Chapter 44 The Great Temple War

Time flies fast, and before you know it, it’s already March. As early as more than ten days ago, Guo Fu and other three sisters have already sent the invitations and returned to Xiangyang safely. Guo Xiang did not meet Yang Guo halfway as in the original book, and naturally Guo Xiang did not like the original. The book was sent secretly to Yang Guofang, and the hero meeting was approaching, and heroes from all walks of life arrived in Xiangyang one after another. All the people from the Guo family and others were busy, and received guests and friends from all walks of life. Only as a daughter and Guo Xiang, who is too young, has nothing to do by himself.

At noon on March [-]th, Guo Jing, Mu Nianci and Zhu Ziliu were waiting outside the gate to receive heroes from all walks of life, but they saw Guo Xiang coming out.

"Xiang'er, where are you going?" Guo Jing asked with a serious face.

"Father, these days are a bit dull, I want to go out for a walk." Guo Xiang thought that her birthday was approaching, but no one of her parents noticed, so she was a little upset and wanted to go out for a walk.

"No..." Guo Jing just wanted to object, but Mu Nianci spoke at this time.

"That Xiang'er remember not to go to too dangerous places, and come back early." Mu Nianci said.

"Thank you, mother." Guo Xiang originally just had the attitude of giving it a try, but Mu Nianci really agreed, so she jumped up and said.

"Nianci, this is..." Guo Jing said as he looked at Guo Xiang who was leaving.

"Hey, 657 is Xiang'er's birthday today, but we don't have time to accompany her, so let her have a good time by herself!" Mu Nianci looked at Guo Xiang's back lovingly and said.

Guo Jing, however, said to his wife next to him, "But now the Mongols are besieging the city, and outside the city there is chaos.

Mu Nianci smiled and said, "Xiang'er is still young, but she understands the truth. Today is her birthday, and we didn't accompany her. It's common for her to feel bored. More than ten miles away, they are not going to join the joint operation, and they will not encounter any danger."?

Hearing what his wife said, Guo Jing thought about it and nodded, and the couple continued to greet the guests outside the door without mentioning it.

Besides, Guo Xiang left the Guo Mansion, walked, walked to the West Gate, and then left Xiangyang with ease, and soon came to the Yangtaishou Temple at the foot of Guanshan Mountain.

At this moment, Guo Xiang heard footsteps, so he hid, and saw the person who came in with a golden crown and a light fur. Folding fan, dressed like a noble gentleman, this person stood at the temple gate and looked up, sneered again, and then entered the temple, there was another sound of wind on the front of the clothes, and then there was no sound from inside. . ?

Thinking of this person's appearance, Guo Xiang was shocked. He was the Huo Du that his father and mother said. When he thought that Huo Du must be here at this time, there must be a conspiracy, so he hid his body and observed secretly.

Not long after Huo Du entered the temple, three people walked over from a distance. The first one was tall and thin in ragged clothes, holding a green dog-beating stick in his hand. Behind Lu Youjiao were two disciples of the Six Sacks of the Beggar Gang, but the three of them came here to patrol the city and were going to visit the Taifu Temple. This is an old habit of Lu Youjiao to patrol the city. , to Taifu Temple is the last stop before returning to Xiangyang.

"Help Master, it's getting late. We have to go back soon after the tour of the Taifu Temple. When we came, Guo Daxia told you to go back early. We will entertain some heroes in the evening, and we also want you to greet the guests at the table!" The famous disciple told Lu Youjiao that although the last martial arts conference was disturbed by King Jinlun, the leader of the martial arts alliance was not elected, but because of the need to defend the city, Guo Jing still passed on the position of the leader of the beggar gang to Lu Youjiao.

"Understood, we'll go back after watching this Yang Taifu Temple, we can't make a mistake." Lu Youzuo returned, and the three of them had approached the temple gate, and they were about to enter. A petite figure jumped out of the door and stopped in front of Lu Youzu and the others. ?

"Xiang'er? Why are you here?" It's not been a year and a half that Lu Youzui has been walking the rivers and lakes. Just when he heard the sound, Lu Youzui put the dog-beating stick in front of his chest, just in case someone Sneak attack, but after seeing Guo Xiang in front of him clearly, Lu Youfoot's guard was relieved, and he asked. ?

Guo Xiang heard Lu Foot's question, and immediately replied, "Xiang Er is here on a trip, may I ask if Uncle Lu wants to enter this Taifu Temple?"?

"Yeah, I was about to enter this Taifu Temple to check, why did Xiang'er ask about this?" Lu Youzu asked in confusion. ?

Guo Xiang hurriedly said, "When I was playing just now, I accidentally saw someone entering this temple to hide, and looking at the person's appearance, he seemed to be the Prince Huodu that my parents told me about, so I stopped him. Uncle Rub."?

"Huo Du? You said that Huo Du is hiding in this temple now?" Lu Youjia asked in shock, his eyes fixed on the temple gate?

"Yes, looking at the appearance of that person, it should be the Huo Du that my father mentioned." Guo Xiang affirmed. ?

Lu Youzuo nodded and signaled the two disciples behind him to get ready, then took two steps forward to block Guo Xiang, and then shouted loudly, "Huo Du, you hideous rat, don't hide anymore. , your tail is showing, get out of Laohuazi!"?

As Lu Youjia shouted like this, as expected, a person walked out of the temple, and saw that he shook his folding fan slightly and behaved elegantly. It was the long-lost Prince Huodu.

Huo Du was not favored by King Jinlun because he abandoned King Jinlun at the beginning, and Kublai Khan was very fond of King Jinlun, so the prince Huo Du was sent to assassinate Lu Youjiao.

After Lu Youzuo came out of Huo Du, he shouted, "The traitor will take Lao Huazi first." As he spoke, he swung the dog's stick and slammed it on Huo Du's head. ?

Huo Du saw that Lu had a foot to hit the dog with a stick, and with a wave of the folding fan, the bamboo stick was separated, and the two people were entangled in one place when the figure shook, and they rolled and rolled their hands. The two five-bag disciples and Guo Xiang also stepped forward with the ice blade in their hands, eager to help the main defend the enemy, but their martial arts were too low, but they couldn't get in. ?

For a while, the shadow of the stick appeared, the shadow of the fan was flying, the whistling of the fan and the wind continued. Dazzlingly, the two had already made more than a dozen moves. Judging from the situation, it seemed that Lu Youzuo had the upper hand. After a while, the two The tricks between people are always more and more urgent. Lu You's feet are on the rise, and he is slamming the dog stick in his hand. He is still shouting and scolding. ?

Suddenly, Lu Youjiao shouted: "Traitor, take my stick again." Seeing the sudden green light in the scene, thousands of green stick shadows appeared at the same time, slashing their heads and covering their faces in all directions. Huo Du took it off him. ?

Chapter 45 Li Zhenwu Reappears

Huo Du saw the stick shadow falling down on him like a shower, and Huo couldn't help but feel cold, shocked by its power, An Yiheng's body and figure hurried forward to meet him, and he waved his left fan and his right palm in front of him. Bang Ying poured all his strength into a head-to-head confrontation. ?



Only two muffled hums were heard in succession, and in an instant, the two figures were already twisted together, followed by a few more sounds of sticks and fans connecting to the frame and touching the body lightly, but the two of them were separated at the touch of a button. Stagger back. ?

At this time, the two of them had stepped back and stood separately, and the eyes of the audience had already been on them. It was just that the fight was too urgent, and the situation at hand was unknown. Therefore, Guo Xiang and the two disciples of the Beggar Gang didn't show up. Before, just concentrate on observing the situation-form on the side. ?

At this moment, the golden crown on Huo Du's head is slanted, the side of his face is scattered, and there is a swollen black and red stick mark on the left corner of his nose. The stick cracked open, and it was no longer what it looked like, plus he made two light coughs from time to time, and he was extremely embarrassed. ?

Lu Youfoot looks better than Huo, because he was dressed as Hanako, and his head and body have always been messy and tattered, so now he stands still with his head bowed, and he looks different from before the war. Not much.

"Pfft...cough cough..." After a while, Lu Youyou suddenly raised his head, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his withered face was ashen, and he was arrogantly coughing while touching his chest. He was seriously injured, but his temper was old and hot. After being injured, he didn't want to show weakness on the spot, so he kept his head down and kept his head down, trying to heal the wound with strong self-exertion, trying to suppress the qi and blood of the upper back, until the chest was churning. His blood pressure could not be restrained before he raised his head.

"Help Master..." Seeing Lu You's feet spitting up blood and coughing, the two Liushang disciples and Guo Xiang who were on the sidelines exclaimed in unison, rushed forward and reached out to help Lu You's feet.

"Lu Laohuazi..." As soon as Guo Xiang and the others finished calling, Huo Du over there said hello again, but the number of sticks he took was not important, only one stick on the face, almost He was hit in the eye, and there was nothing else to do. When everyone checked Lu You's foot injury, he had already adjusted his true qi in his body, and the injury was no longer a serious problem, so he spoke again. ?

Huo Du saw that everyone's eyes were all on his face, Huo Du tidied up his clothes, brushed his hair, and then smiled, "Lu Laohuazi, it seems that Xiao Wang's skills are superior, today you will Leave your life behind!" Huo Du opened his fan and walked towards Lu Youjiao and the others.

"Cough cough." Lu Youzui saw Huo Du coming, tightened the bamboo stick in his hand, and whispered, "Xiang Er, go away, Uncle Lu stopped him, go and inform your parents."

"Uncle Lu, I won't go, I won't go." Guo Xiang stubbornly held the sword in his hand.

"Come on, listen to Uncle Lu." Lu Youzuo stood up and pushed Guo Xiang, looking at Huo Du defensively.

"Hahaha, let's go, no one can leave today." Huo Du fanned a few times.

"Well, you said no one can leave?" At this moment, this sentence came from behind Huo Du.

"Well, I said it." Huo Du replied subconsciously, and suddenly he realized that something was not right. The voice seemed to come from behind him, and the voice was very familiar. The familiarity made him a little chilly, so He turned his head to look, shouted "it's you", and then ran forward without looking back.

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