"That's great, we'll go to Zhangjiakou next. We haven't been back since we met there. I want to go there." Huang Rong said happily.

"Master, Master." At this time, the panting Lu Wushuang rushed over.

"Wushuang, then you can continue to go on your own." Huang Rong didn't want to bring a fuel bottle, so after she finished talking to Lu Wushuang, she dragged Li Zhenwu and Xiaolongnu and left quickly, leaving Lu Wushuang alone there .

The three of them rushed to Zhangjiakou, and passed an inn in the afternoon. Huang Rong's curiosity came up, so they dragged Li Zhenwu and Xiaolongnu over there.

As soon as I entered, I saw two graceful bodies, constantly attacking, one holding a whisk, the other holding a jade flute, and the Taoist nun holding a whisk, changing their moves and attacking the woman holding the jade flute again.

The woman with the jade flute in her hand saw the dust brush sweeping towards her, so she made a move, Xiao Shichenglong, and the jade flute in her right hand attacked from top to bottom, like an ice wheel swept across the sky and a azure light on the ground, resisting the dust fluke.

"Senior sister." Xiaolongnu said.

"Junior sister." This is Huang Rong said.

The two who were fighting were Li Mochou and Cheng Ying. Li Zhenwu really sighed that the world was so small, but he didn't expect to meet acquaintances casually.

"Let's see first." Li Zhenwu stopped Huang Rong and Xiao Longnu who were going to stop them.

In this way, Cheng Ying used a light and graceful swordsmanship, like a fairy dancing a sword, forming a beautiful scenery in the restaurant, but the beauty contained murderous intentions everywhere, forcing Li Mochou to step back.

However, Li Zhenwu knew that this was only temporary, because Cheng Ying's skill was definitely not as strong as Li Mochou's, and now he was able to press Li Mochou to fight, just because it was unexpected just now, it is estimated that after a long time, he will definitely lose.

Because the space in the restaurant was too narrow, Cheng Ying's movement was a little difficult to use, and gradually fell into a disadvantage, so Cheng Ying turned around and said to Li Mochou, "There is a battle outside."

Saying that, Cheng Ying avoided Li Mochou's whisk, and the corner of the table next to his feet flew out of the restaurant from the window and landed on the street outside. Li Mochou naturally followed after seeing Cheng Ying go out.

"It seems that Junior Sister's martial arts are not as good as Li Mochou's! But when Junior Sister is outside, she can move back to her disadvantage again." Huang Rong also said.

After Cheng Ying came out, his footwork was amazing. Every time Li Mochou was about to hit Cheng Ying, Cheng Ying could always dodge over.

"This is a new martial art created by my father-in-law." Although Li Zhenwu asked, he said in a positive tone.

"Yeah, this is Daddy's goofy step." Huang Rong continued to look at the battle and replied.

But Li Mochou was not a fuel-efficient lamp either. After more than a dozen tricks, Li Mochou found that his whisk was not very useful to Cheng Ying, so he gave up the whisk in his hand and used the Five Poison Palms, sending his left and right hands together at the same time. Attack Cheng Ying's head and chest respectively.

Cheng Ying was also taken aback by Li Mochou's change, looking at the deadly palms shot from the top of her head and chest, she flashed to the right, and then the jade flute in her hand swung diagonally upwards.

Li Mochou saw Cheng Ying's performance, and without waiting for the other party's reaction, Li Mochou immediately turned his palms into a palm shadow, spreading the vital points of Cheng Ying's body. .

Li Mochou has been observing Cheng Ying's flaws calmly, suddenly seeing Cheng Ying Meng and then taking a few steps back, immediately took out the whisk again, and quickly got close to Cheng Ying.

"call out."

Seeing Cheng Ying like this, Huang Rong immediately took out a piece of broken silver and bounced it in front of Li Mochou, forcing Li Mochou back.

Because Huang Rong knew about Li Mochou's past from Xiaolongnv's mouth, and sympathized with her very much, and she was also Xiaolongnv's senior sister, so Huang Rong just stopped her.

"It's you?" Li Mochou saw a hidden weapon flying in front of him, and immediately turned his head to look. When he found out that it was Li Zhenwu and the others, he immediately said defensively.

Chapter 31 Huang Rong's Small Temper

"Ah..." After Li Mochou was surprised, he flicked the whisk in his hand and ran away. Li Zhenwu was about to tease Li Mochou a few times, but when he saw her running away, he was speechless.

"Senior sister, brother-in-law." After seeing Li Zhenwu and the others, Cheng Ying put away her Yuxiao and walked over. She saw Xiaolongnv beside her and asked, "Who is this?"

"This is the little dragon girl, you can call the dragon girl." Li Zhenwu touched his nose and said.

Huang Yaoshi still didn't know about Li Zhenwu and Xiao Longnu being together, so he was a little embarrassed to see Cheng Ying now.

Cheng Ying glanced at Xiao Longnv, then looked at Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong, and found that they were not too different, so she said to Xiao Longnv, "Hello, Long girl."

Xiao Longnv just nodded and gestured, and then Li Zhenwu said, "Long'er is not good at talking, little junior sister is sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Cheng Ying shook his head.

"By the way, where's my father-in-law?" Li Zhenwu suddenly asked again.

"Master is not here, the old man went to travel alone, and let me wander around alone." Cheng Ying replied.

"Oh, so that's the case!" Li Zhenwu said with confidence.

"Husband, it's really fun for you to be like this." Huang Rong smiled when she saw Li Zhenwu's nervousness turned into calm.

"Rong'er." Li Zhenwu shouted helplessly, although Li Zhenwu's martial arts is higher than that of Huang Yaoshi, but the character controlled by Huang Yaoshi's daughter, after knowing that Li Zhenwu is still with Xiaolongnu, it is estimated that Huang Yaoshi will be with Li Zhenwu desperately.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." Huang Rong also knew why Li Zhenwu didn't speak anymore.

"Do you want to come with us, junior sister?" So the three walked into the inn and sat there chatting for a while before Li Zhenwu said to Cheng Ying.

"Brother-in-law, I won't disturb you and the two sisters." Cheng Ying was a little uncertain about the relationship between Li Zhenwu and Xiao Longnv, but through the chat just now, she knew that Xiao Longnv was also like Huang Rong, but she saw Huang Rong didn't object either, knowing that the three of them were here to play, so she said.

"Where is it?" Li Zhenwu said with a smile.

"Then junior sister, I'll follow my brother-in-law!" Cheng Ying, looking at Li Zhenwu's insincere words, deliberately made fun of Li Zhenwu, and agreed without hesitation.

"Uh..." Li Zhenwu said in amazement. He remembered that Cheng Ying was very considerate and considerate in the original book, but what is the situation now, and why has he become a little black-bellied.

"Hehe, brother-in-law, I'm joking. I won't disturb you and the two sisters. I'll go first." Cheng Ying smiled happily when she saw Li Zhenwu's confused look.

"Little Nizi, that Wushuang girl is in Lujiazhuang, if you have nothing to do, go there to see her." Li Zhenwu scolded her with a smile, and then continued.

"I know, that brother-in-law, senior sister, and Miss Long are leaving." Cheng Ying stood up and said.

"Be careful, remember to run when you encounter something, don't carry it there like today." Li Zhenwu instructed.

After seeing Cheng Ying off, the three took a rest at the inn before continuing on their way. Li Zhenwu originally wanted to rest here for the night, but Huang Rong seemed to be impatient to go to Zhangjiakou, so the three got up and left.

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