Li Zhenwu sighed, it was a pity that he wanted to experience the power of the famous 'Yuedu', but in the end he was unsuccessful.

Because the system is too overbearing and powerful!

Many years ago, Li Zhenwu had been attacked by illusion techniques, but at that time... because illusion techniques were aimed at the mental and brain level, and at that level, a Saiyan system was entrenched!

When there is an illusion against Li Zhenwu, the system will appear to automatically expel the 'invading force'.

Therefore, since that time, Li Zhenwu has never been afraid of any illusion, and is completely immune.

But when he saw Uchiha Itachi, Li Zhenwu thought that his monthly reading might be special. After all, it was the top illusion in the world, so he could experience the feeling of 'month reading'.

What he never expected was that he had just looked into Uchiha Itachi's eyes that had used the moon reading, and in his mind, the system that had been silent for a while suddenly made a sound.

"Ding dong, an external energy threat is detected, and the system automatically expels and absorbs it!"

Then, Li Zhenwu just waited for his eyes like that, looking at the beautiful patterns in Uchiha Itachi's writing wheel.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

It wasn't until Uchiha Itachi asked that question in disbelief that Li Zhenwu sighed, feeling that he was completely out of touch with illusion, and he might never be able to experience what illusion was.

Li Zhenwu sighed, a little disappointed.

But Uchiha Itachi was shocked beyond words: "You are... immune to illusions??!!"

Speaking of which, Uchiha Itachi felt that something was not right, because strictly speaking, the technique of reading the moon, even faintly, seemed to be out of the scope of illusion.

But Li Zhenwu is still immune and unaffected...

Not only Uchiha Itachi, but others were also shocked.

Immunity to illusions!How is this possible?

This kind of existence simply subverts their common sense.

However, Sarutobi Asma felt a little less, and just sighed: "As expected of Li Zhenwu!"

However, Hong Yuhi was extremely shocked. She is a special Jōnin specializing in illusion, so she has a deep understanding of illusion, which is why she can't believe illusion immunity, what a terrible ability.

Is it a special blood follower limit?Hong Yuhi couldn't help but think.

"How is it possible that someone can be immune to illusions, or even my monthly reading!" Uchiha Itachi had difficulty explaining this fact.

"Anyway, it's illusions and the like, it doesn't have any effect on me."

Li Zhenwu shrugged, and then said kindly: "So, you can use other techniques that you are good at. If you only use ninjutsu, you will be wasting your own chakras in vain."

Uchiha Itachi's expression was no longer calm, the shock on his face did not fade away.

Moreover, he did not use other ninjutsu as Li Zhenwu said.


"This mission is temporarily abandoned, retreat first!"

Uchiha Itachi suddenly whispered to the 1.0 dried persimmon ghost beside him, but for a moment, the voices of the two flickered, and they disappeared in place using the instant body technique.

"It's interesting, I want to run if I can't beat it, it's very straightforward." Li Zhenwu had a smile on his lips, and the next moment he suddenly stood up, soared into the sky, and then went in a certain direction of existence.

But one of his voices fell into the ears of Kurenai Yuhi and Asma.

"I think I need to warn them that Konoha doesn't just come and leave when he wants to."

Then, in the stunned eyes of the two, Li Zhenwu flew away from the sky, but he was also chasing the direction of Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Ghost!

"Fly, fly, fly away???"

Chapter [-] Purpose (Second)

"flew away?"

Kurenai Yuhi and Asma Sarutobi stared at the sky with wide eyes. Neither of them knew that Li Zhenwu could still fly...


A figure suddenly appeared beside them.

"Kakashi!" Sarutobi Asma was startled, and then he felt relieved when he saw the person coming.

"As expected of the tree leaf monster Li Zhenwu." Hatake Kakashi looked at the sky and muttered.

"when did you come?"

Seeing Kakashi's appearance, Sarutobi Asma didn't seem to have just arrived here, so he asked aloud.

"Originally, when you were going to fight with Uchiha Itachi, I came here to appear, but Zhenwu took the lead, so I never came out." Kakashi replied simply.

Sarutobi Asma nodded: "Indeed, with Zhenwu, there is no need to worry anymore..."

Among them, almost all of them know that Li Zhenwu killed Orochimaru with one punch, so they naturally don’t think that Li Zhenwu can’t solve a Uchi 21 wave Itachi, even if Uchiha Itachi is an S-level wanted criminal is also like this.

Of course, they didn't know that Orochimaru was also Uchiha Itachi's defeat...

"Speaking of which, I don't know this, but Uchiha Yu and Kirikin betrayed the persimmon persimmon and came to Konoha. What is the purpose? I don't know if Zhenwu will be able to ask later." Sarutobi Asma said.

Hong Yuhi was also a little worried: "Yeah, they suddenly came to Konoha, I don't know what to do."

"I may know some." Kakashi's eyes were complicated and his tone was a bit vicissitudes.

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