Outside of the Four Purple Flame Formation, Anbu ninjas couldn't break the barrier, so they could only watch from the outside. When they saw this, they couldn't help but be shocked: "It actually combines Earth Dun and Fire Dun together! As expected of Lord Hokage!"

"I seem to have been underestimated by you, Sarutobi-sensei. Do you think such an attack can kill me?"

Orochimaru was covered, but after the ninjutsu was over, the voice suddenly appeared, and he himself reappeared intact.

"Under this kind of ninjutsu, he is still safe and sound!" A ninja in Anbu was surprised.

And Orochimaru distanced himself from Hiruzen Sarutobi again, his eyes were as cold as a snake, and he said, "Teacher Sarutobi, you already have a premonition of your own death."

"That's not necessarily true." Sarutobi Hizan slowly took off his hat representing Hokage, and ripped off the Hokage logo robe on his body, showing a simple and typical wooden robe. Leaf Ninja Dress Up 893.

And Orochimaru also lifted off his robes outside, revealing and showing his Yin Ren's dress.

This kind of costumes that all major ninja villages have, are the most suitable for ninja fighting. Both of them are doing this at the moment, and they are obviously ready to start the real battle.

They were ready, and the chakras continued to spread from their bodies, and the air seemed to be turbulent.

The tiles under their feet were cracked layer by layer.

"What a strong chakra!" A ninja outside the elder sister couldn't help saying.

"Teacher Sarutobi, I won't be merciful because of your old age." Orochimaru suddenly smiled grimly.

And Sarutobi Hiizhan moved directly.The shuriken was thrown out of his hand.

And Orochimaru suddenly slapped a hand on the ground.

"Spirituality - Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"

"What is this technique?" Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help but be shocked and recognized this technique.

After a while, two coffins appeared in a row.

Sarutobi was shocked and prepared to continue to summon Orochimaru with all his might.

But suddenly, a voice came from outside the barrier.

"Hey, it's so lively here, I don't seem to be late."

Chapter [-] Li Zhenwu on the sidelines (second more)

In the Four Purple Flame Array, Orochimaru had already used the psychic technique, Reincarnation of the Earth, and summoned two brilliance.

Sarutobi Hizan was shocked because he had already recognized what a terrifying technique Orochimaru performed.

What's more, he has already recognized who the two coffins summoned by Orochimaru belonged to.

Seeing that the third coffin would also be summoned by Orochimaru, Hizan Sarutobi was already secretly screaming, and he made up his mind: "He must not be allowed to summon the third one!"

Sarutobi Hizan looked serious, looking at the coffin in front of him, the seal was already being formed, and he suppressed the emergence of the third coffin.

"It seems that the third one can't appear." Orochimaru smiled, with some negative predictions: "But having two is enough."

At this moment, a relaxed voice came from outside the Four Purple Flame Formation:

"Hey, it's so lively here, I don't seem to be late."

The voice not only entered the barrier, but besides my sister, the Anbu ninjas even discovered that a ninja suddenly appeared in front of the others.

"So fast! He suddenly appeared here, who is he?" The Anbu ninjas were surprised.

However, the two of them in the Four Purple Flame Formation felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, especially for Sarutobi Hizan.

Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help turning his head to look, and then exclaimed uncontrollably: "True martial arts?"

"Huh?" Seeing his own teacher Sarutobi behave like this, and the name in his mouth, Orochimaru also thought of a person for a moment, and then he also turned his head to look outside the Four Purple Flame Formation.

Then, Orochimaru's pupils shrank slightly, and he recognized it at a glance. The person outside the Four Purple Flame Formation Barrier in front of him was the 'junior brother' who once gave him a strong sense of death threat.

"He actually appeared here, this time, it's troublesome." Orochimaru's face couldn't help but sank slightly, because Li Zhenwu, who was only that age, gave him a sense of threat of death, so now How strong will Li Zhenwu be?

And being so strong, what kind of turbulence will he make in this plan?

Orochimaru can't imagine it, but what he can imagine is that Li Zhenwu's sudden appearance is definitely a big bad thing for him!

"Zhenwu, you really came back." Sarutobi Hiizhan said, a little sighed, and suddenly relaxed.

"Yeah, Sarutobi-sensei, I'm back." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly: "And you don't have to worry about things outside, I've almost solved them."

"You can fight with Orochimaru with peace of mind. If you can't do it, I will help you." Li Zhenwu said without hesitation, "It just so happens that I also want to try Brother Orochimaru, the progress of these years."

"Okay, okay!" Sarutobi Hizan laughed, and suddenly became confident: "But teacher, I'm not that easy to deal with, maybe Orochimaru, I can take it alone!"

Sarutobi Hizen was filled with pride.

Orochimaru's face was gloomy and gloomy. He didn't want to laugh in the dark, he just said in a low voice: "Before speaking big, let's deal with these two first!"

Orochimaru said, in front of him, two coffins with 'first' and 'second' engraved on them respectively, opened with a bang!

Outside the Four Purple Flame Formation, several Anbu who had just recovered from the shock, one of them stammered: "This is, is, is true, Lord Zhenwu!?"

This Anbu ninja was so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

This can't be blamed on him, because Li Zhenwu's reputation is the most famous in Konoha's department, then it is undoubtedly Anbu!

The 'roots' that once took root in Anbu, including Shimura Danzo, one of the elders of Konoha, were all destroyed by Li Zhenwu!

Coupled with Li Zhenwu's previous record, it is no exaggeration to say that Li Zhenwu has almost become another legend of Konoha!

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