In Li Zhenwu's line of sight, it was already pitch black, and with the naked eye, it was no longer possible to distinguish the upper and lower, south, east, north and west.

"Interesting, amazing." Li Zhenwu felt very interesting.

It is true that his Saiyan physique is in Dragon Ball, and he is also an incomparably powerful fighting nation, capable of possessing huge fighting power.

But in the world of Naruto, this kind of magic is also colorful.

Just like the technique of the dark line currently used by Senju Tobirama, although it is an illusion, when it is performed in Senju Tobirama, it seems to be out of the scope of illusion, but a technique that can affect reality.

This darkness, thick as ink, covers the sky and the earth.

In this darkness, darkness has emerged, and it seems that there is nothing else. It is a technique that not only deprives others of vision, but also truly brings darkness, so Li Zhenwu feels very magical.

It was during this period that the roots of the first Hokage Renshouzhuma's technique of all things were about to climb up Li Zhenwu's body.

Li Zhenwu felt the body being entangled and entangled, as well as the sturdy strength from these roots, and couldn't help showing some smiles: "Interesting."

After the praise, Li Zhenwu also began to understand. Before the roots were wrapped around his upper body, he raised his arms and made a movement.

He opened his hands, raised them, put on a posture on both sides of his forehead, and whispered in his mouth: "Try my sun fist!"

Drinking low, a scene like thousands of flash bombs exploded suddenly from Li Zhenwu's hands.

A dazzling white light suddenly spread out from under Li Zhenwu's hands.

How fast is light?

It is sometimes faster than the speed of thinking.

So at this moment, the strong light from the Sun Fist on Li Zhenwu's hand, when people's thinking is still stuck in 'what a powerful dark technique', the strong light has already started from Li Zhenwu's hands as the center, Violently swept around!

Even at this moment, the entire Konoha people could feel that there was a sudden flash of white light.

And the venue in the center of Taiyang Fist was completely white at this moment.

Many people's eyes flashed, and after a while they found that their eyes had been spent.

And the dark technique that originally covered the entire roof of the building, under Li Zhenwu's Sun Fist, disappeared like snow.

The darkness that was as black as ink quickly disappeared.

All the people who had been hidden in the darkness appeared.

Moreover, except for Li Zhenwu himself, as the most central one, he was safe and sound.

The ninjas on the roof, including Orochimaru, including the remaining three ninjas of the four people of Yin Nin, including Hiruzen Sarutobi and Sarumo, and several Anbu ninjas.Those bystanders who have been paying attention to the battle center all have a feeling of being 'blinded' at this moment.

Rao is that Li Zhenwu has put down his hand, and the light source of Sun Fist has disappeared, but what they can still see in front of them is a vast expanse of white.

"What a terrifying move!" The monkey demon was on a tree, covering his eyes. Because he couldn't see anything, he asked his partner loudly, "Sarutobi, can you see something?"

"This move is too irritating to human eyes, it's like looking directly at the sun for a long time." Sarutobi said slowly, he also covered his eyes, but after a while, he got used to it a little, and then Reach out to seal.

After that, it didn't take long for his sight to gradually recover.

In the same way, other ninjas are similar, and gradually recover.

Sun Fist, after all, is not a very powerful lethal move, but a temporary confuse move like a flash bomb.

But at this moment, the 'darkness technique' used to deal with Senju Tobirama is complementary to each other, and the effect is amazing.

Everyone else was surprised and slowly recovered. Brother Qianshou, who had the characteristics of 'immortal body', naturally recovered quickly.

Therefore, like fighting puppets, they immediately performed the ninjutsu imprinted in their body instincts!

(The fourth is to ask for automatic subscription! The long-lost stay up late...)

Chapter [-] Four Demon Fists! (fifth more)

For Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama, the first-generation Hokage and the second-generation Hokage, the instinct, ability, and some ninjutsu of fighting are already deeply imprinted in the deepest part of their body.

Moreover, even in the state of being called and controlled by the puppet, they cooperated extremely well.

"Water Escape - Water Breaks Waves!" Qianshou Tobirama violently spewed a rapid ultra-high pressure fine water column from his mouth and attacked Li Zhenwu, which was a menacing move.

Li Zhenwu didn't stand in the same place and wait for this trick to hit him, or there was no need to suffer such a mighty ninjutsu like a masochist.

However, Ben and Neng of Qianshou Zhuma were fighting with his younger brother, and he reached out his hand to seal:

"Woodun - Feinaimu!" ​​On Li Zhenwu's side, a towering wooden barrier appeared, blocking his movement, and the Qianshouzhujian was also jumping, and a large piece of cuboid wood had to hit Li Zhenwu. come.

However, Li Zhenwu was not flustered at all, and even 717 Yu, he only used a little part of his chakra.

"Lei Dun."

Until this moment, Li Zhenwu, like a ninja, began to seal.

Just by chasing after him, a layer of light golden color appeared on Li Zhenwu's body surface, and there was also a thunder attribute chakra with tiny lightning.

In several Anbu who had already avoided Dao far away, they saw this scene, but exclaimed:

"Golden Thunder Escape!"

"Sure enough, it is said that Lord Zhenwu's Lei Dun is very special. It is golden and unique in the entire ninja world!" An Anbu ninja couldn't help but exclaimed. Li Zhenwu, who was wrapped in golden Lei Dun chakra, also carried lightning bolts. , exceptionally dazzling.

Another Anbu ninja also spoke in amazement, but he was concerned about another aspect: "As soon as he enters, he can spread chakra all over his body, and it can be manifested all over the naked eye. How powerful is this? Only Chakra can do it!"

They were amazed, because Li Zhenwu's performance at this moment had simply subverted ordinary people's ideas.

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