"Yunyin Ninja Village is so despicable!" Some students brought in Konoha, dissatisfied with Yunyin Ninja Village.

And Konoha Maru's eyes were bright and flickering and asked: "What happened after that? What did Lord Zhenwu do?"

Iruka smiled slightly and said, "The attack on Yunyin Ninja Village didn't help either, because Lord Zhenwu returned from the exchange of hostages and found that the Konoha station was attacked, and immediately ran to Yunyin Ninja Village without stopping. The station, and while their station was empty, they completely destroyed their station!"



"It's amazing, Lord Zhenwu is amazing!" At this moment, the students' eyes were full of fascination and excitement, and they had become fans of Li Zhenwu.

"Iruka-sensei, what happened later?" The young ninja was fascinated and couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Later, because of these contradictions, the battle between Yunyin Ninja Village and Konoha Ninja Village escalated again."

Iruka shook his head and said, "At that time, almost [-] to [-] percent of the strength of the two ninja villages was put into the front line, and a big battle was about to happen."

Under the expectant gazes of both the students and the young teachers around him, Iruka said slowly: "Just when the two sides were arguing, Lord Zhenwu came to Yunyin Ninja Village and Konoha Station because of a mission... Rescue a few Konoha ninjas in the middle area."

Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to make a sound, fearing to miss this.

"However, after rescuing Konoha's ninjas, Lord Zhenwu discovered in advance that a large force from Yunyin Ninja Village was about to come and attack Konoha again."

Iruka fell into memory and told slowly: "So, Lord Zhenwu let his companions leave first, and he stayed there alone to resist the ninja army of Yunyin Ninja Village!"

"Ah!" Some students have low psychological tolerance and can't help worrying about it.

"Really invincible dwarves... so powerful!" Konoha Maru had completely fallen and couldn't help but fantasize.

"Hehe, don't worry everyone, since Lord Zhenwu has returned to the village at this moment, it proves that nothing happened to Lord Zhenwu at that time." Seeing the worried look of the students, Iruka couldn't help laughing.

"But what happened to Lord Zhenwu that time?" the young teacher couldn't help asking.

"Master Zhenwu stayed there alone, blocking the Yunyin Ninja Village's Yunyin army!" Iruka said the final result: "Also, the menacing ninjas from Yunyin Ninja Village were directly attacked by Zhenwu this time. The power of the adults alone has destroyed most of them! Not only that, Lord Zhenwu also went to their station and completely destroyed the station!"

"After the first battle, the Yunyin Ninja Village is completely avatar, so there is peace between us and Konoha." Iruka said with a smile: "And Lord Zhenwu has also become a hero in the village."

Chapter [-]: The Reincarnation of Dirty Earth! (First Update)

"Because one person calmed the war, Yunyin Ninja Village had to surrender, so Lord Zhenwu became a hero in the village, and many people admired and loved him."

Iruka smiled and told Li Zhenwu's deeds here, and he listened to it: "Okay, this is the past of Lord Zhenwu. Now, the students return to the classroom immediately."

Saying that, Iruka is about to let Konoha Maru and the others return.

But Konoha Maru couldn't help but ask: "What about later, how did Lord Zhenwu run out of the village and come back now?"

"Yes, Mr. Iruka, why did Lord Zhenwu have no news in the village before?" The young teacher was also puzzled, because after he became a ninja, he seldom heard about Li Zhenwu.

"Later, because of some things, Lord Zhenwu went out of Konoha to travel in the ninja world, and only came back now." Iruka was perfunctory. In fact, the matter of Li Zhenwu was very troubled at the time. Tolerance, he also understands a little bit, but at this moment, it is obviously impossible to say it casually, so Iruka simply fooled the past.

However, the story Iruka told has a beginning and an end, so after Iruka finished speaking, no one bothered him anymore.

Konoha Maru and his friends returned to the classroom, but Konoha Maru muttered in a low voice, showing admiration: "Master Zhenwu, it seems to be more powerful than Boss Naruto!"

Seeing the students entering the classroom together, Iruka felt relaxed, looked outside, and felt calm for a while, thinking: "Since Lord Zhenwu is back, then Konoha can completely pass this incident, right? ."

In the chunin exam venue, on the roof of the sinful building, Orochimaru, who originally held the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan, suddenly moved in his hand!

For a while, it was surprising. Several Anbu, who could only watch outside the Four Purple Flame Array, were startled, thinking that Orochimaru was going to attack the third Hokage.

However, the blood burst out!Surprisingly, Orochimaru just stabbed Kuwu into the palm of his other hand.

And after doing this puzzling scene, Orochimaru's figure and Sarutobi Hizan suddenly pulled away.

They were tit for tat, and the next moment, they were already moving together.

Sarutobi Hizan and Orochimaru started to move at the same time, heading towards each other.

Hiruzen Sarutobi's hand seal: "Ninja-Wa Shuriken!"

Suddenly, the tiles on the original roof suddenly stood up, and then attacked Orochimaru.

"Master Sarutobi's ninjutsu is too childish."

Orochimaru jumped up suddenly, laughed wildly in his mouth, and at the same time completed the seal.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

While drinking low, Orochimaru opened his mouth, his red tongue protruded from his mouth, and then turned into a long snake!Immediately raided out!

The next moment, the snake in the mouth of Orochimaru opened its mouth and bit Sarutobi Hizan's neck.

"Mr. Sarutobi, you're old, can't you just avoid this level of attack?" Orochimaru laughed frivolously, but before he finished speaking, he was stunned to find that the bitten Sarutobi Hizen had become a pile of dirt.

"It turned out to be a substitute technique." Orochimaru fell to the ground and realized this, but the voice of Hiruzen Sarutobi came from behind.

"Tu Dun-Tu Liu Dahe!"

Under Orochimaru's feet, it became like a flowing swamp. He managed to stabilize his body, and Sarutobi Hizen over there had already completed another ninjutsu.

"Tu Dun - Earth Dragon Bomb!"

A mud faucet appeared, opened its mouth, and suddenly spit out mud bullets.

And Hiruzen Sarutobi continued to make a seal: "Fire Dun - Fire Dragon Bullet!"

Saying that, Hiruzen Sarutobi opened his mouth, and a large string of flames shot out from his mouth. Suddenly, the earth dragon bullets and fire dragon bullets combined in the sky, drowning Orochimaru.

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