"Shh!" Li Zhenwu turned his head suddenly, made a silent appearance, and said, "Be quiet and watch the battle between Mr. Sarutobi and Orochimaru."

In the field below, Hatake Kakashi and Jagged Kai raised their heads at the same time and looked here.

"He's really back." Kakashi couldn't help muttering, and then looked at Li Zhenwu, who had grown up a lot from what he remembered, and had these emotions: "How strong is Li Zhenwu now... "

Although Li Zhenwu is outside of his sister, because of Li Zhenwu's leisurely appearance, he doesn't look like he wants to destroy the loan at all. Therefore, within the barrier, the battle between Orochimaru and Hiruzen Sarutobi is still going on!

However, Orochimaru was hiding behind him at the moment, and the coffin lids of the two coffins in front of him had slammed open, and two stiff ninjas walked out from inside.

"Who, who are they?" A few Anbu couldn't help but said, but looking at the two, there was a strange sense of familiarity. It was only for a while, but they couldn't connect them.

The two people who came out of the coffin, one with black hair and one with white hair, have different armors, but they have the same faces, and they have four or five points of acquaintance.

The black-haired ninja who walked out of the coffin said, "Long time no see, Sarutobi."

"It's you, you're getting old too, Sarutobi." The white-haired ninja also said.

"I didn't expect to meet you two brothers again under such circumstances." Sarutobi Hizan's expression was a little heavy: "It's a pity, but you have to be mentally prepared, the first generation Hokage-sama, the second generation. Hokage-sama!"

Sarutobi Hiizan's face was heavy, and his eyes were firm as he looked at the two first- and second-generation Hokage Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama, who were summoned by Orochimaru with the reincarnation of dirty soil.

"Is it the young man behind us who was summoned by this technique of Reincarnation of the Earth? It's pretty good, I can use this technique!" The second-generation Hokage with white hair turned to look at Orochimaru and said.

And the black-haired generation Hokage also had a heavy voice: "It seems that we must fight, Sarutobi."

(Second update, please subscribe automatically! There will be updates later!)

Chapter [-]: The Battle Between Naruto (Third)

"You old men had better stop chatting, it's almost time to start the fight." Orochimaru suddenly urged, he turned his head indiscernibly to look at Li Zhenwu outside the barrier, and stepped forward in two steps. Behind the two people who were summoned, there was a kunai with a curse mark.

Then, Orochimaru's eyes turned gloomy: "Next, let's start!"

Sarutobi Hizan said in a heavy tone, "Orochimaru, someone like you who plays with your soul at will and disrupts time and space will definitely not end well!"

Orochimaru chuckled, and then lightly formed the seal. The power of Kuwu's curse seal has allowed him to completely complete the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth.

At this moment, he has completely controlled the two summoned first and second generations, making them battle puppets in his hands.

"Three Hokage-sama, can you win?"

Seeing the scene in front of them, Rao was the Anbu ninjas who were told by Li Zhenwu to be quiet, and couldn't help but worry.

Because they have reached the identity of the ninja summoned by Orochimaru.

The first Hokage and the second Hokage who founded Konoha!

They were worried, but an Anbu also said softly: "Don't worry, Lord Zhenwu is still here!"

This sentence made the Anbu Shinobi 300 people stunned. They looked at Li Zhenwu, who was quietly watching, and their hearts settled down at the same time!

In their thinking, Li Zhenwu's strength is probably comparable to Hokage!

In other words, after so many years, how could the current strength of the 'Konoha Monster', which was once known as the shocking ninja world, have not improved?

"Haha, Sarutobi-sensei, do you understand the joy of hurting your own relatives like a mentor?" Orochimaru said in a ruthless manner: "I summoned them, just to let you enjoy this feeling and fun like me."

Speaking, Orochimaru took two steps back, and then said, "Go!"

Obeying his orders, the two summoned first and second generations have already rushed towards Sarutobi Hizan like puppets!

Li Zhenwu, outside the Four Purple Flame Array, quietly watched the battle.

Compared with the first and second generations of Hokage, Sarutobi Hiizhan, who is the third generation of Hokage, is now a little old man with a thin and thin body.

However, the strength of the first generation and the second generation is only a part of their real body. Therefore, in the first round, the first generation and the second generation stepped forward together, but they were also forced to retreat by Sarutobi Hiizan with their strength.

"Huo Dun - Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!" Sarutobi Hiru cut the knot, and his abdominal cavity inhaled high, and the next moment...the flames spit out from his mouth were as powerful as hundreds of gas canisters exploding together.

In an instant, the first and second Hokage were covered up.

But in the fire, the second Hokage has already stretched out his hands, and the voice came from the fire.

"Water Escape - Water Formation Wall!" Then, from his mouth, he spit out a waterfall-like water flow.

"No, in an environment without water, you can still perform such a powerful water ninjutsu!" Konoha Ninja was shocked.

Li Zhenwu looked at the barrier outside the Four Purple Flames Formation. One was Sarutobi Hiizan, who was called the Doctor of Ninja World, and the other was Senju Tobirama, who developed many famous ninjutsu. Their ninjutsu confrontation made Li Zhenwu also felt an eye-opener.

"Ninjutsu... is a magical thing." Li Zhenwu thought to himself, in the world of Dragon Ball, there is no such means of making fire, water, or even soil out of thin air, but in the world of Naruto, these are just Base.

"Water Escape - Water Rush!" In the enchantment, the second-generation Hokage formed a seal again, and a drop of water swirled around him like a whirlwind, but in the blink of an eye, it had expanded into a tornado of water!

This huge tornado of water flow suddenly spewed and charged towards Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Tudun-Tuliubi!" Sarutobi Hiizhan was not in a hurry, and in front of him, a huge earth wall appeared.

The huge earth wall stood up like a hill in an instant, blocking all the water flow, and while this was happening, Hiruzen Sarutobi also came to the top of the hill.

After the two ninjutsus gradually subsided, Sarutobi has not yet shot, and the first and second generations have already shot again.

The second generation stepped on the water, and his combat power was mighty, but Sarutobi Hiizan was slightly inferior because of his physical strength, and he ignored it for a while and was severely hit.

At the same time, the first Hokage has been sealed, and his mouth is as flat as a puppet and has no emotions: "Woodun-"

On the roof, the tiles were burst, and countless plant seedlings emerged from the tiles.

"The tree world is coming!"

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