Li Zhenwu didn't think about it that much, and slowly landed on Mu Wanqing's waist before reaching out to unlock the acupuncture points for her.

But as soon as the acupoints were opened, Mu Wanqing slapped him on the face with her hand, and her voice was very clear.

Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly: "Girl, you..."

Mu Wanqing raised her eyebrows and said, "Even if you see my appearance today and want to be my husband, you are still wishful thinking. Even if I commit suicide, I will not marry you!"

Sure enough, this indifferent temperament.

Li Zhenwu pretended not to know, and said, "I'm not one of the four evil people, let alone the crane in the cloud, and I've never been frivolous with a girl, not to mention the matter of marriage, the order of my parents, and the words of a matchmaker, even if I am a wife, I have to ask my parents first... but the girl said this, I really don't understand!"

Mu Wanqing said: "I made a poisonous oath that if any man saw my face, if I didn't kill him, I would marry him. Today, you saw my face, but you and I are far apart in martial arts. , I can't kill you, and I don't want to marry you, so I have to kill myself."

Li Zhenwu was shocked, and quickly said: "I didn't know the girl had this oath, and I was just afraid that the tree branch would hurt the girl, so I shot..."

Mu Wanqing stared at Li Zhenwu's eyes, knowing that this person was also in a hurry, and lamented: "The oath is hard to break!"

After that, Fu Xiu pointed to his chest. The small arrow in her sleeve was something that could kill people. Li Zhenwu knew it very well, and quickly reached out to stop it.

"You don't have to do this, the girl just said that if any man sees your face, if he doesn't kill him, he must marry him. Even if the girl commits suicide, it is a violation of her oath, not to mention that the girl is born so beautiful. If you die like this , I'm afraid I'm going to cry... I, Li Zhenwu, have a cheap life, and my parents have both died, I have no thoughts in this life, and if I die, it should be me!"

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, as if he didn't take life seriously at all, grabbed Mu Wanqing's arm and said, "Miss, Li is in a hurry to go out, and he didn't have any sharp weapons on his body. some time."

After speaking, before Mu Wanqing could react, two poisonous arrows suddenly flew out and stabbed Li Zhenwu in the chest.

Mu Wanqing was also stunned for a moment. She didn't expect the man in front of her to be so decisive.

He didn't care about his vows anymore, and immediately took out two bottles of antidote from his arms, the red ones for internal use and the white ones for external use.

Seeing that the blood flowing out of the chest turned from black to purple and from purple to red in an instant, Mu Wanqing was relieved.

Even if it has been detoxified, it will take some time to recover. It is not particularly suitable for him to lie here now. Mu Wanqing can only pick him up and slowly walk back towards the previous road.

She didn't know that Li Zhenwu had woken up now. Although this poison was powerful, it was still too difficult to poison a Saiyan.

In particular, Li Zhenwu has already prepared the fairy bean, and now he has a fairy bean in his mouth. If this fairy bean goes down, people who are dying can be rescued, not to mention this mere toxin.

The poor Mu Wanqing fell into Li Zhenwu's bitter trick like this, and just carried him back to the previous place.

When he arrived at the place, the black rose was still there, but Duan Yu on the ground disappeared without a trace.

Mu Wanqing doesn't care where he goes, she only cares about Li Zhenwu now.

As for Li Zhenwu, he is not worried about Duan Yu.

I have seen the two evil men before, so the third child of Yue should be here too. If Duan Yu either slipped away by himself, or was picked up by Zhong Ling, if neither of these two, then he must have met Yue. third.

With the madness of the third Yue, who knows what sparks will spark between them, but this time without Mu Wanqing, I don't know whether Duan Yu can successfully accept this apprentice.

Furthermore, the Lingbo Microstep that he used before will definitely be recognized by Duan Yu...

Chapter [-] Oath

"Forget it, ignore it, ignore it, take one step at a time!" Li Zhenwu secretly said in his heart.

Anyway, now that he has hooked up with Mu Wanqing, the task of "kissing Mu Wanqing" is already getting better. As for the collection of martial arts books, it doesn't matter if things will continue to develop.

The Six Meridians Excalibur, or the One Yang Finger, are all martial arts that are relatively easy to obtain.

Mu Wanqing hugged Li Zhenwu, and the two rode together.

Not long after we left, I heard a very nice voice, "Sister Mu, where are you going? What's wrong with Young Master Li?"

It's Zhong Ling's voice!

It seemed that Duan Yu was really caught by the villain.

"Young Master Li just fought with the four evil men and was injured a little bit. I am going to take him back to heal his injuries," Mu Wanqing said.

Zhong Ling looked at the two of them with great interest, and said with a smile, "Sister Mu, have you ever met Duan Yu, Master Duan?"

Mu Wanqing said: "I have seen it, just now it is still ahead, but I don't know where it is now."

Zhong Ling said: "Then don't go past Sister Mu first, I'll go look for Young Master Duan."

Mu Wanqing instructed: "Be careful!"

Zhong Ling said, "I see, Sister Mu."

As expected, it is sister 567, the sisters are deeply in love!

He pretended to be in a coma all the way, until he returned to Mu Wanqing's residence, lying on the incense couch, Li Zhenwu was still pretending to be in a coma.

Just listening to Mu Wanqing muttering to herself, "Master said, there is no good thing for men in this world...but you...I really don't know how to treat each other...I just hope you get better soon!"

After listening to Mu Wanqing's last sentence, Li Zhenwu really wanted to jump up from the bed, but if he jumped up now, all his plans would be in vain, and he naturally wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

After waiting in silence for a while, Li Zhenwu slowly opened his eyes.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he happened to meet Mu Wanqing's big watery eyes, Li Zhenwu's eyes moved, he already had a trick, he immediately got up and said anxiously: "Girl, this... I'm dead, girl Why did you follow me, and I didn't break your oath!"

Seeing his anxious appearance, Mu Wanqing laughed and said, "This is my residence!"

"Residence!" Li Zhenwu looked around in a daze, before saying for a long time: "This is not the underworld? This is definitely not the underworld, the underworld will not be so beautiful. But, girl..."

He looked at Mu Wanqing.

Mu Wanqing didn't wear a veil, so she couldn't take her eyes away from her beauty.

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