"Second brother!" The three virgins saw him, and a look of horror flashed on her face.

"Three sisters, you violated the rules of the heavens, you didn't repent well in the face of Huashan, what are you trying to do now?" Yang Jian scolded sharply.

"Second brother, I..."

"Erlang God, my mother is not wrong, now you can't lock her up again!" Chen Xiang said in front of San Virgin.

"Oh, Erlang God, you can see that the mother and son are finally reunited. They are all blood relatives. Why do you have to kill them all? Just turn a blind eye and forget it!"

Zhu Bajie persuaded the old people who were doing peaceful things.

"Zhu Bajie, I have nothing to do with you here, get out of here!" Yang Jian didn't appreciate it, his thoughts flashed, and he summoned a three-pointed two-edged sword, "Yang Chan, go back! Otherwise, don't blame me for being a ruthless brother. It's gone!"

His expression was cold and hard, it seemed that if the Three Holy Mothers didn't listen to him, I was afraid that they would immediately face the Three Holy Mothers with swords.

"Second brother, why are you..." The third virgin looked at him desperately and sadly, unable to figure out why he could be so heartless towards himself.

"Yang Jian, I'm sure to save the three virgins today, do you think you can beat me?" Li Zhenwu stood up after watching the play for a while.

He has a general understanding of the world of the Lotus Lamp, and also understands that Yang Jian has actually done so much, but he just wants to exercise Chenxiang so that he has enough ability to compete with the heavenly court.

But at that time, it was because no one wanted to come out and fight against Heavenly Court. Now that he is willing to help Chenxiang, he should stop stopping him, right?

Is there any discrepancy in the middle?Li Zhenwu looked at Erlang Shen in confusion.

"Li Zhenwu, let me tell you, don't think you can beat me, and you can go against the heavens. Do you know how many people there are in the heavens? Even if you can fight again, one by one, you will be exhausted! "

Chapter [-] The Truth

Yang Jian's words didn't seem to be harsh words, but rather reminded himself.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu said, "Then what do you want?"

"As long as this rule is not changed for a day, Yang Chan's sins will not be eliminated for a day! She will not be able to leave Huashan for a day!" Yang Jian said word by word.

Others only thought that he had a heart of stone, but Li Zhenwu immediately understood what he meant.

It turned out that Erlang God wanted to let Yang Chan leave Huashan in an open and honest way.

"If that's the case, then I'll go all the way to the Heavenly Court and let them revise this Heavenly Rule!" he said domineeringly.

Yang Jian was stunned, "What did you say?"

Can he do it alone?He was very skeptical, but for some reason, there was another voice in his heart saying, he can definitely do it!

"Master, master, where are you, here we come!"

Suddenly, the voice of a roaring dog rang out from outside the cave.

Erlang Shen knew that this was the roaring dog giving him a secret signal.

When he thought of the Four Heavenly Kings who came with him today, he didn't even bother to talk nonsense with Li Zhenwu and others.

"Go away, I'll stop them first!"

He said, and immediately dodged and went outside.

"What does he mean?" Chen Xiang said in surprise, somewhat confused.

Didn't Erlang always want to arrest him 713?Why are you suddenly acting like you want to protect yourself now?

"Don't you see it now? Your uncle is actually helping you!" Li Zhenwu sighed, determined to tell the truth.

Erlang Shen is so misunderstood by his relatives, I'm afraid it should be very uncomfortable.

"how can that be?"

"That's right, brother Li, don't joke around."

Li Zhenwu's words immediately attracted everyone's scorn.

Erlangshen's ruthlessness towards Chenxiang's family, it's not like they didn't see it. Now that he is helping Chenxiang, who believes?

"Chenxiang, think about it for yourself, how many chances did Erlang God have to kill you along the way? You don't really think that with the skills of the few of you, you can be so lucky to be able to kill you every time. Escape from your hands."

Li Zhenwu did not argue with them, but said to Chen Xiang.

His words immediately choked up those who wanted to continue to refute.

After listening to his analysis, everyone thought to themselves that this was really the truth.

Especially Chen Xiang and the others, there were indeed several times when Erlang God had the opportunity to catch him, but they always managed to escape from danger.

Is what Li Zhenwu said true?

"But, but why did he do this?"

Chen Xiang said inexplicably.

"Didn't you hear what your uncle said just now? With that rule, even if your mother escapes, she's just a culprit..."

Such words were indeed a bit difficult for Chenxiang's few hairy children to understand, but the Three Virgins quickly understood.

"It turns out that I have always misunderstood my second brother!" Yang Chan said with an uncomfortable expression when she heard this.

"No wonder the second brother would do this, I knew he was not such a person."

"Mother, what the hell is going on? Why can't I understand what you are talking about? Is Erlang God good or bad?"

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