Even if there is no other kung fu, Li Zhenwu can already stand proudly at the peak of the Central Plains martial arts just by virtue of the peerless martial arts of the Free and Easy Sect.

Just when I was refreshing, I suddenly heard someone shout: "If you don't stop, this little girl's life will not be saved!"

Li Zhenwu was fighting for a while, but he forgot about Zhong Ling.

At this moment, Zhong Ling's delicate neck was already tightly pinched by a man. As long as he exerted a little force, he believed that this delicate neck would be broken immediately.

Zhong Ling was frightened for a while, and couldn't help crying aloud.

But as soon as he cried, he felt that the hand on his neck had loosened, and his body fell straight into Li Zhenwu's arms.

Zhong Ling is so pretty, even if Li Zhenwu had only seen that fairy sister before, now he can't help but tremble when he sees Zhong Ling's appearance. Is a living person ah!

Involuntarily, Li Zhenwu untied the rope immediately, touched his nose in embarrassment, then raised his eyes and glared at Sikong Xuan.

Although Sikongxuan is also a little famous person in the arena, he has never seen such a person before, so he said in a trembling voice, "This son, I..."

Before the words were finished, Li Zhenwu said, "To spare your life... Although Diao'er's strange poison is terrifying, it is still slightly different from the life and death talisman. Tianshan Tongmao can even solve the life and death talisman, not to mention It's a mere mink poison."

Hearing Li Zhenwu easily revealing their identities, Sikong Xuan was shocked, and he could no longer feel any confrontation.

"Since the mink poison can be cured, I hope Gang Master Sikong can hand over the antidote for Broken Heart Powder." Li Zhenwu looked at him.

Sikongxuan, in the whole Tianlong Babu, can't be considered to have an overly important identity, but the butterfly effect is not for nothing, at least, Sikongxuan cannot be allowed to die here now.

Anyway, it's just to save Zhong Ling, to save Duan Yu's life, which way to save him is not to save his life, as long as he can hand over the antidote for Broken Heart Powder.

This Sikong Xuan is also very knowledgeable. Knowing that he is determined not to be the opponent of the person in front of him, and he does not struggle too much, he immediately took out the antidote for Broken Heart Powder from his arms and handed it over respectfully!

After taking the antidote for Broken Heart Powder, Li Zhenwu suddenly turned his gaze to a short disciple, with a smile still on his face: "Sect Master Sikong, this girl has only one shoe now, is it possible that she must let this girl down? Is a girl jumping home?"

The antidote has already been handed in, is this pair of shoes still missing?

Sikong Xuan smiled bitterly.

Chapter [-] Mu Wanqing

After rescuing Zhong Ling, the two walked towards the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations together.

It's just that it's getting late now, it's inconvenient to travel, and Zhong Ling is hungry. After walking for a long time, he found a place to shelter from the wind and rain and stopped.

Caught a small hare, barely enough to feed the two of them.

While eating, Zhong Ling also casually asked about Li Zhenwu, especially his acquaintance with Duan Yu, and it was especially strange, how could Duan Yu, a nerd, have such a strong martial arts friend as him.

Li Zhenwu thought: "In the future, this idiot's martial arts will only surprise you."

Sincerely told her how she met Duan Yu before.

Zhong Ling's mind was simple, so he immediately believed in Li Zhenwu, no longer took any precautions, and even revealed his identity.

"I don't know how Duan Yu is doing now?" Zhong Ling was worried.

When he was caught by Sikongxuan before, Zhong Ling was only worried about himself. Now, he escaped danger, but Duan Yu went to the Valley of Myriad Tribulations. If his father found out, I am afraid...

Li Zhenwu said: "You don't have to worry, girl, Duan brother Jiren has his own good looks, not to mention that he is a person who does not understand martial arts, his foot strength is definitely worse than you and me, and when it is bright tomorrow, you and I will step up. Just catch up with your foot strength."

Zhong Lingzhan smiled and said, "That's true, just as he looks like a fool, maybe he will get lost on the way."

Li Zhenwu smiled.

If Duan Yu doesn't get lost, then he can only be a person who is full of poetry and books in his life, and he has no chance to traverse the rivers and lakes.


The night passed.

In the early morning of the next day, when it was just dawn, Li Zhenwu and Zhong Ling hurried towards the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

Not to mention, if Duan Yu robbed Mu Wanqing in front of him, things would develop on the original track, and I was afraid that the task of "kissing Mu Wanqing" would not be completed.

At the very least, they had to arrive in time for Duan Yu and Mu Wanqing to borrow horses.

Li Zhenwu was anxious, and the steps under his feet were inevitably a little faster. Although Zhong Lingqinggong was good, his internal strength was not deep. He was fine at the beginning, but he couldn't keep up with it when he got there. In a hurry, he immediately shouted : "Young Master Li!"

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu stopped just now, only to see Zhong Ling gasping for breath, patted her head, and quickly helped her up and said, "Miss Zhong, it's really rude, I'm worried about the safety of Young Master Duan, so I only took a few steps faster."

Zhong Lingdao: "Li... Young Master Li, since Young Master Duan is not a martial artist, even walking can't compare to us, so why rush it for a while?"

Li Zhenwu slowed down and said: "I'm in a hurry."

Zhong Ling smiled and said, "Young Master Li and Master Duan just met by chance, but they care about him so much. Could it be that Young Master Li likes him?"

Li Zhenwu coughed and said, "The grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring, and Mr. Duan is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and should be saved."

When Zhong Ling heard this, he also thought that Li Zhenwu thought so. After a short rest, he said, "Let's go, but this time, Young Master Li will be slower, I can't keep up."

After walking for less than half an hour, he already reached the "Good Man Ferry" iron chain bridge. It took only half an hour to travel from this good man to the Valley of Myriad Tribulations. I don't know that Duan Yu has already arrived.

After walking for another half an hour, he saw a huge forest facing him. Li Zhenwu also knew that this place was already the Taniguchi of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations.

Just looking at Zhong Ling approaching, there is a row of nine large pine trees on the right hand side by side, Zhong Ling counts to the fourth from the right, goes around the tree, pushes away the long grass, there is a huge tree hole in the tree, Zhong Ling greets Said: "Li Gongzi."

Li Zhenwu stepped up to keep up.

Drilled into the tree hole, pushed aside the dead grass, touched a large iron ring with the right hand, lifted it hard, the plank was lifted, and there was a stone level below. After walking, turn right at the stone level after more than [-] steps, fold after a few feet and go up, go up more than [-] steps, and come to the flat ground.

A large area of ​​grass appeared in front of me, and at the end were all pine trees.Walking through the grass, a large pine tree was cut off by a length of [-] feet and a width of [-] feet, painted with white paint, and written in nine characters: "Those surnamed Duan enter this valley to kill without mercy."The eight characters are black, but the word "kill" is dark red.

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