"Ms. Sarutobi, this incident is almost over."

After these were over, Li Zhenwu walked to Sarutobi Hizan.

Sarutobi Hiizhan looked at Li Zhenwu with complicated thoughts, and said slowly, "This time, thanks to your timely return."

"Don't tell me, Mr. Sarutobi, haven't you found out? I've been back for a long time, but I just used another identity." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said.

Sarutobi Hiizan's body was shaken. He actually had some doubts through Shiro's reaction, as well as all these days about the situation of the 'Ninja Village' plus some specious information.

But Li Zhenwu's words now undoubtedly confirm everything.

"You joined the Ninja Village?" Sarutobi asked directly. His thoughts were complicated and he didn't know how to face Li Zhenwu. If Li Zhenwu really joined the Ninja Village, he would undoubtedly become a Konoha's rebellion.

However, Sarutobi Hiizhan remembered that in the village, because of Danzo's problems, Li Zhenwu had to go out to avoid the limelight, but Konoha really owed a lot to Li Zhenwu.

Under this circumstance, Li Zhenwu can understand even if he did something in common with Orochimaru.

Therefore, in the face of Li Zhenwu, Sarutobi Hiizhan was full of emotions.

However, Li Zhenwu shook his head in the face of Sarutobi's words: "I didn't join the body ninja village."

The voice fell, and before Sarutobi Hiizan responded, Li Zhenwu had already added: "It's the body ninja village, which I founded."

"You founded the body ninja village?" Sarutobi Hibiki was shocked. This answer was even more shocking than Li Zhenwu's simply saying that he judged the village.

Create a ninja village!Since the advent of the Ninja Age, there have been only a few times in total, and there are still many insignificant little ninja villages.

And the ninja village founded by Li Zhenwu is obviously not that kind of trivial ninja village.

This is all the more surprising.

After all, how talented is Li Zhenwu!

Even for the role of Orochimaru, it took decades of accumulation to create a 'Sound Ninja Village'.

But what about Li Zhenwu?When he left Konoha that year, he was only pure and innocent, almost white, and even at his age, he became a famous ninja, it was only two or three years...

Under such circumstances, Li Zhenwu actually established a 'Ninja Village'.

"It's incredible." Sarutobi Hizan murmured, unable to say anything more.

If Li Zhenwu is said to be a traitor?How is that possible.

However, Li Zhenwu already has his own ninja village, so does he still belong to Konoha?Sarutobi Hizan couldn't help but think about this question.

And Li Zhenwu seemed to have seen through the heart of Sarutobi Hizan at a glance, and he had already said: "Mr. Sarutobi, Konoha is also my home, where I was born and grew up."

Li Zhenwu said slowly: "Also, here are my parents, cousin, Mr. Akai, Naruto... and Mr. Sarutobi."

"For me, you are all my fetters, and Konoha will always be a place I can't let go." Li Zhenwu said this, which made Hiruzen Sarutobi very moved.

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi also sighed, took a deep look at Li Zhenwu, and sighed: "In this way, you are not suitable to be the fifth Hokage..."

Sarutobi Hizan sighed, and there was a bit of pity and loss in his words: "I'm old, Konoha 0.6 needs a new Hokage now, and it will start the next era."

Li Zhenwu listened, and understood a little bit, the feelings of Mr. Sarutobi, and he also listed himself as the heir to the fifth generation of Hokage!

Li Zhenwu, who deeply felt the affection of Hiruzen Sarutobi, also noticed the dark anger in Hirazan Sarutobi's words.

Indeed, as he himself said, his three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Rizan are already old...

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sarutobi." Li Zhenwu was a little apologetic, because he wanted to live up to Sarutobi's intentions.

Even if he didn't go out of the village and set up a ninja village on his own, if Sarutobi Hizan were to pass him Hokage's position, he probably wouldn't be willing.

Because...it's very troublesome.

Chapter [-] Uchiha Itachi! (first update)

Li Zhenwu himself did not want to be bound.

It's good that he founded a ninja village by himself, because the scale of the ninja village is very small after all, so it is very easy.

But if he handed over such a big stall as Konoha, it would be extremely troublesome.

So in any case, Li Zhenwu wanted to reject the good intentions of Hiruzen Sarutobi, but at the same time he refused, Li Zhenwu looked at the old face of Hiruzen Sarutobi and felt a little emotional.

Sarutobi Hizan is already very old. Compared with Li Zhenwu's childhood, he is full of twilight.

Looking at Sarutobi Hiizan's aged face, Li Zhenwu pondered for a while, and couldn't help but say:

"Teacher Sarutobi, as far as I know, if Hokage is the heir, my other senior brother and senior sister are just right."

"And as far as I know, my other senior brother Jiraiya is already in Konoha." Li Zhenwu said.

In the original work, after the death of the third Hokage Sarutobi, it was his original female disciple Tsunade who became the fifth Hokage.

Tsunade is also one of the 'Three Ninjas', the key is the granddaughter of the first Hokage, who also has a high prestige in the village, and his own ability is enough to become Hokage.

After listening to Li Zhenwu's words, Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed: "You have the heart, since that's the case, the only choice is to choose the next Hokage from among them."

Sarutobi Hizan sighed. After passing this incident, he deeply realized his old age and his powerlessness towards Konoha, and it was time to abdicate and let the wise.

Moreover, he, the third generation of Hokage, has been in power for too long.

Everywhere in Konoha, many villagers discovered the abnormality of the village. The most striking thing was that the ninjas in the village came and went in a hurry, all of which looked like something had happened.

Moreover, there are sporadic sound ninjas all over the village, carrying out destruction.

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