"Do it well, we were caught, tortured, and killed - Awakening!"

On the opposite side, Yin Ren said recklessly.

And Nara Shikamaru also has a sense of powerlessness.

Nara Shikamaru raised his head and looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

"Originally, I just planned to be a ninja casually, make some money casually, and then marry a woman who is neither beautiful nor ugly as a wife. Just have two children, the first is a girl, and the second is a boy."

Nara Shikamaru looked at the sky, and in his heart flashed the plan he had made in this life:

"When the eldest daughter gets married and my son is on his own, I will quit the ninja circle, and then spend one day playing shogi or Go, and live a leisurely life. This is the life in my mind!"

"In the end, I came out to be brave and actually believed in Ranmaru, who was younger than me, and it became more and more troublesome."

Nara Shikamaru is self-pity, what he hates most is trouble.

"Hey, you can come down." Yin Ren, who was the leader, suddenly shouted to the tree, "By the way, I'll cut off this kid's head."

However, just as the voice of the sound ninja fell, Nara Shikamaru had judged that the ninth person was hidden in the tree, and a figure suddenly fell.

This figure, dressed in Yinnin's clothes, with a kunai sticking in his heart behind him, blood seeping out from it, and already dead.

"Bang!" Yin Ren, who was already dead, fell to the ground and made a muffled sound, which suddenly alarmed them.

Nara Shikamaru couldn't see the situation behind because his back was facing him and he couldn't turn around, but he saw the expressions of the Ninjas on the opposite side, which was a kind of incredible panic.

"Hey, that ninth ninja didn't appear." Nara Shikamaru's mind turned abruptly, feeling that things had turned a little better, and suddenly thought: "Could it be that Ranmaru finally shot?"

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a fast wind passing by beside him.

At the same time, his shadow imitation technique has also reached its limit, and the eight tone ninja has broken free from the control of this ninjutsu and can move freely and independently.

Then, he saw the eight Yin Ninjas who were standing in front of him, one after another, one by one, slammed into the street, or flew up!

Some of the sound ninjas threw out the kunai, or used their own physical skills, but they did not avoid the fate of hitting the street.

And Nara Shikamaru was already stunned. He watched the figure that was smaller than himself moving vertically and horizontally between the sound and ninja. He couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

After a while, he came back to his senses.

At this time, Lan Wan had already walked to his side, and the original eight Yin Ninjas had all been thrown into the street!

"Let's go, let's catch up with Naruto and the others." Ranmaru was as trivial as what he was doing, but Nara Shikamaru had a big wave in his heart.

"So strong!"

At this moment, Nara Shikamaru also looked back and saw the tragic state of the ninth ninja behind him, and was even more shocked. Looking at Ranmaru, who seemed to be a little smaller than himself, he was speechless.

Rao Shikamaru, who didn't care much about Nara Shikamaru, couldn't help but marvel, because Ranmaru was about to subvert his cognition.

"It seems that he only used physical skills, and he solved all the chunnin of the eight tone ninjas alone. You know, they had already broken free from the shadow imitation technique at that time!"

Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but feel a little emotional... Besides, Ranmaru's age seems to be younger than him.

And Lan Maru was still like a normal person, and even jumped up the tree, and then urged him: "Come on, maybe there may be people who need our help ahead."

Hearing this, Nara Shikamaru gave a wry smile: "I have lost my strength, and I have almost no chakra on my body."

"So it is." Ranmaru nodded, then jumped down from the tree and jumped to Nara Shikamaru's side: "In that case, I will carry you on my back first, if I leave you here alone, it is not necessarily the case. Safety."

Nara Shikamaru hesitated for a moment: "If you carry me behind your back, it will hinder your actions."

"It's nothing, it's just carrying a person on my back, it won't affect my speed." Lan Wan shook her head and said casually: "Anyway, you won't be heavier than the two-ton load on me."

"Nani?" Nara Shikamaru was surprised: "Two tons? Carrying a load? Are you still carrying a load?"

"Yeah." Ranmaru nodded as a matter of course: "In our practice of ninja in the ninja village, we usually put some weight on the body except for the real fighting time, but I have more than one. ."

"But why are you still carrying a load just now?" Nara Shikamaru was surprised.

Ranmaru shrugged slightly and smiled slightly. : "Because just now, for me, it's not a real battle, it's just a warm-up appetizer."

(The third update, please subscribe automatically! Continue to code, there will be a fourth update about four o'clock!)

Chapter [-] Inherit the position of Hokage? (fourth more)

Li Zhenwu shook his hand gently, shaking off the dust that didn't actually exist on his hand.

At the moment on the roof of this building, there are only three people left among the four people of Yinin, and now, these three people have been trapped in his magic mirror ice crystal for nothing. It won't be long before the winner will be decided.

It's just that if he wants to defeat these three Yin Ren, Rao Yibai's strength trained by Li Zhenwu for so many years may not be enough.

After all, the three existing Yin Ninjas all have the power of the 'curse mark' on their bodies. If they fully activate the curse mark, their strength will immediately jump.

However, Li Zhenwu was not worried about Bai. After all, the place where they were now was almost Konoha base camp. Even if Bai couldn't win the three Yin Ren, he would not lose.

Even after the three Yin Ninjas fully stimulated their own curse marks, they can put a lot of pressure on Shiro, but they may not be able to get a good deal in the battle with Shiro.

After all, over the years, Li Zhenwu's training for several children in the Ninja Village has made their qualities far surpass those of their peers in this world.

Orochimaru was 'dead', and the sound ninjas who were originally in the venue, like the duckweed tree, had no source to rely on, and were quickly reacted by the Konoha ninjas and solved it.

The turmoil in the venue subsided.

The remaining three of the four-member group of Yinnin Village were also captured, but they were not easy, because in the battle with Bai, they were all seriously injured.

And after killing several ninjas in Yinin Village, Bai also consumed a lot of himself, so he followed Konoha Ninja and found a place to cultivate.

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