"Mother, this is true!" Chen Xiang said quickly, and then told how Li Zhenwu saved himself and defeated Erlang Shen.

Chapter [-] Rescue

"It turns out that it was Yang Chan who was too ignorant just now and offended the masters, please forgive me." The three virgins respectfully apologized to Li Zhenwu.

Yang Jian is her elder brother, she naturally understands how powerful the person who can defeat Yang Jian is!

"It's alright, the Third Mother still tells me how to destroy Erlangshen's array and let you out!" Li Zhenwu said.

"You just need to smash the magic circle around this pool!" Yang Chan said.

Saying that, she quickly introduced the magic circle to Li Zhenwu briefly.

On this side, after Erlangshen and others came to Jingtan Temple, they found that there was no one inside.

"What's going on? Could it be that these people knew that I was waiting to come, so they ran away first?" Guangmu Tianwang guessed.

"I think so too, Zhu Bajie, what else can he do besides running away?" The King of Growth laughed loudly.

"Let's not be careless, let's see what Erlang Zhenjun has to say." King Chiguo advised.

After he said it, everyone immediately turned their attention to Yang Jian.

"No, they went to Huashan!" Yang Jian frowned and said anxiously.

After speaking, he didn't care to speak, he immediately stepped on the cloud head, and mobilized enough mana to rush to Huashan.

"Hey, what's wrong with Erlang God?" King Chiguo looked at his fiery movements and asked in surprise.

"Aiya, heavenly kings, didn't you hear what my master said? Chen Xiang and others have gone to Huashan to save the Three Holy Mothers!" Roaring Heavenly Dog roared angrily.

"What! If that's the case, then let's go quickly!" When the few heard this, they couldn't care about anything else, and hurriedly got up from the wind and hurried to chase Erlang Shen.

But on this side, Li Zhenwu, under the promptings of Zhu Bajie and Sansheng, poured all his energy into the palm of his hand, and punched the seal set by Erlang God with one punch.

With the passage of mana, Erlangshen's formation also gradually dimmed and disappeared in a way of destroying the dead.

Feeling the weaker and weaker suppression, the three virgins looked at Li Zhenwu with surprise and admiration. This time, she really believed that this seemingly ordinary boy was indeed a master.

When the last magic seal disappeared, the magic circle that trapped the three virgins finally completely lost its effect.

"Mother!" Chen Xiang jumped onto the stone platform excitedly.

Without the obstruction of the magic circle, he naturally fell to the side of the three virgins without any accident.



The mother and son hugged each other and cried.

In sixteen years, this is the first time that their mother and son can have such close contact.

Although the cry of the two was full of joy, when they thought of the sadness and suffering, everyone was still greatly touched.

"Ugh..." Zhu Bajie on the side suddenly burst into tears.

"Hey, mother and son meet again, why are you crying!" Lilac patted Zhu Bajie on the shoulder and said strangely.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu[-] I'm moved, can't I?" Zhu Bajie said embarrassedly, wiping his tears.

"Are you moved? Are you also moved?" Lilac looked surprised.

"Little girl, what do you mean? Old Pig, I am a Buddhist, and I have a compassionate heart, why can't I be moved?" Zhu Bajie said angrily.

"People in Buddhism, be compassionate in your heart, stop bragging, you even shot Big Brother Li that day! If Big Brother Li hadn't been better than you, he would definitely have died!" Lilac demolished the stage again.

"You...what do you know about this little girl..." Zhu Bajie blushed anxiously and felt the same suspicious eyes from the Eighth Prince and Xiaoyu, and he almost jumped.

"Buddhism pays attention to cultivating the afterlife. At that time, he provoked me with a mortal body. It was disrespectful to gods and Buddhas. It was a sin. I killed him. Bless him with a good pregnancy, do you think this counts as murder?"

"Is that so?"

In this world, the idea of ​​fearing ghosts and gods is serious, so when they heard Zhu Bajie's explanation, several people felt that what Zhu Bajie said was very reasonable.

"Of course, I, Zhu Bajie, are a member of Buddhism, so how can I kill people casually!" Zhu Bajie said angrily.

"Oh, okay okay, we misunderstood you." Lilac said.

"Hmph, it's good that you know!"

And here, the three virgins, mother and son, finally finished telling the mother and son's love, and flew down the stone platform together.

"Brother Li, let's get out of here first!" Chen Xiang said to everyone.

"Yes, brother Li just touched Erlangshen's formation. With his cultivation, he will definitely perceive it. To be on the safe side, let's leave quickly." Zhu Bajie said.

"No, he's already here." Li Zhenwu said.

He had fought against Yang Jian before, and he was familiar with Erlangshen's breath, so when he felt a force coming, he knew that Erlangshen came.

"What, let's go!"

The crowd hurriedly said.

"You can't leave!" A voice suddenly came from the void.

The next moment, Yang Jian immediately appeared in front of everyone.

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