What kind of terrifying power is this?

He couldn't help but think of Li Zhenwu when he fought against himself and the Meishan brothers before. Every time he thought that was his limit, he just created a bigger surprise for you.

This person is like a deep pool whose bottom can never be seen. The further down you go, the less you can see his depth and where his limits are.

Zhu Bajie had a hunch that since today's battle, the Three Realms are destined to not be peaceful!

"Master, master!" The roaring dog was so frightened that he could not wait to run away immediately.

But after all, he was still a loyal and good dog, so he stopped in front of Erlang Shen without hesitation, and looked at Li Zhenwu warily.

"You, you don't want to hurt the master."

However, 570's trembling voice made the threat more powerless.

"Chenxiang, since he is your enemy, tell me what you want to do with him!"

Li Zhenwu ignored it. After he handed the treasure lotus lamp to Chenxiang, he also handed over the decision of Erlangshen to Chenxiang.

Erlang Shen is Chen Xiang's uncle, so naturally no one objected to his decision, even Zhu Bajie did not speak.

Chen Xiang glanced at Li Zhenwu gratefully, and then turned to look at Yang Jian.

"Erlang God, since you are my mother and brother, I will let you go this time, but if you stop me from saving my mother again, then I will never show mercy in the future!"

Erlang Shen was much more injured than just now, and he couldn't recover for so long. He could only rely on the Roaring Heaven Dog and looked at him with a light expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the contrary, the roaring dog hurriedly said, "We know, we know."

"If that's the case, then go away!"

"Okay, let's go now!" The Howling Dog hurriedly helped Erlang Shen and wanted to run away.

At this time, Erlang God spoke up.

"Chenxiang, don't be complacent, do you think you can save your mother by defeating me? Then you are too naive!"

He seemed to have finally recovered some, and said a little out of breath.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Xiang said coldly.

"Chenxiang, you still don't know, the third Prince Nezha, who helped you that day, has been ordered by the Queen Mother to face the wall for five hundred years!"

"What!" Chen Xiang and the others exclaimed all shocked by the news.

"Shen Erlang, are you kidding me!" the eighth prince said angrily.

"Hmph, he wants to help you himself. When the incident happened, it is already light for the Empress and Her Majesty to punish him like this."

Saying that, Erlang Shen looked at Chen Xiang with disdain, and said word by word, "Think about it, for your unrealistic dream, how many people will you have to drag before you are willing to give up?"

Now that he has made up his mind to embark on the road of saving his mother, he must have the courage to persevere. If he will stagnate due to obstacles on the road, or have a backsliding mood, then he will eventually fall into a doom. situation.

That's why Erlang Shen said this kind of thing because he wanted to test Liu Chenxiang's determination.

After all, Chen Xiang was only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy who had never experienced these things at all. Hearing Erlang Shen's words, he was at a loss for words.

Indeed, if he really continues like this, he is not afraid of death, but when he thinks of these selfless partners who help him, he will be dragged down by himself...

"Chenxiang, you must not listen to his slanderous words to confuse the public, we have brother Li, what are we afraid of?"

At the critical moment, it was Zhu Bajie's voice that woke Chen Xiang with a roar.

He looked back at Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu didn't speak, but his eyes were obviously encouraging and supportive.

Chen Xiang's heart warmed, and she immediately dispelled her negativity just now.

"Erlang God, let me tell you, no matter what you say, I will definitely save my mother, you can't stop me!"

"Yes, Chenxiang, we will all help you." The Eighth Prince and others also cheered him on.

Seeing that he has such a group of good friends, Yang Jian is also very happy for him.

Moreover, Chenxiang's determination finally reassured him. As long as Chenxiang can always maintain such a temper, then I believe that with all his persistence, there will be hope.

What's more, there are still experts like Li Zhenwu. Maybe this time, they can solve this matter quickly.

"Okay, since you insist on courting death, then I can only report the truth to His Majesty's Empress! Then let's go!"

He greeted the roaring dog, and pretended to be annoyed and left with the roaring dog on the clouds.

"Hey, don't go if you have the ability!"

Erlang Shen, who is famous all over the world, would have a day when he was beaten so embarrassed and fled. Seeing this, Zhu Bajie couldn't help laughing at the back.

When he saw that Erlang Shen was gone, he stepped forward and said to Li Zhenwu with admiration, "Brother Li, you are so amazing!"

This time, he was convinced. This person, even the Erlang God, is not a problem. What is the difficulty in traversing the Three Realms?

He couldn't help thinking with excitement that he was really following the right person. Following such a guy, let alone Heaven, even in the Buddhist world, he was one of the best experts.

Thinking about it like this, he no longer regrets his determination to follow Li Zhenwu and the heavenly court. Now he can't wait to fight with Li Zhenwu to the sky immediately and drive the aloof Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor out of the heavenly court.

He was full of ambition and longed in his heart...

Chen Xiang and the others also rushed up with excitement and worship.

"Brother Li, you are amazing!"

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