Hearing this sharp and rough smile, Li Zhenwu was even more convinced that this person was Yun Zhonghe, one of the four villains, and no one's laughter could be more disgusting than him.

Now that the crane in the cloud has arrived, presumably the other villains are about to arrive, just in time, let's fight this crane in the cloud first!

Yun Zhonghe is incomparable with Qinggong, and it is enough to kidnap Mu Wanqing, but he is still showing off in the air, and Li Zhenwu has a good look at it. Not weaker than Yun Zhonghe's light work and body technique.

Seeing Li Zhenwu chasing after him, Yun Zhonghe was secretly startled: "So fast! This movement technique... I'm so familiar with it!"

"Senior Brother Song, do you really think that there is no one in my sect by relying on this brilliant and light meritorious deeds?" Li Zhenwu suddenly stopped drinking.

Yun Zhonghe was slightly startled, and suddenly landed on a big tree.

Li Zhenwu took a long sigh of relief, picked a reasonably suitable place and stopped.

I remember that when watching Tianlong Babu, this cloud crane always called himself Song Yu, and Li Zhenwu wondered if the name Song Yu was his real name, but he never thought that he would actually stop.

"Who are you?" Yun Zhonghe asked suddenly.

Li Zhenwu said: "Senior Brother Song went out of the rivers and lakes early, so naturally he doesn't know me, but Senior Brother Song should know that I make Kung Fu?"

Yun Zhonghe gritted his back molars, there are not many people in the world who know his surname Song, not to mention that this person is actually doing the same kung fu as him, could it be that he said, "No, it's impossible, Master... his The old thing is already dead, how can there be a disciple."

Li Zhenwu said: "Senior brother Song is favored by his master. Naturally, he doesn't know that he has little disciples like me. Now that he can see his brother, it's a blessing for three lifetimes!"

Yun Zhonghe didn't know whether it was true or not, and when he was hesitating, he suddenly heard a woman's voice: "Fourth, don't let this kid see you, the four villains are famous in the rivers and lakes, if this The kid is your junior brother, I am afraid he has found it long ago, so why wait until today."

It turned out that it was Ye Erniang who did all evil.

Li Zhenwu sneered in his heart.

Then I saw a woman not far from Yun Zhonghe's side. I saw that she was wearing a light blue gown with long hair. She was about forty years old. There are three dark red blood marks on each, from the bottom of the eye to the lower cheek, as if it had just been scratched by someone's hand.She was holding a two- or three-year-old boy in her hand, who was very fat and fat.

There is not much difference from the description in the book.

583 Li Zhenwu cupped his hands and said, "It turns out that Ye Erniang is the one who does all evil, so it's polite!"

Ye Erniang smiled and said: "This little brother is handsome, it's strange that you don't want to be someone else's junior brother, but you want to be my fourth senior junior brother, is it possible, the little brother is for the sake of This woman?"

After Ye Erniang said this, Yun Zhonghe also woke up and looked at Mu Wanqing.

But Mu Wanqing was wearing a veil now, and Yun Zhonghe couldn't see her face clearly. Even so, she was attracted by Mu Wanqing's bright eyes, and she immediately reached out to take off Mu Wanqing's veil.

Li Zhenwu secretly squeezed three leaves in his hands, and said coldly, "Senior Brother Song, if I were you, I would never want to take off her veil."

But how could the lustful Yun Zhonghe listen to him, and insisted on seeing what Mu Wanqing looked like.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu pinched three leaves and flew them out in unison.

Although Li Zhenwu didn't know what Nianhua Finger was, and he didn't know any hidden weapon techniques, but his inner strength was definitely not fake, and the three leaves were filled with inner strength and flew away.

"Kick, kick, kick."

Qi Qi nailed the trunk of the tree at the foot of Yunzhonghe, and immediately broke the trunk, and Yunzhonghe and Mu Wanqing, who were standing on the tree, immediately fell.

Chapter [-] The Four Evil Men

Fortunately, the crane in the cloud is very light, and even if it falls into the air, it can still correct its shape and leap up again.

But just as he leaped up, Li Zhenwu had already used the Tianshan Liuyang Palm to attack.

Anyone who has seen the Eight Parts of Tianlong knows that Yun Zhonghe's other skills are really superficial except for Qinggong. When Li Zhenwu is directly attacked, he can only use Qinggong to evade.

But Li Zhenwu's Qinggong is not under him, and every palm is aimed at the key points. If it is not for Li Zhenwu's strength, I am afraid that he will not survive ten strokes.

Even so, Yun Zhonghe never gave up on Mu Wanqing, and was even reluctant to use her body as a shield.

Yun Zhonghe didn't know the danger, but Ye Erniang could see clearly, and hurriedly shouted: "The fourth thief, can't you see it, this kid is here for that girl, the world is big, and there is no fragrance anywhere. Grass, why do you have to stare at such a plant!"

"Is this little lady ugly or beautiful, I haven't seen it yet. If she is a peerless beauty, wouldn't it be worth it if I threw her away today." Yun Zhonghe shouted.

Ye Erniang frowned slightly, stomped her feet, and attacked Li Zhenwu with her child in her arms.

After all, they are the four evil people, and it is impossible to lose any of them. Today, I will be unlucky. Please help him.

Ye Erniang thought so in her heart, but the one who moved her hand did not dare to hit too hard. She could see that this person in front of her was definitely not something the two of them could beat, even if it was the elder brother who came Not necessarily be able to beat him.

The three of them couldn't fight for a cup of tea when a strange whistle suddenly sounded in the sky.

With just one sound, Yun Zhonghe and Ye Erniang were unmoved.

But after two consecutive beeps, Yun Zhonghe suddenly threw Mu Wanqing out and shouted, "Let's go!"

Hearing this, Ye Erniang immediately pulled away and bowed to Li Zhenwu: "Senior, goodbye by fate!"

Li Zhenwu didn't care what Ye Erniang's posture was, he only cared about saving Mu Wanqing.

In this forest, the branches are vertical and horizontal.

Coincidentally, Mu Wanqing was about to land on the tree branch now, and she couldn't move now. If she fell on the tree branch, she would inevitably be injured.


Li Zhenwu stuck out a palm.

The power of the palm was very fierce, and it smashed the tree branches into pieces, but the wind of the palm also blew away Mu Wanqing's veil.

Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment. What he saw in front of him was like a clear crescent moon, like flowers and trees piled up with snow. His face was beautiful and vulgar, but it was too pale, with no blood at all. I thought it was because of her long black veil covering her face. The thin lips are also extremely pale, so pitiful, yet the delicate and graceful woman was so pungent when she first appeared on the stage.

When the veil was taken off, Mu Wanqing was horrified. Thinking of the oath she had made before, she took another look at Li Zhenwu's handsome appearance...

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