However, as he said, his face changed first—

Because with Yang Jian's urging, the lotus lanterns emitted strong lights in his hands, and the energy filled with mana filled the audience.

Looking at the lotus lantern, Li Zhenwu could also feel the energy contained in it. The pores in his body automatically opened up. He knew that as every Super Saiyan, he was sensing a powerful opponent. , will make an instinctive reaction.

This lotus lamp is really powerful, he couldn't help but sigh, his body has subconsciously raised his physical energy to the extreme.

Looking at this scene, Chen Xiang, who was still full of confidence just now, already had a terrified look.

"He, how can he control the lotus lantern?"

Is this impossible?His mother told him that the lotus lantern needs benevolent mana to control, but what is it, now it is like this?

He didn't understand, and of course the rest of the people didn't understand.

"Erlang God, you are too shameless, take the things of the three virgins to deal with the person who rescued her, I have never seen a person like you!"

"That's right, Erlang God, are you embarrassed?"

The crowd immediately chimed in, condemning Erlangshen's shameful behavior together.

Yang Jian was humiliated by them, but he was not angry. He just sneered, "Today, I will let you know that it will end against me."

As he spoke, the lotus lantern in his hand emitted a beam of light and flew towards Li Zhenwu.

Although it only looked like a light, the power contained in it was enough to open a mountain. Li Zhenwu felt its strength, and the fighting factors in his body couldn't help but jump.

He immediately released a more powerful and domineering energy than before, and confronted it!

With the experience just now, Zhu Bajie and the others have automatically stepped aside and watched from a distance.

But at this time, they did not have the calmness and calmness in their hearts.

After all, this lotus lantern is not an ordinary fairy weapon. Can Li Zhenwu win against it?

Their hearts were panicking, but Yang Jian was actually more anxious than them.

In his heart, he was more expecting and nervous than anyone else.

He certainly hoped that this Li Zhenwu could win.

If Li Zhenwu had the ability to defeat the Lotus Lantern, then he would be one step closer to his own goal.

In fact, it was not his original intention to imprison the Third Virgin. He was born of immortals and mortals, so how could he feel that Chenxiang was a demon, and the Third Virgin was his sister, so how could he bear to make her suffer?

But he had no choice. Back then, in order to save his mother, he went through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, but in the end, he still couldn't change that damn rule.

After fighting alone for a long time, he really didn't have the energy to persevere. He thought it would be fine.But who knew that his younger sister Yang Chan would follow in her mother's footsteps and fall in love with a mortal.

For the sake of his sister's life, he could only ruthlessly imprison her in Huashan. He wanted to wait a long time before he tried to intercede for her in front of the Queen Mother.

But his nephew, just like him back then, insisted on taking the road of saving his mother.

He couldn't stop Chenxiang's determination, especially when the Queen Mother and others had discovered Chenxiang's existence, for the sake of his nephew's life, after thinking about it, he finally had to make a decision to secretly help Chenxiang to revise this heavenly rule .

That's why he pretended to sit and chase Chen Xiang's plan, but he was actually cultivating him intentionally.

According to his previous plan, he wanted Chen Xiang to worship a master with high skills and learn to fight with the heavenly court, but the Three Realms are so big, who can have such a temper and ability, dare to fight against the heavenly court and help Chenxiang?

Until just now this Li Zhenwu defeated him.

If he saw him defeat the four Meishan brothers before, he just thought it was very powerful, then when he personally defeated him, he knew that this person was not ordinary.

But this doesn't work either. What's the use of defeating himself? There are so many capable people in Heaven, if they are dispatched collectively, how many can he stop?

Therefore, he took the risk and decided to sacrifice the lotus lantern to test Li Zhenwu's strength. If he really could resist the lotus lantern, then maybe he would be the savior of Chenxiang and the Three Holy Mothers.

Thinking like this, he couldn't wait to activate the lotus lantern. Under the constant infusion of immortal power, the lotus lantern flew and spun, and the light of the lamp body became more intense, and the immortal force kept pushing towards Li Zhenwu , and then hit the aura emitted by Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu felt more and more intense pressure, and became more and more excited. His Saiyan body was constantly urging him to transform quickly, but he tried his best to suppress this impulse, and tried his best to use his current strength to resist.

Because only in this way, and only under such extreme pressure, can his physical fitness be further strengthened and his fighting ability be better stimulated.

In this way, two completely different but equally powerful forces collided, resisting and fighting each other...

The atmosphere in the field froze again, and everyone was nervous and worried.


Suddenly, a loud bang exploded above everyone's heads.

Everyone was so stabbed by the sudden strong light that they couldn't even open their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, they saw that Erlang Shen had fallen to the ground again. This time, he seemed to be seriously injured, and a large puddle of blood spurted out of his mouth.

And the lotus lantern, because of the impact of the force, let go and flew out, just happened to be picked up by Li Zhenwu.

Chapter Fourteen I'm Hungry

In this strange scene, if it wasn't for the fact that he was a Buddhist, Zhu Bajie couldn't help but utter a foul language.

It's too much of a man, isn't it?This is an ancient magic weapon, the lotus lantern!Was he defeated so easily?

Everyone collectively rubbed their eyes, for fear that they were hallucinating.

But no matter how they looked at it, it ended like this.

This mortal Li Zhenwu really defeated Erlang God who was holding an ancient magic weapon!

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