After Li Zhenwu converted to the Super Saiyan primary state, he slowly looked at the surrounding heavenly soldiers, and then swept out with a fist.

A terrifying force capable of destroying the sky and the earth swept over, and that piece of heavenly soldiers swept the sky as helpless as a piece of paper.


The sky was filled with the screams of the people one after another. The heavenly soldiers who were always high above the sky turned into a small black spot under this powerful force, and they didn't know where they were photographed.

"No!" Zhu Bajie retracted his rake, and muttered to himself as he looked at the heavenly soldiers who had disappeared from his sight.

At this time, Yang Jian and others began to face up to a problem, how much of Li Zhenwu's amazing strength has not been revealed?

However, Li Zhenwu had no time to amaze them like this.

"Get out of the way!" After he yelled at Zhu Bajie and the others, he stomped his foot again.

The earth trembled fiercely because of his strength, and the heavenly soldiers just now were all shaken into the sky, as if it were raining, and all the figures of these people were in the air.

Li Zhenwu threw a fist in this direction, and the domineering energy swept over, and those heavenly soldiers were shot and disappeared into the sky.

Without those who are in the way, the sky is brighter again, as if the sun is breaking out of the clouds.

Only Yang Jian, Nezha and his son were left, as well as a few of the thirty-six generals who had not been photographed.

It's just that Yang Jian and Nezha's father and son are okay, it's just a pure surprise and Li Zhenwu's terrifying strength.

The rest of the people had some fears that they didn't know what to say.

These people looked at Li Zhenwu with fear.

This person is too powerful, I have a few myself, and I am afraid that there will be more bad luck today.

At this time, they knew why Yang Jian said that this person would become the second Sun Wukong.

From their point of view, this simply surpassed the existence of Sun Wukong.

"You go back and tell the Queen Mother, if you want to fight, send some useful people. If there is no one, you should change the rules early. Next time, if you get these shrimps, soldiers and crabs, I will not be as good as I am today. ."

Li Zhenwu pretended to be angry.

Of course, apart from the anger that he didn't have enough fun, he just wanted to shock everyone, lest Wang 543's mother not know the depth and let these people harass him at any time, he didn't have time to play with these people.

"..." Together with Yang Jian and Nezha, who were insulted as shrimp soldiers and crab generals, they couldn't help crying bitterly in their hearts.

Brother Li, even if you are powerful, you don't need to hurt people so much!Nezha, I am a fairy anyway, Nezha looked at Li Zhenwu with teary eyes, conveying that he was uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this time, Zhu Bajie was not the only one who felt troubled.

Looking at such a guy who can't understand the depth, Yang Jian must be very uncomfortable. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, this Li Zhenwu has indeed surpassed himself a lot. This time, he finally gave Li Zhenwu an admiration. look.

"Li... Li Zhenwu, don't be mad..." One of the thirty-six day generals pointed at Li Zhenwu and cursed.

Seeing his righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, but he was also a bloody man——

But before they could finish their emotion, a surprising scene appeared.

The person who had just said righteous words just now, it seemed that the person who was about to fight Li Zhenwu to the death in the next moment suddenly summoned Xiangyun and jumped on the cloud head.

"I'll go back and ask the mother-in-law to send someone to clean you up, don't go if you have a reason!"

After leaving these cruel words, he ran away in a hurry as if there were ghosts chasing him behind him.

Chapter [-] Commitment

Escaped, the general of the dignified heaven, actually escaped like this...

I thought he was another capable person, Li Zhenwu wanted to have a few tricks with him, but he actually escaped.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

"Everyone in your Heavenly Court is like this?" Li Zhenwu looked at Yang Jian subconsciously.

"...I'm here to learn your great tricks!" Li Jing, the king of Tota, couldn't hold his face, and rushed up immediately.

"Father!" Fortunately, Nezha caught him in time.

"You are not Big Brother Li's opponent."

At this time, Li Jing didn't care that his son actually called the enemy a brother. He was completely stimulated by his son's contempt.

Although he is indeed not the opponent's opponent, but with the dignity of a father, he cannot allow himself to be a coward who surrenders without a fight in front of his son.

So without thinking about it, he sacrificed his exquisite pagoda and rushed up.

Li Zhenwu was still in the primary state, so with only a light block, Li Jing's exquisite pagoda was knocked flying by an extremely strong force.

Li Jing immediately recalled Yu Jue, but Li Zhenwu's attack was really too powerful. When the Linglong Pagoda was in his hand, the power still did not weaken, and he almost didn't hold it.

And at this dazzling moment, Li Zhenwu had already jumped in front of him and waved towards his face—

It's over, I really take myself too seriously.

At that moment, Li Jing thought so.

Li Zhenwu's speed was too fast, he didn't have time to resist, he just closed his eyes subconsciously, waiting for the moment when he was knocked down.

However, Li Zhenwu didn't plan to kill them all. After all, he was Nezha's father. Looking at Nezha's pleading eyes, he guarded the hand that was about to fall to Li Jing's face.

Li Zhenwu said, "Li Tianwang, I respect you as a man, you are not my opponent, let's quit!"

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