Li Zhenwu had gathered his energy and waited quietly, but when he heard the first sound of the pipa, his brows were wrinkled, and his face became a little ugly.

"Haha, boy, you're afraid!" Heavenly King Chiguo naturally laughed when he saw his action.

He said that Yang Jian was exaggerating, what is so scary about such a mortal?Thinking like this, he immediately picked the strings twice, intending to directly break Li Zhenwu's heart and die.

As a result, at this moment, Li Zhenwu suddenly moved. He didn't pay any attention to the sound wave emitted by the Heavenly King of Chiguo, and suddenly rushed towards the other side.

"Whoosh-", Li Zhenwu, who was just a few feet away from him, suddenly appeared in front of him.

But the sound wave he just sent out seemed to have no harm at all, not even Li Zhenwu's fur.

"You... how..."

With such a terrifying speed, King Chiguo stared at him in fright, not knowing what to say.

"I didn't want to defeat you so quickly, but your piano sound is really ugly." Li Zhenwu shook his head with disgust.

"What! What did you say!" King Chiguo's eyes widened, his face full of anger after being humiliated.

"I said you played too badly!" Li Zhenwu added again, and then threw a punch.

He punched too fast, too hard.

Before the Heavenly King Chikuo could react, he felt a powerful force rushed in front of him in an instant, and he subconsciously took out the pipa and blocked it in front of his chest.

His pipa was made of the most sturdy Jiutian iron in the world. It was extremely sturdy. Even the most powerful weapon in the world could not leave a single scratch on it—

So he was full of confidence and thought that if Li Zhenwu hits this punch, he is afraid that the entire hand bone of his arm will be abolished!

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth has drawn a smug smile——


In the blink of an eye, Li Zhenwu's fist had already hit the pipa with precision and precision, and the sound of the string with the huge force vibrating made an ear-piercing hum.

The pipa hit him in the chest with a fierce force, and the Heavenly King Chikuo screamed, and was directly slapped to the ground by this force.

He slammed into the ground fiercely, like a boulder, and with a bang, a large amount of dust was splashed.

After the flying dust dissipated, everyone realized that he had smashed a deep hole in the land where he fell.

The Heavenly King Chiguo was lying in the pit, spitting blood, and he was pressing on his instrument, the pipa, but at this time, all the strings on the pipa had been broken—

And the pair of lutes in his hand had already fallen to the ground, and several strings of the lute had been broken by all the shocks—

"how can that be!"

"How on earth did he do it?!"

The remaining three Heavenly Kings looked at this scene and were stunned.

Could it be that they really missed the point, this Li Zhenwu is really a master?At this time, they remembered that the other party is a master who can even hit the god of Erlang Yang Jian!

"Let me come!" The Heavenly King of Growth, who did not believe in evil, shouted and flew forward.

"Growth King, be careful!" Duowen Tianwang immediately reminded when he saw this.

"I'm going to help him!" Seeing this, King Guangmu immediately jumped out.

The magic weapon of the King of Growth is an ancient sword. It is rumored that it was made by an ancient god with the kind of divine stone that Nuwa used to mend the sky, and it is extremely sharp.

Therefore, as soon as the sword came out, there was a sharp sword force all around.

The magic weapon of King Guangmu is the red dragon snake-shaped sword. This sword was transformed by the red dragon, and it has the cultivation base of dragon itself. Now it is blessed by the mana of King Guangmu, and it immediately emits a long dragon. chant.

These two swords are ancient artifacts. Once they were sacrificed, they immediately triggered a powerful momentum. Under this double pressure, even the wind and clouds changed, and the entire sky above Huashan was covered.

The two used all their mana mercilessly, and Yu Jian slashed at Li Zhenwu in unison.

Don't look at their unremarkable moves, but they have the power to destroy the dead.

That is a speed and power that no one can resist or escape. You have no choice but to face the enemy head-on.

However, in this world, there are not many people who can escape unscathed under the combined force of these two swords.

Even if it is myself, I am afraid that I have to do my best to cultivate to be able to barely parry it!Yang Jian, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but think.

However, he didn't worry too much, he believed in Li Zhenwu's strength!

Sure enough, Li Zhenwu in the field didn't move, and let the two swords fly in front of him. Just when the two heavenly kings thought he would die tragically under their swords, a scene that surprised them happened.

The two swords stopped two inches above Li Zhenwu's head.

what happened?The two of them both widened their eyes and exchanged their doubts with each other.

Everyone hurriedly looked at Li Zhenwu, only to find that around Li Zhenwu's body, a faint, almost invisible light was emitting. The light was impeccable, blocking the combined blow of the two.

Chapter [-] The Umbrella

"What kind of sorcery is this!" This inexplicable scene made Heavenly King Guangmu exclaim in surprise.

"Don't panic!" The King of Growth immediately shouted.

The Heavenly King Guangmu, who had recovered his senses, also immediately recovered his mind, and along with the Heavenly King Growth, he continued to exert immortal power, and the Chilong who controlled him pressed down on Li Zhenwu ruthlessly.

Under the two of them condensing their own mana, the surrounding wind and clouds were surging, the magic light flickered, and everyone watching was trembling.

Everyone can feel the huge power that is enough to split the sky and the earth.

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