But without the leader, these sound ninjas were quickly solved by the ninjas of Konoha.

As for the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village, almost all of them were damaged in Konoha except for Gaara, Kankuro and Temari who ran away from the beginning.

One of the biggest damages was that the ninjas behind the three-headed snake were mostly solved by the power of artist Li Zhenwu.

An attack ended like this.

But the aftermath work is also very troublesome and needs Konoha to deal with it.

After all, there were big names and important officials from several countries in the audience, as well as important people from many other countries.

However, the real loss in the village was not much. Instead, it caused both Yinin Village and Sand Nin Village to suffer greatly.

Moreover, Konoha, the ninja group, are very excited, because they did not suffer losses in this attack.

Moreover, the former hero of Konoha also returned to the village.

But what they didn't know was that Li Zhenwu only returned to Konoha temporarily.

"Zhenwu, do you still want to leave Konoha?" In Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hizan sat in his chair, a little tired. He has been dealing with a lot of things recently. He asked Li Zhenwu in front of him.

Li Zhenwu is still his original appearance at the moment, and he has not changed to the appearance when he was in the body ninja village. After all, Konoha now almost knows the news that she has returned, so there is no need to hide it.

And because of Li Zhenwu's return this time, he directly helped Konoha to solve this crisis, and the other two elders did not dare to embarrass Li Zhenwu in this situation.

"Yeah, sooner or later, he has to leave." Li Zhenwu nodded. He was in Konoha, and he was destined to not be able to stay for long. After all, he was still the leader of the body ninja village.

"Also, Senior Brother Jiraiya, don't you want to find Senior Sister Tsunade for Mr. Sarutoi?" Li Zhenwu smiled slightly.

The day after the incident had just settled down, Sarutobi Hizan went to find Jiraiya, and told Jiraiya the situation Konoha was facing now.

However, Jiraiya also decisively rejected the idea of ​​becoming Hokage. Instead, looking at the old Sarutobi Hizan, he couldn't bear it, and offered to help find the whereabouts of Tsunade, the point of red in the Sannin.

That's why Li Zhenwu said this at this moment.

After Li Zhenwu and Sarutobi Hizan finished talking, they left the Hokage office.

This time, he talked with Sarutobi Hizan, and he also said goodbye.

Because Li Zhenwu will not stay in Konoha for a few more days, he will leave.

After Li Zhenwu left Konoha's office, everyone he met along the way respected him and even greeted him warmly.

While Li Zhenwu responded slightly, his pace was also uninterrupted, heading in one direction.

However, he is not going home, nor is he looking for someone to reminisce, but some other situation.

Among the leaves, by the secluded and quiet river.

Kurenai Yuhi and Asma Sarutobi were dating, but they chased after two suspicious characters they had just discovered.

Here, there is no one in the remote, Yuhi Korama and Asma appeared, blocking the front of the two suspicious people.

"You two ninjas, aren't you from this village, why did you come to Twilight?" Sarutobi Asma asked the two in front of him with some caution.

The two were wearing black trench coats embroidered with red clouds, and hats with wind chimes on their heads, wrapping their entire bodies in them, very suspicious.

"Long time no see, Mr. Asma, Miss Hong." Of the two, one was tall with a big knife on his back, and the other was tall, and said at this moment.

"Since you know us, are you a ninja from the village in the past?" Sarutobi Asma asked with a frown.

The other party raised his hand, gently lifted his bamboo hat up, and then revealed a pair of scarlet eyes with three round gouyu.

"This is..." Sarutobi Asma and Yuhika were surprised at the same time, "Sharingan! You are..."

Before they could finish their words, the man on the opposite side had completely taken off the hat, and had reached out and untied his windbreaker, revealing his true face.

Chapter [-] Dry Persimmon Ghost Shark! (Second more)

Sarutobi Asma put his hands in his pockets, watched the person in front of him completely take off his hat, and even opened his windbreaker slightly, but said more confidently: "It sure is you, Itachi Uchiha. !"

"It looks like you all know each other." At this time, the tall figure standing beside Uchiha Itachi laughed in a low voice, "Then I have to introduce myself!"

Saying that, he was carrying a large knife wrapped in a white cloth on his back, and the one dressed in the same way as Uchiha Itachi also took off his hat, revealing a blue face with fish gill lines on both sides of his cheeks.

"I'm a dried persimmon ghost shark, please give me more advice."

"There's nothing to teach you." Sarutobi Asma warned, "I'm going to take down the two of you with bad intentions now!"

"Itachi, the people in Konoha Village seem to hate you too." Facing Sarutobi Asma's declaration of war, Kanaki Oni turned his head and smiled at Uchiha Itachi.

"I know you." Standing with Sarutobi Asma, Yuhika looked at the dried persimmon oni, Dao 103: "You used to be a ninja in the Kirigakushi Ninja Village, and you were arrested by the Water Kingdom for allegedly killing the Daimyo of the Land of Water. A wanted fugitive ninja."

Hong Yuhi calmly broke out the past of the dried persimmon ghost shark, and also had a look of alertness.

Sarutobi Asma took over and said, "You two are both S-level wanted criminals on the wanted list."

With that said, he looked at Uchiha Itachi: "Uchiha Itachi, you have caused such a thing in Konoha, and you dare to appear in Konoha, you are very courageous!"

"Mr. Asma, Miss Hong, please don't mind your own business. I don't want to kill you."

Uchiha Itachi's face was calm, his eyes were scarlet, each with three rounds of gouyu.

"It's not like you who killed your compatriots, you would say something!" Sarutobi Asma didn't let his guard down: "I know you won't reappear in Konoha in such a dress for no reason. Your purpose is What is it?"

Sarubi Asma asked.


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