
"Oh, Rong'er can't go boating on the river, you look frozen." Li Zhenwu pointed to the frozen river and said after arriving at Zhangjiakou.

Along the way, Huang Rong kept talking that she was going to play on the river again, but Li Zhenwu said, it is estimated that the river is frozen in winter, so why don't we go boating?But Huang Rong didn't agree, so when Li Zhenwu and the others arrived, they ran straight to the river.

"I don't care, husband, you've got it done, I just want to go boating." Huang Rong dragged the willow tree that had no leaves and said to Li Zhenwu coquettishly.

"You don't care, I don't want to." Li Zhenwu said with a dumbfounded expression.

"You don't care, sister Long'er and I both want to go boating, husband, you can do it!" Huang Rong took Xiao Longnv's hand and signaled that Xiao Longnv agreed with her, and then said to Li Zhenwu.

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, go find a boat." Li Zhenwu reluctantly agreed...

In fact, the ice layer was only a mile or two from the shore, so Huang Rong would do this. If the river was completely frozen, Huang Rong would not be acting like a spoiled child, but making trouble out of nowhere.

"It's not good to do something in the winter, you have to come over to row a boat." Huang Rong took Xiaolongnu to find a boat, and Li Zhenwu complained while looking at the river.

After a while, Huang Rong found the boat, a boat about seven or eight feet long. After Li Zhenwu saw it, he walked over to the boat and patted the boat with his palm. At this moment, he saw the boat rolling in the air.

"Okay, Rong'er, I'm going to put the boat in the water, you guys come with me." Li Zhenwu raised his right hand and directly lifted the falling boat, facing Huang Rong and Xiaolongnu beside him.

"Hee hee, we don't want to go over by ourselves, I'll trouble you, husband." Huang Rong rolled her eyes and pulled Xiao Long Nu onto the boat to confront Li Zhen Wu Dao.

The closer Huang Rong was to Zhangjiakou, the more uncomfortable she felt. Thinking that the two of them were playing here at first, but now they have become three of them, so she vented her petty temper against Li Zhenwu.

"Sister Huang, isn't it a bit bad for us to do this!" Xiaolongnu pulled Huang Rong and said.

"What's wrong, husband, don't you think so?" Huang Rong finally raised her voice, facing Li Zhenwu, who was holding the boat.

At this time, Li Zhenwu understood in 4.1. Although Huang Rong accepted to serve as a husband with Xiaolongnu, she still had some resentment in her heart, which is why it was like this. It was no wonder that Huang Rong would do this.

"Yes, what Rong'er said is right." Li Zhenwu replied.

"Sister Long'er, come and sit, my husband said it's ok, let's sit here and enjoy the beauty of this winter later!" Huang Rong walked into the cabin and waved to the little dragon girl.

When Li Zhenwu felt that Xiaolongnu also went in and sat down, he tapped a few times on the ice layer on the river, and then he reached the edge of the ice layer.

Then Li Zhenwu lifted the boat on his hand lightly and gently placed it on the river, as if at this time Li Zhenwu was not lifting a boat of seven or eight feet, but a piece of paper and a piece of cloth.

Chapter 32 Heartless Valley

"Rong'er, how's it going?" After Li Zhenwu got off the boat, he floated into the cabin and said to Huang Rong.

Looking at Li Zhenwu's earnest eyes, Huang Rong understood that Li Zhenwu was apologizing in disguise, and felt a little moved, because Li Zhenwu had never been like this before, but he didn't show it on his face, and said, "Let's be careless." After finishing, he picked up a bamboo pole and threw it to Li Zhenwu.

"Let's go boating, sister Long'er and I have to take a good look at it."

Li Zhenwu took the bamboo pole, followed them out of the cabin, inserted the bamboo pole into the water and started rowing.

The bright lake behind him was connected to the sky, and at first there were distinct shades of light. The farther away, the water and sky blurred together, and only a white trace of the intersection of water and sky appeared.

The shore was whispering in the dry grass, and the sound of one or two ducklings flapping from time to time in the distance made the lake in winter even more lonely and deserted.

This kind of scenery also has a unique flavor. Gradually, Huang Rong 14's little temper is all buried in this deserted river.

"Husband, just now I..." Huang Rong said to Li Zhenwu.

"Rong'er, it's okay, it's my fault." Li Zhenwu interrupted her while holding Huang Rong's hand.

Xiao Longnv also understood that although she was simple-minded, she was not stupid. She knew when she heard Huang Rong's apology, but she was behind Huang Rong, so she didn't bother Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong at this time, but she felt sour in her heart.

"Long'er, come here." Li Zhenwu held Huang Rong with one hand, and the other hand signaled that there was still a place here, and said to the little dragon girl.

"Big Brother Li." Xiao Longnv walked over and leaned against Li Zhenwu's chest.

The three of them snuggled together, quietly admiring the scenery of the river until the sun went down.


The three continued to play until the beginning of March of the following year, when all things recovered, Li Zhenwu knew that it was time to mix up the next plot, so he said to Huang Rong and Xiaolongnu, "Then let me take you to a scenic spot like painted valleys."

The journey along the way was basically set by Huang Rong. Now when I saw Li Zhenwu speak, I knew something was wrong, so I nodded, and followed Li Zhenwu's words, "Is it really picturesque? If it's not beautiful, Long'er and I will My sister will ignore you for five days... if not for three days."

"It will definitely satisfy you." Li Zhenwu smiled.

Li Zhenwu was going to the Valley of Heartless Love this time. Why didn't he follow Yang to the Sword Tomb?It was because Li Zhenwu of the Nine Swords of Dugu had already obtained it from Huang Rong, so he had already obtained the luck of the sword mound, so he didn't need to go again.

The three of them didn't play all the way, they had a clear goal, and then they galloped toward there on horseback. When they reached Tongguan by the Yellow River, the three of Li Zhenwu dismounted.

"Da Rong'er, Xiao Long'er, we will go by boat next." Li Zhenwu said.

"Yeah." Seeing that Li Zhenwu didn't stop, they rushed over and knew that Li Zhenwu was in a hurry, so they nodded without complaining.

After getting off the boat, the three of them walked for a few miles, and a small stream appeared in front of them. Li Zhenwu stepped out to twenty or thirty meters, and the robe swayed slightly as he walked up on the ground. Xiaolongnu's ancient tomb was astonished Hong, in a blink of an eye, appeared to be dashing and free, and Huang Rong was similarly ethereal and dashing in the past.

"Walk up the creek for a while, and we'll be there." Li Zhenwu looked at them and said.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, they first passed a large forest and then a mountain path, and a strange valley appeared in front of the three of them.

The three of them continued to move forward, about another seven or eight miles. A valley full of fiery red flowers made Li Zhenwu and the others feel relieved.

"The Valley of Heartless Love... We're here." Li Zhenwu stood in front of a rock wall and pointed to several large characters in seal script on the wall.

"Peaceless Valley, the scenery is good." Huang Rong looked around and said.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Huang Rong whispered as she leaned over to Li Zhenwu.

"Rong'er, you guys are just having fun here, I'll take care of things, but be careful when you play, those beautiful flowers have a strange poison on them, and as long as a loving person gets this poison, they will be attacked by severe pain. Death." Li Zhenwu pointed at the red flowers of the tree and said to Huang Rong and Xiaolongnu.

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