As a Super Saiyan, his lifelong pursuit is to constantly fight against the strong, and then improve himself in the battle. Therefore, after hearing Zhu Bajie's words, not only did he not back down, but he was inspired to fight infinitely!

In an instant, the fighting spirit flowed out, and even Zhu Bajie felt a chill.

This guy is simply a fighting maniac!

Zhu Bajie looked at him in awe, unable to utter any more persuasive thoughts.

He has seen the fighting spirit in his eyes, and he understands that this person is a person who will move forward bravely and will never back down because there is danger ahead!

Perhaps, it is precisely because of his fearless nature that he has such a heaven-defying cultivation base!

Such a person was born to be strong!

"Brother Li, we'll follow you!" The Eighth Prince was inspired by Li Zhenwu's fighting spirit, and immediately said excitedly.

"Yes, we will follow you too!"

Zhu Bajie was on the side, looking at a few people full of blood, his heart was warm, and he didn't know where the impulse came from, he blurted out, "Brother Li, I want to follow you too!"

Thinking that he was only drunk back then, he pulled Chang'e's sleeve and said a few words, and was smashed by the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother insisted that he molested Chang'e and punished him severely.

As a result, he was a dignified marshal of the canopy, and he became like this...

"That old woman, I have long disliked her, and this time, my old pig, I will also seek justice from her!"

Zhu Bajie said angrily.

In the past, he was greedy for life and feared death. Even though he felt uncomfortable in his heart, he always endured it. But now, when he saw Li Zhenwu, he suddenly had a glimmer of hope. Perhaps under the leadership of this person, he could also wash away this shame. maybe!

"Okay, since that's the case, then let's go to Huashan and get Chenxiang's mother out first."

Li Zhen Wu Dao.

"it is good!"

His words received an immediate response from the crowd.

But soon, there was another noise——

"Don't, don't worry..."

"What's wrong with you?" The raging fighting spirit looked at Zhu Bajie, who was hesitant.

"Aren't you afraid!" The Eighth Prince said angrily.

"Don't talk nonsense, kid, when was my old pig scared, I... I just need to heal the injury first!"

Zhu Bajie said with an embarrassed expression in an instant...

In fact, after shouting just now, he was indeed a little scared, but being so provoked by the Eighth Prince, he became stubborn and said immediately.

Only then did several people think that he was indeed injured.

"Okay Chenxiang, you are not in a hurry to save your mother. You wait for my old pig to recover from the injury, and then my old pig can also be a helper, right?" Zhu Bajie said.

Chen Xiang thought about it and agreed.

Then a few people agreed that they would go to Huashan together when Zhu Bajie healed his wounds.

"Zhu Bajie, come out quickly!" At this moment, an arrogant voice suddenly came from outside.

"Oops, it's a roaring dog."

"What, what to do, the roaring dog is chasing after him again."

Chen Xiang and the others had dealt with the roaring dog countless times, and immediately recognized his voice.

"He? What is he doing here with Lao Zhu?" Zhu Bajie wondered.

"It's just right, let's go, Chen Xiang, let's go grab your lotus lantern first!"

Li Zhenwu pulled Chen Xiang and said.

The panicked few people just remembered that with Li Zhenwu, a master, they suddenly calmed down a lot.

"Let's go, let's go out and meet him!" Thinking of Li Zhenwu's strength, Zhu Bajie couldn't even take care of the injury, and immediately said excitedly.

Then a few people walked out.

Sure enough, the short and thin man stood outside the door yesterday, and when he saw Li Zhenwu come out, he was so frightened that he immediately ducked back.

There were four people standing behind him, dressed in a weird 1.8.

This was originally a mythical world, so Li Zhenwu was not too surprised.

"Chenxiang, you really are here!" These four people immediately said when they saw several people who came out.

One of them has looked at Zhu Bajie majestically and said, "Bold Zhu Bajie, who dares to cover up the heavenly court for repeat offenses, what is the crime!"

Zhu Bajie recognized that these were the six Meishan brothers, but two died a few years ago, and now there are only four of them left.

As soon as we met, this person put such a big hat on himself, and Zhu Bajie was immediately scared.

"Boss Mei, you can't talk nonsense like this—"

He was about to explain, when suddenly he thought that there was another Li Zhenwu on his side, and his confidence immediately rose again.

"I'm just covering up the old pig, what's wrong with you, the heaven is inhumane, and the human nature is wiped out, I can't do it, the old pig!"

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