Chen Xiang rubbed her head in confusion.

"Silly boy, your uncle is a good person, and we misunderstood him." The Three Virgins said excitedly to Chenxiang.

"Then let's go out and find uncle!" Chen Xiang said immediately.

"it is good!"

The mother and son hurried out, and Li Zhenwu followed closely behind.

On the contrary, Zhu Bajie was left with a few people with puzzled faces.

"Do you know what they mean?" Zhu Bajie touched his head.

"You don't know, how do we know? Thank you, you are still a messenger of the altar, and you don't know anything!" Lilac said angrily.

"Hey, I said, you little girl, why do you always love to fight with the old pig?" Zhu Bajie said angrily.

"Oh, okay, whether he is good or bad, let's go out and have a look, shall we?" The Eighth Prince interrupted the quarrel between the two.

"Yeah, let's hurry up and have a look." Xiaoyu hurriedly urged.

Then a few people hurriedly followed their pace and walked out.

Outside the cave, there were already a few people standing, and it was the Four Heavenly Kings who came later.

"You are finally here! The Three Holy Mothers have been rescued by Chen Xiang and others!" Erlang Shen pretended to be desperate.

"What! Let's chase after that!" The Four Heavenly Kings were shocked.

The three virgins, Yang Chan, are going to commit a crime. If she loses her, they can't bear it if they go back and blame the Queen Mother.

"Chasing, now people don't know where they are going, how to chase!" Yang Jian deliberately delayed the time, and only hoped that Li Zhenwu could take them to run more distance.

"Second brother!" Yang Chan pulled Chen Xiang out of the cave, followed by Li Zhenwu and a few others.

"Third sister, you—" Yang Jian suddenly turned pale in shock.

In fact, he really wanted to ask you why you didn't leave quickly, but saying this at this time is undoubtedly exposing himself. Now, before the situation is clear, he can't expose it too early.

"Haha, the daring three virgins, you have already violated the rules of heaven and committed a serious crime. Now you don't stay in Huashan and meditate on your own life, and you dare to escape privately with this evildoer. Today, I will take you to heaven in the name of the goddess. condemn!"

On the other hand, when Guangmu Tianwang saw that the Three Holy Mothers were still there, they immediately put down their hearts and counted her crimes one by one.

"Yes, you are fornicating with mortals and gave birth to the evil obstacle of Chenxiang, but if you still have a trace of repentance, you should personally take him to heaven to plead guilty!" Duowen Tianwang also said.

"The four heavenly kings, since I became immortal, I have treated the four of you with respect and respect. I have never felt sorry for you. Do you have to force each other today?"

Only then did Yang Chan know that Erlang Shen asked her to leave quickly, and it turned out that these people came.

You must know that although these four heavenly kings are not high in magic power, the magic tools in their hands are all first-class and powerful, and they are not inferior to the lotus lanterns.

Especially the treasure umbrella in the hands of the king, as long as it is opened, everything in the world will be sucked in, and then there will be no way for a few of them to escape.

"Hmph, Yang Chan, you are a sinner in the heavenly court, and I am ordered to come to take you, it is the way of the heavens!" Several people said coldly, showing no sympathy at all.

"Four Heavenly Kings..." Yang Chan still wanted to intercede.

"Okay, with me here, I want to see who can take them away!" Li Zhenwu stood up and glanced at the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Who are you?" The four kings looked at Li Zhenwu in shock and anger.

They are dignified and solemn people, and when they get angry, they become even more terrifying.

However, Li Zhenwu did not feel afraid.

"Li Zhenwu!"

"Li Zhenwu? Erlang Zhenjun, is this Li Zhenwu?"

The Four Heavenly Kings immediately turned around and asked Yang Jian.

Chapter [-] The Four Heavenly Kings

"It's him, the kings are still careful." Yang Jian nodded.

"Hmph, I want to come and see what's so special about this person!"

Among the four Heavenly Kings, the Chiguo Heavenly King has the most irascible temper. When he heard Yang Jian say how powerful Li Zhenwu was, he was already very curious about the other party-.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu was just an ordinary-looking young man, he immediately underestimated the enemy and stood up and said loudly.

These four are all immortals who have been immortals for a long time. In terms of seniority, they are older than Yang Jian.

Therefore, they all felt that Yang Jian was alarmist, so several people did not stop King Chiguo.

After the King Chiguo finished speaking, he immediately summoned his own weapons.

His instrument is a pipa, even if it is just a musical instrument, but this pipa can hurt people's minds and cause hallucinations.

"The pipa of the Heavenly King holding the country hurts people with its sound, you have to be careful." The Three Virgins hurriedly reminded Li Zhen of martial arts.

"Okay, you all step back first!" Li Zhenwu said.

The three virgins did not dare to care for the elders, and when they heard the words, they immediately took agarwood and retreated far away from Zhu Bajie and the others.

At this time, the Heavenly King Chiguo had already attacked. As soon as his hand lifted the pipa, the sound of musical strings rang loudly, and the sound of mana spread out wave after wave.

Pipa maximized the mana of the Heavenly King of the State by dozens of times, and the powerful mana spread out. Wherever it passed, the grass and trees were cut off and flying, and attacked Li Zhenwu with the strength of destroying gold and stone.

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