However, even under the suppression of the two of them, Li Zhenwu still did not show the slightest defeat. A faint white light lit up on his body, protecting him inside, no matter how the two of them superimposed their immortal power, The position of the sword never moved half a minute again.

The long-term stalemate has gradually made the two of them feel a little tired, and Duowen Tianwang immediately roared when he saw this.

"I'm here to help you!"

Saying that, he immediately flew forward and opened the treasured umbrella in his hand.

The umbrella rose to the sky with his spell and spun rapidly.

In an instant, the wind and clouds also changed color, and a powerful suction instantly appeared over Mount Hua, flying sand and rocks, and strong winds.

"Oops! Let's go!"

As early as the moment Duowen Tianwang held up the umbrella, Zhu Bajie had already yelled and pushed Chenxiang and the others.

Hear more about the umbrella of the Heavenly King, which can devour all things in the world, no matter how high and deep your mana is, under this, I also feel that there is no hope of escape.

"No, Big Brother Li is still—" Chen Xiang shook her head and looked at Li Zhenwu, who was still competing with the two of them.

"Come on, I'll help him!"

Zhu Bajie sighed, but without any hesitation, he pushed them again, and when he called out his own nails, he immediately planned to go up to help.

Unfortunately, he was overestimating his own strength. He took a few steps forward when he felt that a powerful suction was controlling him.


He knew that he had been absorbed by the umbrella, and if he didn't quickly withdraw from its control, he was afraid that he would definitely be sucked in.

It's just that no matter how hard he tried, he was still sucked and flew under the umbrella in mid-air.

"Pig Bajie—" Chen Xiang was shocked, she rushed out and wanted to help, but fortunately, the three virgins quickly grabbed her.

"Chenxiang, you stay here!" The three virgins took a deep look at their son, with a look of sadness flashing in their eyes.

"Mother, don't—" Chen Xiang said in shock as if she knew what she was going to do.

"Eighth Prince, please help me to take good care of him!" San Virgin said to the Eighth Prince, then turned around and walked towards the opposite side without any hesitation.

"Mother-" Chen Xiang cried uncomfortably, and wanted to go up to chase her back, but was stopped by the Eighth Prince.

"Four Heavenly Kings, it's me that you want to arrest, let Chenxiang and the others go." The three virgins walked over and wanted to exchange themselves for Li Zhenwu and the others.

"Hmph, don't even want to leave today!"

Duo Wen Tian Wang sneered and recited the mantra again, increasing his mana.

The treasure umbrella in the air immediately spun rapidly, and a stronger suction than before hit instantly. Even Chen Xiang and others in the distance felt a huge suction hit, and they could stand unsteadily, not to mention the field. The Three Madonnas.

Not long after she escaped, her mana hadn't recovered, and she was almost without resistance, so she was sucked into the umbrella.

"Mother!" Chen Xiang in the distance cried loudly.

it's over...

This situation made Yang Jian's heart sink to the bottom.

He knew that if the Three Virgins and others were taken to heaven this time, they would die immediately. If he had known, he should have persuaded the Three Virgins in the cave. At least that way, it would temporarily save her from worrying about her life.

In this case, if he helps each other, then the Three Holy Mothers will no longer have a chance, so he can only send the King of the West to Li Zhenwu.

I hope you don't let me down!He thought anxiously in his heart.

As a result, at this moment, a sound of mana bursting suddenly erupted in the field, and the two swords were instantly bounced out with huge force.


Just now, they were still triumphant, thinking that they had successfully suppressed Li Zhenwu, the two kings of Guangmu only felt a huge force of backlash rushed towards them, and the two screamed in an instant and flew out.

With a loud bang, the two of them fell heavily to the ground, smashing a pit deeper than the Heavenly King of the State...

"What are you doing?"

Accompanied by Li Zhenwu's strange question, the others quickly jumped into the air, and then punched the rapidly spinning treasure umbrella.

"Pfft—" He immediately punched a hole through the treasure umbrella that was spinning fast just now.

In an instant, the clouds and the moon were still obscured just now, and the treasured umbrella that sucked into all things in the world fell straight down like a broken umbrella.

At the same time, there were Zhu Bajie and San Virgin who were sucked in just now.

Seeing this, Xiaoyu immediately flew forward and caught the three virgins who were weak and unable to resist.

But Zhu Bajie was miserable, his bloated body slammed straight on the ground, but fortunately, he had thick skin and thick flesh, and he had an immortal body, which prevented him from falling apart.

But even so, he was still lying on the ground, mourning and screaming.

"You people with no conscience, why is there no one to pick up the old pig."

"You're so fat, who will pick you up, and you're not afraid of being crushed to death." Lilac still used the essence of her poisonous tongue to make up for him.

But after all, she still stepped forward with the Eighth Prince and helped Zhu Bajie up.

"Are you all right, didn't I tell you to step aside?" Li Zhenwu looked at Zhu Bajie strangely.

"Brother Li, we..." Zhu Bajie didn't feel embarrassed to say what we wanted to help you. After all, he didn't help 3.3 at all, and in the end, he asked him to rescue him. It's too embarrassing to say it. ?

However, he looked at the other side...

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