After all, if he has one more day now, he may be able to persuade a few more immortals to support Chenxiang.

"What else do you have to say?"

"Niangniang, it's not appropriate to attack at this time. That Li Zhenwu defeated the Four Heavenly Kings, and now his morale is high, if we attack rashly..."

"Yang Jian, if you are afraid, you can tell me that I can send someone else." The Queen Mother was not fooled by him.

She knows that only by telling with absolute coercion

"My lord, forgive me, the little god has no intention of that." Yang Jian said quickly.

Unable to stop the Queen Mother, he could only take advantage of the situation.

However, I believe that with Li Zhenwu's ability, the army of [-] people should not be able to do anything for them. Thinking of this, Yang Jian is relieved.

Then the Queen Mother immediately delegated it.

This time, Erlangshen will lead the troops, and Li Jing will be the vanguard. He will accompany him in thirty-six days, leading [-] soldiers to Liujia Village.

Nezha had long been curious about Li Zhenwu's abilities, but now that he saw that his father was also on the list, he immediately felt a little itchy.

"Niangniang, if the little god requests, he can also go with his father."

"Why, Nezha also wants to contribute 3.8 to Heavenly Court?" The Queen Mother asked suspiciously.

Although she released Nezha, it didn't mean she would trust him.

"I also ask for your mother's approval, the little god will definitely take the blame this time." Nezha said in a hurry.

"Niangniang, please give Nezha another chance." Li Jing also pleaded for her.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go, but if you dare to help Chenxiang again, don't blame Tiantiao for being ruthless!" The Queen Mother said coldly.

Li Jing and his son naturally thanked him quickly.

Then, after everyone gathered on the hour, they left for Liujia Village.

This time, in order to catch Chen Xiang and others, the Queen Mother exerted a lot of energy.

The dark generals appeared in the sky above Liujiacun, and immediately blocked the entire sky.

For a time, the sky in Liujia Village went dark.

Chapter [-]: One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers

Such a battle naturally shocked several people in the house.

After everyone came out, seeing people everywhere, their faces changed.

"Li Zhenwu, at the will of the Jade Emperor, I will come to arrest the three goddesses of sin and Chenxiang, the evil spirit. If you are knowledgeable, it is too late to leave now!"

Yang Jian stood on the head of the cloud and shouted in a pretentious manner.

"If you want to fight, fight, stop talking nonsense!" Li Zhenwu said lightly.

"Let me go!" Nezha said impatiently.

Yang Jian also knew that he wanted to try Li Zhenwu's skills and nodded.

Immediately, Nezha couldn't wait to carry the red spear and stab at Li Zhenwu with his foot on the hot wheel.

Li Zhenwu's aura was fully open, and he punched lightly, hitting him head-on, and immediately the tip of Nezha's spear trembled uncontrollably.

Only then did he realize how powerful this person really was.

Thinking of this, he no longer wanted to fight, and suddenly fell to the cloud head, pretending to be injured.

He came here today to watch the battle, so he never thought about actually going to fight with Li Zhenwu, but the Queen Mother was staring at him. .

However, those people in the heavenly court looked at it, and this matter was too terrifying.

Nezha is considered to be a master, he didn't even make a move under Li Zhenwu's hands?This is too incredible.

Soon, Nezha was helped back to Li Jing's side.

"All the officers and men obey the order, give it to me!" Yang Jian ordered again.

Immediately, the drums were beaten, and everyone shouted for a fight, and quickly rushed towards Li Zhenwu and the others.

Zhu Bajie and the others immediately stepped forward with their weapons and fought with them.

However, the vast majority of people were mainly besieging Li Zhenwu's surroundings. Li Zhenwu didn't pay any attention to these young soldiers. He kicked the person who was in front of him with a left fist and a right kick, but the next moment, More people rushed up again.

Looking at these people who kept coming up, Li Zhenwu was a little annoyed.

Although this kind of wheel battle didn't do him much damage, but if he continued to fight like this one by one, he didn't know what year and month he was going to fight. It seemed that he had to show some real skills this time.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately aroused his fighting spirit and quickly poured Qi into his body.

A powerful momentum spread from his body to the surrounding at the speed of light in an instant, and in the surrounding air, there was a faint energy vibrating continuously.

This kind of momentum immediately alerted everyone. They couldn't care less about fighting, and they all looked at Li Zhenwu in surprise.

What is he going to do?

In just a short moment, Li Zhenwu's pupils had turned golden, his hair was standing upright, and the ground under his feet had been shaken by the momentum he had just aroused.

These Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals had never seen such a scene before, and felt the earth under their feet tremble. They looked at each other in horror and disbelief, exchanging their panic at this time.

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