Now he can't wait to go to Huashan to rescue his mother immediately, but Zhu Bajie is out of temper. What if Li Zhenwu sees that they haven't been there for a long time and suddenly leave?


"Hmph, if the old pig didn't see you as pitiful, I wouldn't help you!" After going down the steps, Zhu Bajie got up and pretended to be righteous.

Just as everyone jumped up and was about to set off, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance. The speed was extremely fast, and it came to them in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, why haven't you left yet?" Li Zhenwu asked in the air.

"It's alright, I'll come here." Zhu Bajie hurriedly said, for fear that these little devils would shake out their tantrums.

After speaking, he said again, "By the way, brother Li, what are you doing back here, you are waiting for me in Huashan, my old pig speed... is still good.

I wanted to say that he was fast, but when he thought of the other party's speed, Zhu Bajie immediately changed his tune.

Li Zhenwu didn't know that, in such a short time, he injured this fragile pig's head again, he sighed, "I don't know the way."

"What, you don't know the way!" Zhu Bajie said excitedly, his heart finally balanced a little bit.

Fortunately, this guy finally has a weakness.

After this little episode passed, several people soon came to Huashan.

This is the place where the three virgins are imprisoned. After Erlang God transferred the Meishan brothers, he sent a few loose immortals to guard here.

However, these people are all low-level shrimps, and Li Zhenwu didn't need to take action at all. Zhu Bajie brought Chenxiang and a few of them to solve it.

After disposing of the group of loose immortals, Chen Xiang immediately led them into the cave.

Because he had been here once before, he was very familiar with the opposite, and after a while, he came to the place where the Three Virgins were imprisoned.

"Mother, mother, I'm here to save you." Chen Xiang ran in excitedly.

Li Zhenwu and the others followed Chenxiang's footsteps and walked into a huge cave. There was a deep pool in the cave. On the stone platform in the middle of the pool, there was a beautiful woman in blue lying on her side.

The passage of time did not leave a trace on her face at all, but made her more dignified.

This is Chen Xiang's biological mother, Yang Jian's younger sister, the Three Virgins.

Because some time ago, she had forced a dream to see Chen Xiang, which had depleted her cultivation, so she was very weak and pale at the moment.

"Mother, are you alright!" Chen Xiang looked at her like this and said very uncomfortable.

"Mother is fine, Chen Xiang, why are you here again? Didn't mother tell you to leave quickly? Your uncle will be here soon."

Yang Jian imprisoned the Three Mothers here that day. In order to prevent accidents, he filled the cave with spells. He could detect any changes in the cave, so the Three Mothers hurriedly urged Chenxiang to leave.

"Mother, don't be afraid, I have found someone to save you." Chen Xiang said.

"Who?" Hearing the words, the three virgins were startled, and subconsciously cast their eyes on everyone in the field, and finally cast their eyes on Zhu Bajie.

In fact, it's not her fault, after all, Zhu Bajie's mana is higher in this game.

"The messenger of the altar?"

She was three percent surprised and seven percent suspicious.

Both of them are long-established immortals, and they naturally know each other.

So how much does Zhu Bajie weigh? How could she not know that if Chenxiang said that the person who found her to save her was him, then she didn't expect anything at all.

Of course, Zhu Bajie also knew what she meant.

"Sister Yang Chan, hurt the self-esteem of the old pig too!"

Zhu Bajie's biggest disadvantage is that he will lose his mind in front of beauty, so he is so contemptuous by Yang Chan that he immediately has the heart to die.

"Jingtan messenger, I'm sorry, in fact, I am very grateful for your care for Chenxiang, you should take him away first, Erlang Shen will be there soon!"

After the three virgins apologized apologetically, they urged.

"Sister Yang Chan, I..." Hearing the beauty thanking him, Zhu Bajie was completely at ease, and was about to say a few words to establish a glorious image for himself.

Lilac on the side was a little impatient and pushed him away.

"Okay, you shouldn't waste your time here."

Saying that, Lilac pulled Li Zhen Wudao directly, "Three Virgins, it's him, it's Brother Li who came to save you."

Saying that, she glared at Zhu Bajie again, accusing him of being incompetent and wanting to steal the limelight.

Zhu Bajie blushed. Although there was some 673 on his face that he couldn't hang on, he still said, "Yes, Sister Yang Chan, I just wanted to tell you just now that this brother Li is here to save you."

"He?" The three virgins then took a serious look at Li Zhenwu.

However, she quickly frowned, and the disappointment between her brows was hard to hide, and this time she was not even surprised.

But in order to avoid hurting the other party's good intentions, she still didn't directly say the words that you can't save yourself at all.

"In order to trap me, Erlang God has set up legal barriers in all directions in this cave. You still don't have to waste your time. It's the best policy to leave quickly."

"Sister Yang Chan, I know you don't believe in Brother Li, but I am a monk and never lie. This Brother Li is not an ordinary person. Don't worry, he will definitely be able to rescue you." Zhu Bajie quickly proved to Li Zhenwu. .

"That's right, mother, you don't even know. Brother Li is very powerful. He has saved us several times. Especially, God Erlang is not his opponent." Chen Xiang also said proudly.

"What, how is this possible?"

The three virgins looked at Li Zhenwu in surprise, with disbelief on their faces.

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