Chakra is a kind of cellular energy, which is generally only the most effective if it can be transformed and released through ninjutsu.

However, it is extremely difficult to manifest chakra outside the body, and the amount of chakra required is extraordinary. Many ninjas cannot manifest chakra a little in their entire lives.

But at the moment, Li Zhenwu is relaxed, and he has let Chakra wrap his whole body!

Lei Dun has the strongest penetrating power of lethality, as well as an increase in the body, which can make every cell in the body have an incomparable activation.

And Li Zhenwu, whose whole body was shrouded in Thunder Chakra, was even more extraordinary.

He just stretched out his hand and punched in front of him.

Regardless of its own strength, just a layer of chakra on the body surface can already destroy the wooden wall in front of you!

What's more, Li Zhenwu himself has unparalleled power. Rao is that he just said to release some at this moment, and the wooden wall in front of him has already burst open!

The blasted wood splashed everywhere, and Li Zhenwu, who was wrapped by Lei Dun Chakra, was extremely fast.

But also because of the golden thunderbolt on his body, he could be seen during his actions.

A streak of golden light flashed with fine lightning flashes, and the water waves between the second-generation Hokage and Qianshou Tobori have all been lost.

"It's amazing..." Others were already stunned, and Kakashi and Jagged Kai also quietly went up to the roof and watched from a distance.

"To be able to fight the first and second generations alone, and still show such ease, the strength of Zhenwu is already so terrifying." Tie Xuekai said with emotion on his face, he felt the deepest feeling about Li Zhenwu's strength improvement, after all, when Li Zhenwu still Before becoming a ninja, I often practiced with him, or learned from each other.

"Even if the two Hokage-sama summoned through the dirty soil, the real strength is far less than they were in their lifetimes, but such a battle situation can still highlight the strength of Zhenwu, which is already strong to such a state." Hatake Kakashi has been revealing. His eyes were also full of solemnity.

"Master Zhenwu... he is indeed the most powerful!"

Bai also went to the roof of the building to watch the battle after he had dealt with a few of them. Watching the dazzling battle, he admired Li Zhenwu and was full of pride.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

Just at this moment, Qianshou Tobirama, who had been completely evaded by the water-breaking wave, suddenly flashed and disappeared in place, and reappeared, already teleporting to Li Zhenwu's side!

The next moment, Qianshou Tobirama has stabbed the Kunai in his hand!

"Ninja-Wood Dun-Thorns Killing Technique!"

At the same time, Qianshou Zhuma, who had tacitly cooperated with Qianshou Tobirama, also came to Li Zhenwu. After he quickly completed the seal, wooden thorns suddenly grew on his hands, and the tops were sharp and sharp. To Li Zhenwu!

"It's a good time." Li Zhenwu smiled sarcastically, but he didn't dodge, but he wasn't ready to use his body to force the next step.

However, the two fists are invincible against the four hands, and facing the attack of the two thousand-handed brothers, the one-handed is difficult to parry.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu has once again used the moves he has accumulated over the years.

"Four Demon Fist!"

Under Li Zhenwu's two ribs, another arm appeared in each life.

In an instant, Li Zhenwu had become a man with four hands.

Therefore, he also held both hands together, and both hands grasped the wooden thorns between the thousand-hand pillars!The other two hands have already grabbed Qianshou Tobirama!

"Hey! Lord Zhenwu, what is this technique?" Some ninjas felt terrified, and then glanced at the six-handed 'Kidomaru' among the four of Yinin's group.


Li Zhenwu's four arms moved in unison, slamming Qianshou Tobirama and Qianshou Zhuma hard together!

The two collided, there was a loud bang, and then... their bodies were broken.

Because of this, the battle suddenly stopped.

"Uh, I forgot they couldn't help but fight."

Chapter [-] Words bewitched! (first update)

Li Zhenwu's four hands grabbed Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobama respectively, and then with a little strength, they collided.

Then 'Clap! ' With a bang, after Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama collided, their bodies immediately exploded.

The limbs have been shattered, like fragile porcelain dolls.

Li Zhenwu was a little stunned: "The energy used to be funny is a little big..."

It is true that the Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are very powerful at this moment, and they are extremely skilled in various ninjutsu displays, as if carved into their instincts.

But their bodies at the moment were only summoned by using two ordinary ninjas as sacrifices.

So it looks a little 'crisp'.

Li Zhenwu threw it away, and at the same time the other two arms disappeared.

On the ground, the bodies of Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobama, which had been shattered, were slowly gathering, but it might take a while to recover.

Because just now, General Li Zhen beat him too much.

While others were dumbfounded, it took a while to react.

Orochimaru's complexion, which was already pale, turned even whiter now.

Even he has quietly made some movements, ready to run away.

However, Li Zhenwu, who was sighing because he lost his hand and caused the battle to end too soon, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Orochimaru.

"Senior Brother Orochimaru, where are you going?"

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