Even Uchiha Itachi didn't start hearing the name Li Zhenwu constantly from his best friend and friend Uchiha Shisui.

Until Li Zhenwu left Konoha and went out to travel, he grew up slowly for many years after that. Although he became the captain of Anbu at the age of thirteen, the name of the genius ninja never left him.

But above him, there is still a more talented Li Zhenwu.

Day after day, year after year.

Even though he Uchiha Itachi has many encounters later, the name Li Zhenwu has always been deeply hidden in his heart.

Until this time, Li Zhenwu stood in front of him.

Uchiha Itachi's warlike heart was raised.

In the face of Li Zhenwu's request to let him make the first move, Uchiha Itachi did not hesitate to make the move first.

But his body didn't move.

Because Li Zhenwu's physical skills are powerful, he has already been famous in the ninja world, Uchiha Itachi wisely did not try any more.

Therefore, as soon as Uchiha Itachi came up, he used what he was best at - the wheel-eye illusion.

In his eyes, the three hook jade writing wheel eyes suddenly changed, and then there was no seal or any extra movement, and he raised his head and looked at Li Zhenwu!

"Asma, Hong Yuhi, don't look into his eyes, just pay attention to Uchiha Itachi's shadow or hands and feet."

Because Sarutobi Asma and Yuhika were still behind him, Li Zhenwu had to remind him after noticing what technique Uchiha Itachi performed.

Otherwise, he, the main lord, was not hit, but the two behind him were hit, then it would be a joke.

"Tsuki read." The dry persimmon ghost shark let out a sigh of relief and said the name of his partner's technique. At the same time, he also felt that Uchiha Itachi chose this technique as the first attack method, which was very good!

Because, it can be said that this technique can only be said if it is hit or not, but there is no saying that you can resist it!

Monthly reading, it is said that it cannot be cracked!

As long as you see Uchiha Itachi's eyes showing the moon reading, then it is a stroke.

Once hit, no matter how strong the body or how fast the speed is, it is meaningless to face the moon reading! Therefore, Uchiha Itachi chose this technique to target Li Zhenwu, which is just right!

As long as the other party sees the eyes, then Uchiha Itachi can drag the opponent into the illusion world created by himself. The days and nights in the moon reading world, even no matter how long it takes, are only a moment in the real world. !Everything in the Yuedu world, including time, space, and quality, is controlled by Itachi, and any common sense from the outside world is useless!

Uchiha Itachi looked straight at Li Zhenwu, waiting for him to get hit, that is, to meet him.

Li Zhenwu persuaded Sarutobi Asma and Yuhika not to look into Uchiha Itachi's eyes, and then he did not let Uchiha Itachi's wish come to nothing.

Because Li Zhenwu took the initiative to raise his head, his eyes were indifferent but direct, and he looked at Uchiha Itachi.

In an instant, in the pupils of Li Zhenwu's eyes, Uchiha's three-goose jade writing wheel eyes were suddenly reflected!

"I've been recruited!" The dried persimmon ghost shark was overjoyed, looking at Li Zhenwu's appearance, it was obvious that he was about to be recruited.

And the moment Uchiha Itachi and Li Zhenwu looked at each other, his heart suddenly relaxed.

"You've been recruited!" Uchiha Itachi said in his heart, and then he had already pulled Li Zhenwu into the world fabricated by Yuedu!

(Today's third update... The state is not good, I have to enter a new plot, it is a bit difficult to advance...)

Chapter [-] Immunity to illusions! (first update)

Uchiha Itachi looked at Li Zhenwu's eyes with a hint of joy in his heart, because at this moment Li Zhenwu had already looked at him, that is, Li Zhenwu was doomed!

Uchiha Itachi has decisively wanted to 'pull' Li Zhenwu into the space he created with Yueyue, which only belongs to himself.


A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

Three seconds passed.

The dried persimmon ghost shark blinked, then looked at Li Zhenwu, still wondering, why did Li Zhenwu, who has already been read by Uchiha Itachi, seem to have nothing at all?

Yue Du this technique, once hit, will be pulled into the world created by the caster, without any loss of concept, in the moment of the outside world, in the illusion space created by Yue Du, hundreds of hours may have passed.

But now, after several seconds, Li Zhenwu didn't move, which made the dried persimmon ghost bewildered.

Moreover, the dried persimmon ghost shark was paying attention to Li Zhenwu, and suddenly found that Li Zhenwu blinked twice.

"What's the matter?" The dried persimmon ghost shark was surprised and wondered: "I am in the month of reading, but still able to move on my own?"

The dried persimmon ghost was puzzled and turned to look at his companion Uchiha Itachi.

Then, he suddenly found that on Uchiha Itachi's face, an unbelievable look of 'how is this possible' appeared.

"Why does Itachi show such an expression?" Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark wondered.

Just when he was thinking this, Uchiha Itachi had already spoken, but in his tone, there was a strong shock, and his calm face, which had always been calm, was also full of inconceivable: "Why, my moon Reading, will it be ineffective for you?"

"What? Yuedu is not valid for him?" When the dry persimmon shark heard Uchiha Itachi's words, he couldn't help but asked back, a little shocked.

As a companion, he deeply knows what a terrifying technique Uchiha Itachi's 'Tsuki reading' is, after all, it can be called incomprehensible!

And this technique is almost the pinnacle of illusion.

Kurenai Yuhi and Asma Sarutobi couldn't help but look up at Li Zhenwu in front of them, and couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Will the wheel-eye illusion work for him?"

But Li Zhenwu sighed slightly under everyone's attention: "Alas, it seems that even monthly reading can't affect me."

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