Xiaoyu is a little fox who has not yet been deeply involved in the world. When she saw a pig's head flashing a wretched light in her eyes, she said that she wanted to keep herself, and she burst into tears in a hurry.

"Haha, little girl, what are you afraid of, brother, I am very gentle..."

As Zhu Bajie said that, he reached out to pull Xiaoyu.

This Zhu Bajie has really lived up to his long-standing image, he really is lecherous.

Li Zhenwu couldn't stand it any longer, and stepped forward to block Xiaoyu.

He said angrily, "Don't you ever look in the mirror? Aren't you afraid of scaring people?"

"Boy, what did you say?"

Being ridiculed, Zhu Bajie immediately became angry, and when he saw that he was a powerless young man, his anger grew even higher.

In addition to being greedy for money and lust, Zhu Bajie also has a disadvantage of bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

If it was Erlang Shen who mocked him like this, maybe he would have passed the smile, but such a mortal dared to mock him. If he didn't teach him a lesson, where would he put the face of this messenger of the altar?

"Nine-toothed nail rake, come out!"

He faced the sky and shouted loudly.

The next second, a huge rake suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Boy, if you dare to ridicule your grandpa pig, I will send you to the West today!"

Zhu Bajie grinned, "But don't worry, when you die, Grandpa, I will recite the rebirth mantra for you a few more times, and I will give you a good birth in the next life!"

"Big Brother Li..." Chen Xiang and the others were so frightened that their expressions changed.

"Don't kill Brother Li, eat your food, we will pay you!" The Eighth Prince hurriedly said.

"Yes, that is, we will pay you!"

The crowd persuaded at a high speed.

If Li Zhenwu hadn't said that just now, Zhu Bajie would definitely not have killed him as soon as he came up like this.

It's a pity that Li Zhenwu's words just hit his sore foot.

Thinking that he used to be the grand marshal in charge of [-] celestial soldiers. He was not born handsome, but he looked like a normal person, but he was banished to the mortal world by the Jade Emperor because of molesting Chang'e. It looks like this now.

What he hated most in his life was that someone used his appearance to talk about things.

So he raked the nails.

"Little devils, this kid caused this incident. I don't care about you, grandpa. But if you want to help him, don't blame grandpa!"

"Okay, if you want to fight, fight, stop talking nonsense!" Li Zhenwu interrupted his nonsense a little impatiently.

Chapter [-] The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

Li Zhenwu was really unsure about Zhu Bajie's strength, so he was worried that if he fought Zhu Bajie in a Super Saiyan state, he would accidentally injure Chenxiang and a few others.

Therefore, he pushed Chen Xiang away directly, "You all go far away, and be careful of accidentally hurting you."

"Haha, boy, are you too arrogant?"

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie laughed out loud.

In my heart, I was very disdainful of this ignorant mortal. He is a manless person, and he even said to be careful about accidental injury?

Are you kidding me?

"Boy, grandpa is going to teach you what a frog in a well is called today!"

Zhu Bajie said, waving a nine-toothed nail rake and rushed towards Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu deliberately wanted to test the strength of the people in this world, so he did not rush to change into a fighting form.

He watched Zhu Bajie rush over, neither dodging nor retreating.

Instead, after calculating the time, he suddenly stretched out a hand!

"Brother Li, let me help you!"

As early as the first time, the eighth prince had already held his own weapon and wanted to go up to help, but was stopped by Chen Xiang.

After he was pushed away by Li Zhenwu, he regained some sanity.

After all, he watched Li Zhenwu defeat the Roaring Dog yesterday with his own eyes, and he understood that the other party still had some real skills.

Now that Li Zhenwu has not flinched, it can be seen that 573 is still somewhat confident, so he quickly grabbed the Eighth Prince and motioned him to watch first, not to cause chaos for Li Zhenwu.

When the Eighth Prince finally stopped, they quickly turned around to watch the battle, but they just happened to see Li Zhenwu stretch out his hand, as if he wanted to hold the rake that Zhu Bajie chopped down at him.

"He, what is he doing?"

For a time, several people, including Chen Xiang, could no longer control the panic and worry in their hearts.

Now, several of them still don't know Zhu Bajie's true identity, and only regard him as a monster.

However, the eighth prince has the highest cultivation base here, and it can be seen that this pig demon is very powerful, so he is even more surprised and regretful at Li Zhenwu's crazy actions.

This Li Zhenwu is too bold, let's not say anything else, he is a mortal body, and he actually wants to take the weapon of the pig demon's full blow?

Even himself, he doesn't dare to be so conceited, he is too...

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