Chapter [-] Demons

"Bold, you dare to speak out, I think you are impatient."

Zhu Bajie, who used to be timid and fearful in the past, suddenly became more courageous, and the boss of Meishan immediately showed the weapon in his hand.

"Hmph, just fight, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?" Zhu Bajie also took out his rake.

But don't look at him roaring vigorously, but he didn't rush forward at all, but kept looking at Li Zhenwu.

"Be careful, the one who hurt me yesterday was him!"

The roaring dog has been hiding behind the four Meishan brothers. He also saw Li Zhenwu and took the opportunity to remind him quietly.

"Haha, howling dog, I think you are confused, that person, hurt you?"

Fifth Meishan laughed.

"I think you were defeated by Chen Xiang yesterday, and you were afraid of being scolded, so you came up with these words."

Several people laughed and joked that they didn't take Li Zhenwu seriously at all.

After all, Li Zhenwu is really an ordinary person with a mortal body, and it seems that he doesn't even have the internal strength of 14 people who practice martial arts.

The Howling Dog actually told them that this man injured him, and that his brothers were fools?

"Hmph, how dare you underestimate Brother Li, don't cry for mercy for a while!"

Seeing that these people were as arrogant as he was just now, Zhu Bajie finally found a way to balance himself.

That is to let Li Zhenwu teach them a good lesson, it is best to knock them down and never get up again.

Thinking about it this way, chasing Bajie doesn't feel so uncomfortable, but is looking forward to the next scene.

"Haha, Zhu Bajie, the roaring dog is crazy, are you crazy too?" The Meishan brothers laughed even more happily.

After all, Zhu Bajie is also a messenger of the altar personally appointed by the Buddha, but these people do not hide their ridicule and ridicule, it can be seen that they do not take Zhu Bajie in their eyes at all.

"Let me tell you, the young dog looks down on people!" Zhu Bajie jumped up immediately, these idiots actually compared themselves to the stupid dog of the roaring dog.

"I told you Zhu Bajie, if you want to scold people, scold them. What kind of dog are you bringing up? Our dog messed with you?"

The roaring dog also said angrily.

Seeing that the two of them were about to have a fight between pigs and dogs, Boss Meishan hurriedly interrupted.

"The roaring dog, don't forget the reason we came here." He stopped the roaring dog, and then turned to Li Zhenwu, who was beside him, "This time we are ordered by the Jade Emperor, Come to catch this enchanting born of an immortal and a mortal fornicating, it has nothing to do with others, you stay out of the way."

When he spoke, his expression was high, as if Li Zhenwu was just an ant, and he was not even interested in taking a look.

"Are you finished?" Li Zhenwu frowned and turned to Zhu Bajie, "Why do people here love so much nonsense."

He is sincerely asking for advice, but for everyone in Meishan, this is a provocation by Chi Guoguo.

They were provoked by a mortal?

He was kind enough to let him live, yet he dared to speak in such a tone?

"Looking for death!" The fifth Meishan man was violent, and he immediately summoned his weapon.

"Brother, take a rest and wait for the younger brother to teach this arrogant boy a lesson!"

Saying that, he flew directly towards Li Zhenwu.

He had no mercy for this move, and vowed to kill this kid who dared to disrespect his elder brother to the sword!

"That's what it looks like to fight!" Li Zhenwu was very happy, his body responded quickly at the same time, he flicked his right leg, then jumped up, and slammed a punch directly at the fifth Meishan who came up. .

He did this series of movements smoothly, and it was almost completed at a glance. By the time he flew into the air before the fifth, he had already arrived in front of the fifth of Meishan.

The Meishan brothers watching the battle were shocked!

This mortal who they thought was like an ant turned out to be as fast as the fifth Meishan!

No, that's not right, obviously it was the fifth Meishan who moved first, and he moved later! !

What the hell is this? Are you dazzling yourself?

Their eyes widened in surprise, unable to believe what they saw.

However, the Roaring Dog and Zhu Bajie, who had already fought against Li Zhenwu in person, were much calmer, and the two watched the battle in the air attentively.

Almost instantly, the two people in the air had completed their first confrontation.

Li Zhenwu's fist slammed heavily on the weapon of the fifth Meishan, who was originally full of confidence.

Who knew that he felt a strong and domineering wind rushing towards him.

He secretly said that something was wrong, but in his heart he was already extremely unbelievable—

Could it be true what the roaring dog said, is this guy really that powerful?

But that doesn't make sense at all?

The thoughts in his mind were still over, and the opponent's fist was already in front of him.

Strongly collided, an incomparably powerful force slammed into his weapon fiercely.

The huge force made him slammed backwards, and there was no time to react at all.

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