"It's up to you!" Nezha laughed.

If it wasn't for the Heavenly Realm being frightened by that Li Zhenwu's beating, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to be released so quickly.

So after he greeted everyone, he fixed his eyes on Li Zhenwu, and said curiously, "You must be Li Zhenwu."

He knew Clove and the others, but Li Zhenwu was a stranger, so he dared to make such a conclusion.

"Exactly." Li Zhenwu looked at this cheerful young man and nodded with a smile.

"Haha, Big Brother Li, I've admired your name for a long time." Nezha was originally a bright temperament, and when he heard about Li Zhenwu's deeds, he had been fascinated by this powerful man. Now that he saw the deity, Immediately, he jumped up excitedly.

The excitement and admiration on his face, and the eagerness in his eyes made Li Zhenwu feel a little embarrassed.

"Why, you also heard about Big Brother Li's deeds?" Chen Xiang asked in surprise.

"Haha, it's like thunder." Nezha laughed.

After speaking, Erlangshen and others fled back to heaven, how to discuss how to deal with this matter, and finally decided to ask for peace.

"It turns out that it is." After hearing this, everyone nodded in understanding.

"Brother Li, you are really amazing. You don't even know that Duo Wen Tian Wang almost cried today."

Although he did not personally see the dejected appearance of the Four Heavenly Kings, but when he thought of his father's description, he found it interesting.

"I've won the prize." Li Zhenwu smiled politely.

"Brother Li, don't be polite to me." Nezha said quickly.

"By the way, the third prince, what are you doing here this time?" Chen Xiang said excitedly.

He listened to Nezha's words and knew that Heavenly Court already had the intention of seeking peace. Does that mean that Heavenly Court has already planned to let their family go.

Seeing his look full of expectations, Nezha felt uncomfortable again.

He sighed and said, "Chenxiang, I'm sorry, this time I am under the order of the Queen Mother to let Big Brother Li stop interfering in this matter."

"What?" Several people suddenly exclaimed in unison.

It turns out that Tianting still has no intention of letting Chen Xiang and others go!

"The Queen Mother is determined to punish you and the Third Madam. Today, she has already brought out [-] Heavenly Soldiers to arrest you, but it was stopped by Yang Jian, so it will be released. Let me persuade Big Brother Li to give up helping you. "

Nezha said.

"Then what should we do?" The Three Notre Dame family became anxious.

"Third Prince, what does the Queen Mother mean by doing this?" Li Zhenwu asked strangely.

"They are just afraid that you will be the same as the Great Sage Monkey King back then, so that's why they want me to come and persuade you to stop and quit this matter."

Although Nezha really wanted Li Zhenwu to continue to help the Chenxiang family, he didn't bother to take advantage of people, so he told Li Zhenwu the whole story without reservation.

Let him make the final decision by himself, whether he wants to help the Chenxiang family.

"Brother Li, this Chenxiang family is really pitiful. At this time, you must not back down." Zhu Bajie hurriedly said.

"Where did you think I went, would I be such a person?" Li Zhenwu was speechless.

"I'm just thinking that Heavenly Court will send someone to ask for peace. It can be seen that they are still afraid of us."

"Of course, people like you are not afraid of ghosts." Zhu Bajie laughed.

Even his senior brother, Sun Wukong, did not have such a terrible record back then.

"Yeah, Big Brother Li, all the immortals in Heaven are going to make a fuss to invite the Tathagata Buddha." Nezha also looked proud of him.

"If that's the case, then go back and tell the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, if they don't change the rule that immortals and mortals can't marry, then I'll go to Lingxiao Palace like Sun Wukong back then."

Li Zhenwu said in a flat tone.

But no one thought he was joking.

He does have this power!

As long as this person says it, he will definitely be able to do it. Even Nezha, who has never seen his skills, can't help but have this illusion.

"Okay, I'll go back and tell them!" Nezha said excitedly.

If it weren't for him going back now to convey Li Zhenwu's intentions, he really wished he would stay here and not go back, and he would also follow Li Zhenwu to fight against Heavenly Court.

"Okay, third prince, then I'll trouble you." Chen Xiang thanked.

Chapter [-] Worry

"Is there any trouble... Everyone, I have to rush back to return to my life, so let's say goodbye first." After Nezha gave everyone a hand, he planned to leave in the wind.

At this moment, another Fa cloud floated in this direction from the distant horizon.

Soon, everyone could see that the appearance of Erlang God appeared on the head of the cloud.

"What is he!"

Nezha's expression changed immediately, but Notre Dame and the others had complicated expressions, and they didn't speak for a while.

They didn't know how to react because they thought of what Li Zhenwu said last time.

Soon, Yang Jian fell to the cloud head.

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