Seeing that he had been injured by Guo Jing, and the reward given by Kublai Khan was too attractive to him.

So they shot, a strange ball chain snake whip and a black mourning stick shot at Li Zhenwu.

Seeing that Nemo and the others were about to attack, Li Zhenwu threw Guo Jing to a horse first, and the halberd in the other hand stabbed forward and stabbed Nemo and their chests, and the huge halberd snorted. Jumping out, this halberd is one zhang and two feet long, the snake whip in Nemo's hand is no more than three feet, and Xiaoxiangzi's mourning stick is even shorter, so the halberd is like a giant python swallowing it, scaring Nemo and the others. Rolling and rolling 520 to the side.

"Brother Guo, you go first." Li Zhenwu called to Guo Jing, who was on the horse.

"Hmph, I'm overthinking what I'm doing, the Jinlun National Master has recovered, but why did you retreat to the back? Come here." He turned his head and held the tail of the spurge with one hand, pointing at the gloomy face of Jinlun. said the king.

"Catch up with Guo Jing and catch him." King Jinlun said gloomily, as if he didn't hear what Li Zhenwu said, he just ordered to catch Guo Jing.

Li Zhenwu's infuriating qi came out of his fingers and stabbed the horse's ass. The horse was in pain and went directly outside the camp.

"Kubi Khan, come out." Li Zhenwu blocked the soldiers who were following Guo Jing and shouted loudly.

"Guo Shi, who is he?" Kublai Khan had been hiding behind him since everyone was fighting with Guo Jing, and now he heard Li Zhenwu's voice and walked out and said to King Jinlun.

"Back to the fourth prince, he is the sword emperor who injured Lao Na that day." King Jinlun gritted his teeth.

"So young?" Kublai Khan was very surprised. He only knew that Falun Dafa King Jinlun was injured by a man named Sword Emperor, but he didn't know what Li Zhenwu looked like, so he was surprised to see Li Zhenwu so young.

Chapter 43

"Stop!" Kublai Khan looked at his soldiers, unable to pass Li Zhenwu, let alone chase Guo Jing, so he stood up and shouted.

"I don't know what the young man has to call Xiao Wang?" Kublai Khan continued.

"I just inform you that Okuotai will die soon. If the fourth prince has great ambitions, he should retire from Xiangyang!" Li Zhenwu replied.

"You... bold, the Great Khan is the son of the longevity, how can you be insulted, you all give me, all give to me." Kublai Khan rolled his eyes a few times, and immediately said, although he really wanted to Li Zhenwu was recruited, but now that Li Zhenwu's words came out, if he didn't do anything, it would be unimaginable in the ears of Khan in the future.

"Believe it or not, but Wo Kuotai is really dying. The fourth prince should have made plans earlier." Li Zhenwu, seeing that Guo Jing had already left the camp, also went out to kill.

"Go send someone back to the golden tent, and inquire about the physical condition of the Great Khan." Kublai Khan whispered to the guard beside him, and then looked at Li Zhenwu's leaving back, wondering what he was thinking.

"Mrs. Guo, live up to your trust." After Li Zhenwu rushed out, he also grabbed a horse, and quickly took Guo Jing back to Xiangyang, and said to Mu Nian who was standing on the city gate.

"Husband." Mu Nianci looked at Guo Jing's pale face, and immediately supported him.

"No problem, I'm fine." Guo Jing immediately saw what his wife wanted to ask, so he said.

A few days later, Guo Jing recovered from his injury. Li Zhenwu pulled Huang Rong, who was still teasing Guo Xiang, and said to Guo Jing, "Brother Guo, the Mongols in Xiangyang City will retreat soon. I want to bid you farewell."

"Brother Li, is it true?" Guo Jing asked happily.

"Stupid man, you are so happy that we are leaving." Huang Rong said a little unhappily.

As soon as Mu Nianci said Guo Jing's words, he pulled Guo Jing's sleeve. Guo Jing heard Huang Rong's words and immediately said, "misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just heard the news that Brother Li said that the Mongols are going to retreat from Xiangyang. A little happy, nothing else."

"Oh, that's right. How did you know that the Mongols were going to retire?" Huang Rong also asked. Huang Rong wasn't really angry, but she was a little upset because she couldn't see Guo Xiang anymore.

"Because Wo Kuotai is going to die." Li Zhenwu said slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Husband, do you want to..." Huang Rong thought that her husband was going to kill Wo Kuotai, so she asked.

"No, it's his time limit." Li Zhenwu thought to himself, if the King of Hell didn't sentence him to death, I would send him away too.

"That's it, that's fine." Huang Rong patted her chest and said.

"Brother Guo, let's go." Li Zhenwu clasped his fists at this moment.

"Brother Li, stay longer..." Guo Jing felt happy for Xiangyang after hearing Li Zhenwu's explanation. Thinking that Li Zhenwu and the others came to bid farewell, he wanted to stay with Li Zhenwu and the others for a few days, but he had not finished speaking. Li Zhenwu and the others left.


Mongolian camp.

"This king ordered to withdraw the army tomorrow and return to the golden tent." Kublai Khan, who was sitting in the center of the camp, said. What he said, "The fourth prince should make plans earlier!" So he summoned his subordinates and said.

"Xiangyang is about to be captured, if you retreat now..." a ten thousand husband said.

"Follow the order." Kublai Khan said with a solemn expression.

"According to the order." Although many soldiers were unwilling, but Kublai Khan ordered the following, and could only obey the order.

"Okay, the national teacher stays, you all go to prepare!" Kublai Khan continued.

"Guo Shi, the big sweat can't be done. I hope the national teacher can help Xiao Wang." After everyone left, Kublai Khan immediately confronted King Jinlun Fa. The position of Khan, so Kublai Khan did not have the energy of the past.

"Amitabha, is this matter of the fourth prince true?" King Jinlun asked.

"Well, the Great Khan has been seriously ill for three months. If I hadn't sent someone to secretly return to the golden tent, I probably wouldn't have known about it." Kublai Khan said in a melancholy manner.

"There are spies in the golden account." King Jinlun continued.

"Well, I have already investigated secretly. I didn't expect that I didn't even know that the profuse sweater was seriously ill. A person from the Central Plains knew it. It seems that there is not only a spy, but the identity of the spy is not low." Kublai Khan nodded and said. However, it was still wrong. Li Zhenwu had no spy there at all. If he had to say something, it would be Jin Da, but Kublai Khan and the others couldn't find it.


Sixteen years have passed in a blink of an eye, Li Zhenwu and the others have been staying on Peach Blossom Island except for sometimes going out to play. At the beginning, Huang Yaoshi knew about the existence of Xiaolongnu, so his face was directly pulled down by his daughter's control. , chased and killed Li Zhenwu all day, until Huang Rong persuaded Huang Yaoshi, Li Zhenwu and the others lived a peaceful and peaceful life.

Since Yang Guo found out that Li Zhenwu killed his father, he left the Mongolian camp with Wanyanping. He learned what his father had done from Guo Jing, gave up the idea of ​​revenge, and traveled the world with Wanyanping. , Until twelve years ago, Yang Guo's son was born, Yang Guo and the others settled in Niujia Village.

After Mongolia retreated, Guo Jing taught Guo Xiang and Guo Polu in addition to training the army. He lived a relaxed and comfortable life every day. His eldest daughter Guo Fu also married, but not Yeluqi, because Li Zhenwu was preparing for Guo Jing. When Guo Fu was married to Yeluqi, he identified Yeluqi's identity and abolished Yeluqi's Quanzhen martial arts. In Guo Jing's face, he did not kill him, but drove him out of the Central Plains.

Mongolia has been in civil strife in the past sixteen years. In the original work, Kublai Khan did not know about the death of Okuotai, so although Meng Ge was difficult, he still persuaded everyone to take the position of the Great Khan, but now Kublai Khan Lie got the news and rushed back in time, so now Mongolia is in a state of confrontation between Kublai Khan and Meng Ge. Until one day, the two felt that fighting like this was very exhausting, so they agreed that whoever captured Xiangyang first would be the leader. sweat!

A few months after the Mongolian army returned to Xiangyang, another martial arts conference was held.

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