Zhong Ling took off a small hammer hanging from the tree, lifted it up and knocked on the word "Duan", the hammer knocked down, making a loud metallic sound, and knocked it three times in a row.

After a while, a girl appeared behind the pine tree. The girl saw Zhong Ling and called out, "Miss, you are back!"

There was joy in the voice.

Zhong Ling was also very happy, and asked again: "Before I come back, will a young master come to the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations to report the news?"

The girl smiled and said, "Miss Duan, you are talking about Mr. Duan. He has been gone for half an hour. I never expected that you will be back just after he left..."

Less than half an hour!

Li Zhenwu was shocked, and without talking nonsense, he immediately jumped up.

In the distance, only Zhong Ling could be heard shouting, "Young Master Li!"

No matter whether he is Young Master Li or Young Master Duan, the most important thing is to complete the task now. If Mu Wanqing had already followed Duan Yu, it would be a big trouble.

I don't know where he ran to, when Li Zhenwu was at a loss, he suddenly heard Duan Yu's loud cry: "I don't accept! I don't accept! I don't listen! I don't listen!"

Li Zhenwu's heart sank and followed the sound.

I saw that Duan Yu was chained by Mu Wanqing, dragged by the black rose, and his head, face, siblings and feet were already succumbed to seedlings.

Li Zhenwu hurriedly plucked a leaf from the tree and flew away. The leaf cut off the rope. Duan Yu was relieved of his suffering and kept shouting: "Amitabha, Amitabha, it can be regarded as a life-saving!"

Mu Wanqing felt strange, so he stopped his horse and shouted, "Which senior came to help this stinky boy, please show up and meet."

"Senior can't talk about it, I just got to know this young master Duan, please don't embarrass him."

Li Zhenwu floated down from the tree, helped Duan Yu at 0.8 and said, "Young Master Duan, do you still remember me?"

Duan Yu said in shock, "Young Master Li, why are you here?"

Li Zhenwu said: "Young Master Duan forgot, that day you said you were going to Wuliang Mountain, and I went to Wuliang Mountain. I happened to meet Miss Zhong Lingzhong and came here specially for you."

Duan Yu cupped his hands and said, "You have a heart!"

Mu Wanqing snorted coldly: "It turns out that the helper is here, eat me!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and threw the whip over.

Li Zhenwu pushed Duan Yu away with one hand, and grabbed the whip very lightly with the other.

Mu Wanqing tugged at the whip, but no matter how much strength she used, the whip wouldn't move in his hand.

"Girl's family, you should learn knitting girl music in the boudoir, and come here to dance with knives and guns. It's really not right." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said.

Chapter [-] In the Clouds

The right hand exerted force, and with just a slight tug, Mu Wanqing's body flew over uncontrollably.

Seeing that she was about to collide with Li Zhenwu, Mu Wanqing suddenly raised her sleeve, and a flying arrow flew out from her sleeve. too many gaps.

He just took a slight step and swung his body, and Feather Arrow was easily dodged.

And she herself fell into Li Zhenwu's arms.

Mu Wanqing has lived here for a long time, and has never been out of the rivers and lakes, and is even more ignorant of this secular ethics, but being hugged by Li Zhenwu like this, she suddenly felt indecent, and she raised her palm and attacked.

But no matter how powerful she was and how much effort she exerted, her waist was always held tightly by Li Zhenwu.

Every point of her attack was two inches away from Li Zhenwu.

Duan Yu was watching, his jaw was about to fall to the ground in shock. He never thought that this young master Li, who had met by chance, would have such a high level of martial arts, and that this person would actually use the Ling Ling who was seen by the fairy sister earlier. Bo Wei's footwork, could it be said that this person has a very wonderful relationship with the fairy sister?

Just as he was thinking about it, several people suddenly came out of the forest next to him. It was Granny Ping, Granny Rui and others who had besieged Mu Wanqing before.

At the moment, Duan Yu immediately shouted: "Li Gongzi, these people are all very bad people!"

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, raised his hand and sealed Mu Wanqing's big hole, he would not let such a beautiful woman escape.

The large acupoints in her body were sealed, and Mu Wanqing could not move her entire body, her mouth was slightly open, but she was unable to make a sound.

"Oh, when did this little bitch have a relationship again!" Granny Rui cursed.

Granny Ping also agreed: "Little slut is just a slut, one good friend is not enough, I even found two, both of them are this kind of oily and floury boy!"

Li Zhenwu snorted and said, "If I'm not mistaken, a few of them should be the subordinates of Mrs. Wang's Mantuo Mountain Villa, right?"

Granny Rui was slightly startled, and then she smiled and said, "Why, since you know my wife's identity, it's still too late to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Begging for mercy? But let's see who is begging for mercy!"

When the words fell, Li Zhenwu suddenly moved, unfolding the Tianshan Liuyang Palm and immediately rushed into the crowd.

His palm strength is very strong, and every attack hits the vital point directly, but in just a moment, several people fell to the ground and died.

Granny Ping and Granny Rui knew very well that they had encountered a tough stubble, and they could not resist them head-on. When they were about to run away, Li Zhenwu had already rushed over.

With a spit of palm force, the two of them were knocked out.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly swept across the sky, heading straight for Mu Wanqing.

This figure is very fast, as fast as the wind.

There are not many people in the world of Tianlong Babu who possess such lightness, and there is only one lightness master who can appear here, and that is Yun Zhonghe, one of the four evil men!

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are other women in this damn Valley of Tribulations!"

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