"Yang Jian, what are you doing here?"

The red ying spear in Nezha's hand swung horizontally and stopped in front of Yang Jian's chest, asking.

"Hmph, I'm just afraid that the third prince will forget His Majesty's entrustment and will not leave if he stays here, so I came to watch you."

"Yang Jian, don't spray people with blood." Nezha was only punished for Yang Jian before, so when the enemy met, he was very jealous and immediately said angrily.

"Isn't what I said true? The third prince only helped Chen Xiang last time, and now he is talking and laughing with them..." Yang Jian also said coldly.

Nezha has an impulsive temperament, so when he received such a provocation, he immediately stabbed Erlangshen with a horizontal spear.

Yang Jian immediately raised his fan to stop him, the weapons collided, and immediately made a crisp sound!

"Brother Li, what should I do?" Seeing this scene, Chen Xiang immediately became anxious.

Although he was partial to the third prince, his mother believed that Erlang God was good, so he was in a dilemma immediately.

However, Li Zhenwu saw Yang Jian's intentions. Hearing that, he just shook his head and did not speak.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu had no intention of intervening, Chen Xiang felt even more anxious.

At this time, Yang Jian and Nezha were already fighting, and the two of them went back and forth in the courtyard.

It's just suffering for a group of people watching the show, their faces are full of entanglement.

And while he was hitting, Yang Jian went more and more into the house. Nezha was so engrossed that he didn't realize this, so when Yang Jian swept away the tip of his spear with a fan, he jumped into the house.

"Yang Jian, where do you escape!" Nezha shouted, and immediately flew after him.

"Hey, these two people, you want to demolish the house, where will I live tonight, the old pig." Zhu Bajie said angrily.

If you want to know how to fight the gods, it is easy to fly sand and move rocks, and even a mountain can be leveled, not to mention the small wooden house of Liu Yanchang, so Zhu Bajie hurriedly chased in.

Then, of course, the rest of the crowd followed, and Li Zhenwu was no exception.

Seeing them all come in, Yang Jian suddenly stopped to fight, chanted a tactic in his mouth, and immediately used immortal magic to completely shield the room with immortal magic.

"Third Prince, stop first!" He greeted Nezha who was about to make a move.

"Erlang God, what tricks do you want to play?" Nezha said angrily.

"Okay, third prince, I don't have much time. The Queen Mother has always sent her clairvoyant to watch here, so I can only make a long story short."

Nezha looked at him for some unknown reason, secretly thinking that this could be his conspiracy.

"Second brother, if you have anything to say, just say it." San Virgin said.

"Third sister, do you believe me?" Yang Jian said in surprise.

He didn't know that Li Zhenwu had already analyzed all his difficulties to everyone, and when he came, he still thought that he would have to spend a lot of time to convince the Three Virgins and others to believe in him.

Unexpectedly, before I even said it, the Three Virgins would actually say such a thing, and I was so excited that I couldn't help myself.

"Three Virgins, don't be deceived by him." Seeing this situation, Nezha immediately said worriedly.

"Third prince, the second brother has difficulties." The third virgin shook her head and said with a face full of guilt, "Third brother, Mr. Li has already told me everything about you. It was me who was wrong before, and I misunderstood you. already."

"You..." Yang Jian looked at Li Zhenwu in surprise, how could this person know this?

"Okay, if you have anything to say, just say it, and save these things for later." Li Zhenwu interrupted lightly.

Only then did Yang Jian remember the serious business, and said sternly, "Okay, in fact, I'm here this time to tell you that this time I'm afraid I won't be good. The Queen Mother is determined to deal with the third sister's family."

"It's not all because of you." Nezha said angrily.

Although he heard the tone of the three virgins just now, he knew that Yang Jian had difficulties, but he always believed that the three virgins were a family, and until today, Yang Jian has always contributed to this.

"Third Prince, if I hadn't been like this, how could the Queen Mother entrust the pursuit of Chenxiang to me, or else how would I secretly protect Chenxiang?" Yang Jian sighed.

At this point, he could only tell the truth.

"Then—" Nezha was a little undecided, so he could only look at him cautiously and said, "Then why do you want to take action against those who help Chen Xiang?"

"I just want to arouse more people's dissatisfaction with this heavenly rule, so as to force the Queen Mother to change this heavenly rule." Yang Jian said.

Listening to what he said with certainty, Nezha also began to wonder if he had misunderstood him.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Okay, then I'll believe you for the time being. Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"At first, I originally planned to let Chen Xiang go to a teacher to learn art and learn a skill back, but now that we have Li Zhenwu, we will secretly join forces with some immortals. I believe this will be successful."

Yang Jian said, and glanced at Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu nodded, agreeing with what he meant.

"If that's the case, then let's go back quickly, otherwise the Queen Mother is afraid to send the heavenly soldiers here." Nezha said immediately.

"Well, but there is one more thing." Yang Jian said, and looked at Zhu Bajie.

"Envoy of Jingtan, I have one more thing to ask for."

Zhu Bajie had never been called Jingtan messenger so solemnly before, and he felt a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

It feels like being called by this person like this is like a very important person.

This feeling made Zhu Bajie straighten his back instantly and said, "What's the matter?"

"That's right, Li Zhenwu's strength, I believe him, is more than enough to deal with [-] heavenly soldiers, but I'm afraid that the Queen Mother will go to the Buddhist realm to ask for help."

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