After thinking about it for a long time, the eighth prince didn't know what words to use to describe Li Zhenwu's actions.

"Brother Li, be careful-"

Several people reminded Li Zhenwu loudly and wanted to stop his murderous behavior.

However, Li Zhenwu in the field seemed to have not heard their voices at all, and still stood there unavoidably, maintaining his movements.

"The man's arm stops the car, and it is beyond your capacity!"

Zhu Bajie couldn't help sneering when he looked at his over-comprehensive action.

This mortal with the sky and the earth is simply too naive, since he still wants to reach out and stop his weapon?

Does he know the weight of the rake in his hand?He even dared to reach out to pick it up, he could already imagine how much the other party would pay for it.

A battle without suspense made him have no desire to take any more shots. That's all, let this arrogant guy die happily, which is his last kindness to him.

Thinking like this, he had used enough mana, and the nine-toothed nail rake was mixed with enormous strength, which struck Li Zhenwu with a fatal blow.

The nine-toothed nail rake brought a huge north wind, and even Chen Xiang and others in the distance could feel that fierce and terrifying force, how could Li Zhenwu be able to stop such a force?

"It's over, this person is over!"

They all mourned for Li Zhenwu in their hearts.

In their eyes, Li Zhenwu, who was already dead, was feeling it quietly, counting the time.

At the moment when the nine-toothed nail rake fell, Li Zhenwu's hand gently squeezed and pushed.


Just when everyone thought that Li Zhenwu was about to die in the nine-toothed nail rake, the nail rake in Zhu Bajie's hand suddenly bounced back like it had hit an iron wall.

Ding Rake took Zhu Bajie's full blow, because he didn't take Li Zhenwu seriously at all, so he never thought of such a situation.

Unprepared, the nine-toothed rake bounced back with all his strength mixed in.


The nail rake hit Zhu Bajie's chest heavily, and the huge force made him unable to stand at all.

Almost instantly, he suddenly flew out, his plump body fell heavily on the ground, the smoke and dust filled the air, and the floor tiles under him had shattered into pieces.


In a strange calm, Chen Xiang and the others stared at Li Zhenwu in stunned silence.

And Zhu Bajie, who fell to the ground, finally recovered a bit of consciousness from the huge pain.

He widened his eyes and looked at Li Zhenwu's direction as if stupid.

what happened?

Did you lose yourself? !

But how is this possible? ! !

The other party is obviously a powerless mortal, why would he beat himself like this?

Thinking of the battle just now, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, such a terrifying power, this is not a mortal at all!

Only then did the hard-working Zhu Bajie know what the frog in the well was. It turned out that he was the frog in the well. It was ridiculous that he was so arrogant and clamoring just now.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Li Zhenwu slowly walked towards Zhu Bajie.

"It's over, I'm afraid that my life will end here today." Zhu Bajie thought desperately.

At this moment, he no longer dared to underestimate this young man.

"Cough...cough, kill me!"

Anyway, they have already lost, and Zhu Bajie also knows that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.So he didn't intend to beg for mercy, instead he slapped his neck and pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring.

However, after waiting for a long time, the expected pain did not come, and he opened his eyes in doubt.

In front of him stretched out a hand that had always been white. That hand was unremarkable. It was an ordinary hand, but Zhu Bajie knew that it was just such a palm. The tine rake flew, and he seriously injured himself in such a situation.

"what do you mean?"

Receding the arrogance just now, Zhu Bajie looked at Li Zhenwu strangely and in awe.

"Sorry, I just arrived here, I didn't know you would be so weak—" Li Zhenwu sincerely apologized.

He really did not expect that the legendary Zhu Bajie would be so vulnerable. If he had known, he would not have used such a great strength, so Li Zhenwu felt very guilty.

However, his sincere apology can be said to have caused [-] points of damage to Zhu Bajie.

He knows that the other party is really strong, but you don't need to say it so bluntly, it hurts your self-esteem, okay?

However, Li Zhenwu's next sentence stabbed a knife into his already riddled heart.

"Can you still get up?"

Chapter [-] Let's Fight

Being so strongly despised by his opponents, how could Zhu Bajie stay calm?

Although he really wanted to lie on the ground in pain, his dignity did not allow it.

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