It wasn't until Mu Wanqing's eyes were slightly hidden that Li Zhenwu smiled: "The girl is too beautiful..."

Mu Wanqing had never heard such blatant words, her face blushed slightly and said: "I have said before, since you look at my face, then you will either marry me or let me kill you, but I don't want to. To kill you, only marry you."

"This sentence is very familiar."

Li Zhenwu heard such a sentence at this time, and naturally he thought of the original book, Mu Wanqing was like this, the veil was seen by others and either killed or married him.

But what Li Zhenwu didn't expect was that Mu Wanqing's words were originally addressed to Duan Yu, but they were meant to be said to himself.

Li Zhenwu couldn't help but think for a moment, did he think that he had cut off Duan Yu's beard ahead of time?

But think about it, it was impossible for Mu Wanqing and Duan Yu to have a good relationship.

At this time, it was a good thing to cut off her Hu in advance so that Mu Wanqing did not encounter Dao Duan Yu!

"You can't kill me, Miss Mu." Li Zhenwu sighed.

Today's Li Zhenwu, after all, is a character who has traversed the heavens and the world. Even at this time, he encountered a special situation, so he was reduced to this low-level martial arts world.

However, from time to time people in this world can be killed.

Even if this martial arts world is destroyed, Li Zhenwu will not suffer any harm in it.

For today's Li Zhenwu, the current course of the martial arts world is like an exclusive rest.

However, Mu Wanqing didn't understand Li Zhenwu's words like that, but thought...

"So, do you want to marry me?" Mu Wanqing's face was slightly red at this time.

In fact, she did not kill Li Zhenwu's heart, but in her heart, she already had some good feelings for Li Zhenwu, so naturally, she would not really have the intention to kill Li Zhenwu.

After Li Zhenwu was stunned, he immediately reacted, and Mu Wanqing misunderstood her meaning.

However, Li Zhenwu, who had seen through Mu Wanqing's intentions, naturally wouldn't refuse cruelly at this time.

"The wooden girl... the affection is too heavy, and Zhenwu can't bear it..."

Li Zhenwu sighed, now he has experienced so many worlds and has so many confidantes at home, but now he has provoked a Mu Wanqing again, and he feels a little ashamed of Mu Wanqing.

However, Mu Wanqing had no idea what Li Zhenwu meant, but she heard that Li Zhenwu was unaware of herself.

So, Mu Wanqing's expression turned cold immediately, and her voice became a little colder: "What do you mean?"

Seeing Mu Wanqing's attitude, Li Zhenwu immediately understood that Mu Wanqing had probably misunderstood again...

Li Zhenwu sighed and explained, "It's the hardest thing to endure the grace of a beauty. To be honest, I... am a little happy with the girl, but..."

"Just what?" Mu Wanqing heard the words, her cold face turned slightly red, and then she asked.

"In Zhenwu's home, there is already..."

Li Zhenwu sighed, but he told the truth about his situation.

Of course, the words said this point, it is almost the same.

Mu Wanqing was hit hard, and she couldn't believe it: "You already have a family at your age?"

Mu Wanqing looked at Li Zhenwu's young face, thinking that it was no bigger than herself, and she already had a marriage, and she didn't believe it.

"My age..." Li Zhenwu was taken aback for a moment, then realized that Mu Wanqing had misunderstood something: "How old do you think I am?"

Li Zhenwu's age, he himself can't remember.

But he has been wandering in the world for so many years, and he can't remember his age for a long time.

Moreover, at his level, age means nothing to him.

"Your age..." Mu Wanqing looked at Li Zhenwu, but did not think how old he was.

"If my age is strictly calculated, there should be no one older than me in the world today." Li Zhenwu told the truth.

But Mu Wanqing obviously didn't believe it.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu's previous performance did not look like an exaggerated old monster.

"It shouldn't be too low-key." Li Zhenwu shook his head slightly, seeing Mu Wanqing's disbelief, he decided to prove himself a little.

Chapter [-] Immortals

Li Zhenwu thought about it seriously, and felt that the world at the moment was not suitable for him.

And in fact, he has traveled a few martial arts worlds recently, and he has almost felt a little boring. To continue to travel through the martial arts world, it has no meaning or any meaning to him.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu had such an idea in his heart.

"It's time to end." Li Zhenwu had such an idea in his heart. He believed that it was time for him to end his journey in the martial arts-world.

Because his freshness has also passed.

After Li Zhenwu had the idea of ​​leaving, his whole person changed.

Mu Wanqing, who was opposite Li Zhenwu, saw the changes in Li Zhenwu even more.

At this moment, Mu Wanqing felt that what was in front of her didn't seem to be the ordinary martial arts young warrior, but the sun in the sky, which people couldn't ignore.


Mu Wanqing looked at Li Zhenwu in surprise, not understanding why such a change would occur in the current Li Zhenwu.

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