"Oh my God, is there any reason for this, how can the three virgins and a fairy like a flower like jade marry a mortal."

Who would have thought that when he heard the words of Zhu Bajie, he was beating his chest and feet in pain, and he was heartbroken.

"Okay, don't be like this, it won't affect you well!"

Looking at his exaggerated performance, Li Zhenwu said speechlessly.

"Okay okay, Brother Li, I'll listen to you."

Zhu Bajie quickly restrained his exaggerated expression and said, "Little devil, keep talking."

Chenxiang told all the stories, including Erlang God's pursuit of him and the Jade Emperor's pursuit order for him.

"This Erlang God is too unreal. How can he be his own nephew? How can he kill him like this?"

After listening to it, Zhu Bajie immediately said with righteous indignation, and he despised Erlangshen's actions in his words.

"Where do you think your mother is?" Li Zhenwu asked suddenly.

"Brother Li, what do you want to do?" Chen Xiang looked at him in surprise.

"Since you said that your mother was imprisoned in Huashan, why don't I help you rescue her?"

Li Zhenwu said directly.

Everyone was taken aback by his words, and they reacted immediately.

"Yeah, we can let Big Brother Li go directly to rescue the Three Holy Mothers."

The eighth prince slapped his thigh and suddenly realized the truth.

Before, they always thought that they would ask Chenxiang to find a powerful person to learn art from a teacher, and to learn the skills as soon as possible, so that the three virgins would come out.

In the end, the cart before the horse was turned upside down, and he actually forgot that although Li Zhenwu couldn't teach Chenxiang skills, he could definitely ask him to save the Three Holy Mothers!

Several people immediately became excited.

"Brother Li, thank you!" Chen Xiang was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

"In that case, what are we waiting for, let's go together." The Eighth Prince said impatiently.

"Wait!" Zhu Bajie stopped them, and then looked at Li Zhenwu, "Brother Li, are you really going to do this?"

"What, is there anything wrong?" Li Zhenwu asked strangely.

"Brother Li, don't you know that the three virgins violated the law——"

Chapter [-] The Six Brothers of Meishan

"Chenxiang said it just now, but I don't think there is anything wrong." Li Zhenwu said.

But it's just two people who love each other without harming others. What's wrong?

"But Brother Li, the Jade Queen Mother thinks she's wrong!" Zhu Bajie said speechlessly, "Do you know that if you really save the Three Mothers, you're breaking the rules of heaven."

"How about that?" Li Zhenwu shook his head in confusion.Some didn't understand what he meant.

"What do you mean by that? If you do this, you will be the enemy of the entire heaven! When the time comes, the final immortals of the heaven will be dispatched together, and you will know!" Zhu Bajie was about to lose to this guy.

"Oh, is that so?" Li Zhenwu nodded suddenly.

Thinking that he finally made it clear to him, Zhu Bajie was about to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, but who knew he was shocked by Lin Zhenwu's next sentence.

"If anyone dares to object, then I will hit him to agree."

When he said this, his face was relaxed and casual, as if he was having dinner tonight, and he didn't feel nervous at all.

This, this knows that you are very powerful, but you don't need to be so conceited, right?

Zhu Bajie wailed and almost knelt down to him.

"Brother, do you understand what I mean?"

That's Heavenly Court. It's not a shrimp soldier or a crab general. You have a little bit of fear, don't you?

Back then, even his big brother, Sun Wukong, was defeated in Heaven.

And at that time, Sun Wukong was only a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers, so he had that kind of momentum, but this person...

Zhu Bajie thought of his cultivation method that was different from ordinary people. Could it be that this guy also popped out of a crack in the rock?

This also explains why he is so arrogant.

Zhu Bajie persuaded painstakingly, "Brother Li, let me tell you, this matter, we still have to take a long-term view, and the people in Tianting are not easy to mess with."

"Why, are these people strong?"

"Of course, big brother, it's not ordinary strong!" This Bajie said.

Chen Xiang, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, gradually revealed disappointment in her eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Indeed, the risk involved in this matter is indeed too great. Although he really wants Li Zhenwu to rescue his mother, this must be done only if Li Zhenwu is willing.

I thought it was over, but the next moment, the light in his eyes suddenly lit up again.

"In that case, let's fight!"

Li Zhenwu suddenly said with a little excitement, and his domineering was instantly full, "I just want to try these people's pounds!"

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