King Jinlun took out the iron wheel and attacked Li Zhenwu. He dismantled the five wheels in an instant, and flew up and down, back and forth, left and right, and defended in all directions.

Li Zhenwu crossed the gap that others looked down on at an extremely fast speed, and grabbed Jinlun's heart with one claw.


"Good kung fu, I didn't expect the sword emperor's kung fu to be so good, ahem." Jin Lun was repelled seven or eight steps by Li Zhenwu's claws, and after standing still, he wiped the blood on his mouth.

"Brother Li (Sword Emperor, Master Shi) be careful!" the people below suddenly shouted.

"Husband won't be hurt by this kind of sneak attack?" Huang Rong whispered.

Three straight silver needles attacked Li Zhenwu. It turned out that Huo Du saw that Li Zhenwu was so powerful, so he ejected the hidden weapon inside the fan and attacked Li Zhenwu sneakily.

"Jumping the beam clown." Li Zhenwu grabbed his right hand, and the three silver needles were sucked into Li Zhenwu's palm. Under the action of Li Zhenwu's internal force, the three silver needles floated three inches in Li Zhenwu's palm, and then glanced at Huo disdainfully. All at a glance.

"Master Jinlun, it seems that your apprentice doesn't think you can win!" Li Zhenwu teased at Jinlun.

"Huo Du, step back." Jin Lun was also a little embarrassed by Li Zhenwu's words, and said coldly to Huo Du beside him.

"Yes, master." Huo Du looked at his master who spoke coldly to him on the stage, and the heroes below looked at him with bad expressions, so he said in a dejected manner.

The heroes below saw that Li Zhenwu had been attacked, so they called to kill Huo Du, but Guo Jing stopped him. He thought that after all, they were guests from afar, so he just reprimanded Huo Du and said nothing. .

Suddenly, Dharma King Jinlun's face turned red, and then a golden light flashed on his body. His injuries seemed to have recovered a little, and his aura was much stronger than before. Then Jinlun put his hands together and said, "Let's learn from the Sword Emperor again. Great trick, please."

"I didn't expect that Tantric Buddhism also has a secret method of self-mutilation, but even so, you are not my opponent, the Great Monk Jinlun." Li Zhenwu gave Jinlun a surprised look.

Of course, King Jinlun knew the consequences of the secret technique he was using now. His skills were regressed and his tendons were damaged, but just now Li Zhenwu injured himself with just one move, so he had no choice but to work hard.

I originally thought that I had cultivated Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong 553 to the ninth level, enough to run amok in the world, but here I fell into the sand.

You must know that Dragon Elephant Prajna is the supreme Dharma-protecting magic of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. It is divided into thirteen layers. It has the power of ten dragons and ten elephants, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

The first level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu is very easy. Even people with extremely poor aptitude can practice it in one or two years. The second level is not too difficult to practice. It's a bit interesting, the third level takes seven or eight years, the fourth level takes more than ten years, and the fifth level takes more than thirty years, so few people practice, plus the dragon elephant prajna gong to the seventh When they reached the level, there was a big hurdle. If they couldn't get over it, they would die. Therefore, Dharma King Jinlun was the first person who had cultivated the Dragon-Elephant Prajnagong to such a degree in the hundreds of years since they entered the Great Snow Mountain.

King Jinlun is now on the ninth floor, so he belongs to the master of the innate realm. Now he has broken through the existing realm with the secret method, and he can be regarded as a strong man in the innate realm.

"Please." Jinlun continued, thinking in his heart, hoping to block it, otherwise this will really be the last battle of Lao Na.

Chapter 28 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

Li Zhenwu stood arrogantly, with a posture that didn't take Jinlun into his eyes, and said, "Monk Jinlun, come on, let me see how powerful you can be after self-mutilation."

Hearing Li Zhenwu's words, King Jinlun didn't hesitate anymore, because he had time for his secret method, so he said, "The old man will be offended." His heart of resistance, but now he hopes to defeat Li Zhenwu and save his life.

Li Zhenwu heard the words and said, "Okay, the great monk Jinlun, don't pretend to be polite all the time. If you want to do it, hurry up, or I will do it first."

As Li Zhenwu was talking, the golden wheel had disappeared in place. Although the Dragon Elephant Prajna is not good at speed, because the golden wheel is temporarily on the tenth floor, the speed of the golden wheel cannot be ignored. You can only see phantoms, and you can't see the shape of Jinlun very accurately.

When the Golden Wheel Dharma King rushed past Li Zhenwu around his body, the flywheel in his hand was in an attacking stance, and a golden wheel hit Li Zhenwu's waist, and the remaining four wheels blocked Li Zhenwu's retreat.

If someone else hit the golden wheel, they would either be cut in the waist or forcibly break through, but Li Zhenwu naturally didn't need to dodge.

Li Zhenwu is not the master who is beaten and does not fight back. In an instant, he approached King Jinlun and slapped the back of Jinlun with the palm of his right hand. Jinlun deserved to be self-mutilating. He immediately sensed the danger behind him, and controlled Li just now. The four wheels of Zhenwu's back road attacked behind him, then turned around and slapped him behind him.

Li Zhenwu flashed the wheel, and then the Jiuyin claws waved, creating countless afterimages. Facing Li Zhenwu's violent storm, Jinlun had no choice but to block it with his arms.

King Jinlun's first official attack failed, because Li Zhenwu's reaction speed was very fast, and Li Zhenwu's Jiuyin claws were extremely sharp. If King Jinlun continued to attack at close range, it would be very unfavorable to Li Zhenwu, and he could only quickly Away from Li Zhenwu, he pressed the golden wheel with his left hand and threw it at Li Zhenwu, and then flew back quickly.

Li Zhenwu just twisted his waist, and the golden wheel rubbed against Li Zhenwu's chest and flew over. After all, Li Zhenwu's skill was much higher than that of the golden wheel, and Li Zhenwu's martial arts were also higher than that of the golden wheel, so this wheel was given to Li Zhenwu. Zhenwu didn't deal any damage at all.

King Jinlun saw that Li Zhenwu had evaded his attack so easily, and the empty wheels escaped from the defense, preventing Li Zhenwu from approaching him. Li Zhenwu kept changing directions to avoid the attack of the wheels.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu was close to him again, King Jinlun released his infuriating energy. He controlled the gold and silver wheels to fly back and chased behind Li Zhenwu. He hoped that Li Zhenwu could return to the defense, but Li Zhenwu just continued to dodge and disappeared in a flash. In front of Falun Dafa King Jinlun, he appeared behind him, and five fingers went to the back of King Jinlun Falun's neck like iron pincers.

As a master of the innate realm, he is very sensitive to the perception of danger. King Jinlun felt that the hairs on his neck stood up. At this time, it was too late to control the flywheel to block it. arm, in front of neck.


There was a sound of broken bones, and King Jinlun's neck was intact, but King Jinlun's right arm could not be lifted at this time.

"You're very good, I didn't expect you to be able to block it just now." Li Zhenwu also looked at Falun Dafa King Jinlun in surprise. He had seven successes in his catch just now, but he didn't expect to be blocked.

Don't think that Li Zhenwu's seven-success power is just a group. You must know that Li Zhenwu's seven-success power is much higher than the current Jinlun Falun's power?

"The sword emperor's martial arts are strong, and the old man admires it, but he blocked the sword emperor's grab just now. It's not worth mentioning." At this time, Falun Dafa King Jinlun felt a emptiness in his body, but when he thought of the environment he was in, he pretended to be nonchalant and said. arrive.

Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, jumped up, and then shook his body for a while, separating twenty-five phantom clones. This was Li Zhenwu's trump card, Five Elements.

The Five Elements Destiny is different from the Spiral Nine Shadows. The Spiral Nine Shadows itself is only a light work, and only pursues the speed of the movement method, while the Five Elements Destiny is the pursuit of lethality. Therefore, the Five Elements Destiny has very high requirements for practitioners. It not only It requires you to have speed, strength, and familiarity with Qimen Dunjia, so only those who possess these skills can practice this truly superb technique.

The phantom of the Five Elements Extermination can be said to be a clone, which is equivalent to a person and can make attacks, so this also causes this movement method to have very strict physical requirements on practitioners, and Li Zhenwu also It's just because of the nine Yin and Nine Yang fellow practitioners, and the balance of Yin and Yang, the strengthened body, or it is estimated that only Li Zhenwu can use it when he has broken through to Innate Perfection.

Now, after a period of familiarity, Li Zhenwu has only initially mastered the Five Elements, but he has not experienced actual combat. Therefore, Li Zhenwu tested it on King Jinlun. After all, he created it to use it to defend against the enemy. Try it on the biggest boss, Shendiao, who else can you try it on?

Li Zhenwu's twenty-five avatars are constantly revolving around the Golden Wheel Dharma King in the air. If someone who understands Qimen Dunjia looks from a distance, they will find that the five small five elements form a big five elements, and the Golden Wheel Dharma King packaged inside.

King Jinlun also felt that Li Zhenwu's kung fu was many times higher than just now.

Li Zhenwu, no, it should be twenty-five Li Zhenwu said at the same time, "Master Jinlun, it's not worth mentioning? Now I can't even mention this move." He narrowed the encirclement.

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