"What? He saved you?" The eighth prince immediately looked at Li Zhenwu in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

Xiaoyu also took a serious look at Li Zhenwu, but found that the other party was just a powerless mortal.

"Chenxiang, aren't you stupid? How is this possible?"

Obviously, the Eighth Prince also discovered this and turned to Chen Xiang.

Among these people, his mana is higher.

And that roaring dog, even if he is not the opponent of the roaring dog, now Chenxiang actually told him that this person rescued him from Xiaotiango's men, how is this possible.

"It's true, it was just one of his moves that injured the roaring dog." Liu Chenxiang hurriedly said.

In fact, he was no less surprised than them, but this incident really happened in front of his eyes, and he couldn't bear to believe it.

Having said that, he quickly explained how Li Zhenwu defeated the roaring dog just now.

"Oh my God, Brother Li really didn't see it, dare I ask where you practiced before?"

There was no need for Chen Xiang to lie to herself, so the Eighth Prince believed it as soon as he heard it, and immediately got close to Li Zhenwu.

"The people of the mountains are not worth mentioning!"

It is impossible for Li Zhenwu to say that he is from another world, he thought for a moment, and said in the tone of this world.

"So this is ah."

Knowing that he just didn't want to say it, and the eighth prince couldn't force it, he nodded and didn't ask any further.

"Big brother, do you accept apprentices?" At this moment, Chen Xiang seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said to Li Zhenwu.

Just now he saw that Li Zhenwu could beat the roaring dog with one move, so he must be a master. If he could learn from him, wouldn't he be able to rescue his mother soon?

Li Zhenwu also knew what Chen Xiang wanted to do with her apprenticeship, but he was a little hesitant.

After all, the reason why he is so strong is because of his physical strength. He is a Super Saiyan himself, so he can gradually improve himself and become so strong in the continuous battle and exercise in the later period.

But Chenxiang is just an ordinary person with normal physical fitness. Even if he wants to teach him, because of physical limitations, he will never be able to achieve such achievements as himself.

To put it bluntly, their cultivation methods are fundamentally different. If Liu Chenxiang worshipped herself as a teacher, it would definitely not work.

But the Eighth Prince and the others thought that his hesitation was unwilling.

"Brother Li, just accept him. He has a very poor background."

"Brother Li, please, help Chen Xiang."

Xiaoyu also pulled his sleeves pitifully.

"Master, please accept me."

Chen Xiang even kowtowed and said eagerly.

"Okay, let's talk about this later. For now, it's more important to heal your friends than to teach them."

Li Zhenwu's words reminded them, and they remembered that there was another injured Ding Gongzi.

"Yes, it is more important for us to find a place to heal Ding Gongzi first."

Liu Chenxiang and the others nodded again and again and helped Lilac up.

"Brother Li, are you going with us?"

Chen Xiang turned back and looked at Li Zhenwu with some pleading.

Although Li Zhenwu just called 837 and ran away, but Erlangshen has many minions, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no chasing troops for a while.

Together, they can't even beat the roaring dog, let alone Erlang Shen?

Li Zhenwu is so powerful, with him following, a few of them will have some protection...

"Don't worry, I'll be with you."

Of course Li Zhenwu also understood his thoughts. Anyway, he had nothing to do right now, so he could just follow them.

"Thank you, Brother Li!"

At the moment, a few people helped Lilac out of the woods.

After walking for a while, I finally saw a temple in front of me.

The sky has already darkened, and as soon as the few people together, they plan to temporarily rest in it tonight.

The eighth prince stepped forward and knocked on the door, but no one answered. The few people estimated that it was an empty temple without an owner, so they walked in directly.

A few people found a room where they could rest, and just after putting down the cloves, Xiaoyu suddenly said worriedly.

"Chenxiang, what if Erlang God chases after him later?"

She had never seen Li Zhenwu's strength, and Chenxiang had no mana, and she didn't know how powerful Li Zhenwu was, so when he heard Xiaoyu's worries, he had no idea.

"It's all my fault, I didn't even protect the lotus lamp!"

Chen Xiang remorsefully blamed herself.

If the Lotus Lantern was by his side, Erlangshen and the others would chase him and give him a warning, but now—.

Chapter [-] The Eight Precepts

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