At this time, Li Zhenwu was thinking about it.After I figured out my current state, I decided not to stay in the martial arts world, so I followed my heart, and the original hidden strength became a joke at this time.

The most important reason for the noticeable decline in her body was that Li Zhenwu at this time had begun to recover a little bit of his own body's extremely small abilities.

Even the slightest ability of his body, even one ten thousandth or one hundred millionth, is enough for Li Zhenwu's power to easily sweep the entire world.

Even Li Zhenwu now, as long as he is willing, even destroying the current world is not an exaggeration.

"Actually, I'm not from your world." Li Zhenwu confessed to Mu Wanqing, and then said about his situation: "I came to this world by chance... Actually, I..."

Li Zhenwu slowly revealed his true identity, a strong man who traverses the heavens and the world, but only traveled to this world by chance.

However, following Li Zhenwu's statement, Mu Wanqing's eyes gradually became more and more wrong.

Mu Wanqing looked at Li Zhenwu as if she was looking at a lunatic.

Li Zhenwu naturally saw Mu Wanqing's apparent disbelief.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu did not explain too much, but stretched out his hand and grabbed Mu Wanqing at once.

Mu Wanqing was slightly startled and a little flustered, not knowing what Li Zhenwu wanted to do.

However, the next moment, shock was written all over her face...

Because Mu Wanqing suddenly discovered that her body had already risen into the air.


Mu Wanqing couldn't help but screamed.

To be more precise, it wasn't that she rose into the air, but was carried by Li Zhenwu and rose into the air.

The scenery in front of him changed rapidly, and it was already far from the ground in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Mu Wanqing also felt that something soft was supporting her feet.

Looking down, it was a white cloud, but at this time it seemed to have turned into reality, and she stepped on it.

"Do you believe it now?" Li Zhenwu smiled a little at the corner of his mouth: "For you all, I should be regarded as the immortal immortal."

"Are you really an immortal?" Mu Wanqing already believed it.

After all, other than immortals, who can take themselves to the sky?

The clouds under their feet supported the two of them, and they flew higher and higher.

Soon, the original ground became smaller and smaller.

Moreover, the golden color in front of him also slowly changed.

It didn't take long for Mu Wanqing to discover that an azure sphere appeared under her feet.

Mu Wanqing looked at everything in front of her in shock.

"This is the world you live in, a planet, and we are now free from the shackles of the planet and into space."

Li Zhenwu explained.

At this time, Mu Wanqing was a little nervous, and suddenly grabbed Li Zhenwu's arm: "Where are you going, are you going to the heaven?"

"There is no heaven in this world." Li Zhenwu just shook his head: "I just prove to you that what I said is true."

"You really are an immortal..." Mu Wanqing had already believed Li Zhenwu's words, but her expression turned down.

Because at this time, she realized that what Li Zhenwu said before, that he could not kill him by himself, and that no one could kill him, was true.

Mu Wanqing turned to a lot, and also thought of her own oath. In front of Li Zhenwu, it was obvious that she could not swim.

Li Zhenwu has now recovered some of the power of his body, and already has various abilities.

At this time, just by looking at Mu Wanqing's eyes, she understood what she was thinking.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, but raised his hand and grasped Mu Wanqing's soft weed, "Would you like to leave this world with me?"

①③ Lotus Lamp

Chapter [-] Liu Chenxiang

When Li Zhenwu opened his eyes, he had already reached a forest.

Is this the world of the lotus lamp?

He looked at the surrounding scenery with some curiosity.

"Hey, let's see where you're going this time!" Suddenly a triumphant voice came from the woods in the distance.

anyone?Li Zhenwu immediately walked towards the source of the sound.

After walking a few steps, he immediately saw two people not far away.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy fell to the ground and said with a face full of unwillingness, "If you want to kill it, kill it. This time I fall into your hands, so I am unlucky."

"Humph, Chenxiang, this is also your own death. You don't want my master to give you such a good life. You have to choose such a path. When you reach the underworld, don't blame me."

A short, thin man said triumphantly.

Looking at the huge bone in his hand, Li Zhenwu knew that it must be a roaring dog.


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