And the person he thought was destined to die in Huangquan stood there, unscathed.

How is this going?

Liu Chenxiang's eyes widened in astonishment!

"Who the hell are you!" Howling Dog looked at each other in horror.

Compared to Liu Chenxiang, who was helpless, he had personally experienced the battle with this person, so he naturally understood the opponent's strength better.

After all, he is also a person under Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun. With tens of thousands of years of cultivation, he is considered to be a top-ranked person in the Three Realms, but under this person, he has not even made a move!

And he also saw that the other party didn't do his best just now.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I would have been corpse on the spot!

It is precisely because of this that he is even more afraid and afraid!

With such a terrifying and powerful strength, I am afraid that even his master Erlang Shen would not be able to do it, right?

When did such a great character appear in the Three Realms?

"You ask me? My name is Li Zhenwu!" Li Zhenwu slowly reported his name when he heard the words of the roaring dog, and he had no plans to kill him quickly.

After all, he knew that the reason why the current Erlang God asked the Roaring Dog to hunt down Liu Chenxiang was just to temper him, so he would show mercy.

Of course, the more reason is because a small character like the roaring dog is really not enough to watch. If he kills the other party, it really makes him feel that he is bullying the weak.

"Li Zhenwu?"

Who is this, Roaring Dog quickly went through these three words in his mind 1.3, but he had no clue.

In the Three Realms, among the top-ranked people, there is no such name at all!

However, now that he has been seriously injured, he knows that if he continues to entangle with the other party now, it will definitely be detrimental to himself——

Understanding the current situation, the roaring dog was unwilling to fight, he immediately chanted a spell, then flew into the air, and quickly disappeared in front of the two of them.

Only his words were left in the air, "Li Zhenwu, wait, if you dare to oppose me, my master will not let you go!"

"Don't let him go!" Liu Chenxiang wanted to keep the other party, but it was too late, so she could only watch the other party disappear.

"Damn, the lotus lantern is still in his hands!"

He couldn't help but slammed the ground twice in sadness.

It was the only magic weapon that his mother left him. These days, he has been relying on the lotus lantern to escape the pursuit of Erlang God and the roaring dog. Now that the lotus lantern is gone, what else can he use to fight them? ?

Chapter two together

"Are you OK!"

Li Zhenwu walked up and extended his hand to Liu Chenxiang.

"I'm fine, thank you for saving me just now!"

Liu Chenxiang grabbed his hand and got up.

He looked at Li Zhenwu with admiration on his face, and when he was about to say something——


"Chen Xiang, are you alright?"

Three more people ran over, but one of the young masters in green was already unconscious and was being supported by the other two.

"I'm fine, Xiaoyu, Eighth Prince, Ding Gongzi, are you all right?"

Seeing her partner, Liu Chenxiang hurriedly greeted He and a few others, and then checked Young Master Ding's injury, and found that she only suffered some trauma, Chenxiang felt relieved.

"Chenxiang, next time you must not be so stupid, you will lead the roaring dog away, you will die."

Xiaoyu pulled Liu Chenxiang with a look of fear and grievance on her face.

It turned out that today Chenxiang finally broke into Huashan with the help of the third prince, Nezha, and met her mother, the Three Holy Mothers.

But before he came and said a few words to the three virgins, Erlang God came after him with the roaring dog. In order to protect them, Nezha went out to entangle Yang Jian, but unfortunately Yang Jian sent the roaring dog to chase after him. come over.

During the escape, they were blocked by the roaring dog who was chasing after them. They had no choice but to fight with the roaring dog. During the fight, the manaless Ding Gongzi was injured by the roaring dog.

Although they had only known this Young Master Ding for a few hours, it was a human life after all, so Chen Xiang hurriedly lured the roaring dog away.

Then the scene just now happened. Chenxiang was defeated. The roaring dog stole the lotus lamp and killed Chenxiang. Fortunately, Li Zhenwu arrived in time.

"Xiaoyu, I'm fine, but the lotus lantern was snatched by the roaring dog!" Chen Xiang said with a low expression after hearing this.

"What, the roaring dog stole the lotus lamp?" The Eighth Prince was shocked.

Chen Xiang nodded and said nothing.

"Chenxiang as long as you're fine, Baolian Lantern, let's grab it back next time." Xiaoyu quickly comforted.

After a few people finished speaking, they noticed Li Zhenwu beside him.

"Chenxiang, who is this... Who is this?" Xiaoyu looked at Li Zhenwu cautiously.

In fact, it's not her fault. They were chased by the roaring dog just now. Now that such a person suddenly appeared beside Chenxiang, she would definitely doubt the identity of the other party.

"Xiaoyu, it was this Big Brother Li who saved me just now." Liu Chenxiang quickly introduced.

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