Snow Country, in the entire Naruto world, is a strange country.

Unlike other countries, the Snow Country is particularly concerned about the power of science and technology.

For example, their snow ninjas all wear a technological armor that can defend against chakra.

There are also instruments developed by them to suppress the power of ninja chakra, and airships that can fly in the sky.

These all show that they are different from other countries.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu is very interested in the Snow Country.

Moreover, the task this time, he is not just as simple as escorting Fuji Kaze-e.

He has a deeper and bigger ambition.

On the boat, the director still didn't take some shots.

And Fuji Fengxue E, also accepted fate, cooperated in the shooting, also in the shooting, showing her personal charm.

"It turns out that this is an actor!" The trio of Body Ninja Village had nothing to do, so they watched from the side, and couldn't help but have an eye-opening feeling.

Just like that, a few days passed.

One morning, when the sky was still a little dim and the sun's rays had not fully illuminated the sky and the earth, a staff member shouted and carried the whole boat.

"Director! Something is wrong!"

People who were shocked by this sound all walked out of their houses, and then came to the deck, and then saw a slightly shocking and unexpected scene.

An iceberg was just in front of their boat, and the orphans came over from above, howling with cold wind.

"This is." The director muttered.

"When we came together in the morning, we found that the iceberg blocked the road. What should we do?" The staff behind him were a little flustered.

Because this is a strait, and an iceberg is blocked here, it directly prevents them from moving forward and is blocked here.

At this time, the director suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Great, with this sudden scene, although it blocks the way, we can change the script, maybe we can directly shoot better results."

"All staff, bring your equipment and log in!" The director waved his hand and made this decision.

"Is it finally here?" Li Zhenwu had a light smile on his face

Chapter [-] Xue Ren! (third more)

"Look, this cliff is an excellent location! How could it slip through our lens! This is what the movie gods have given us, everyone is ready now, everyone is ready to land!"

Because of the director's whims, not only did the crew not worry about an iceberg on the road, but they all moved and started shooting as the director requested.

After a busy time, the entire crew took their place, and then began the first shot on this iceberg.

"Ah!" Fuji Kawhi-e yawned, and then cheered up, because the director temporarily changed the script, so they had to shoot a lot more shots.

While Li Zhenwu and Bai and the other three stood aside, Li Zhenwu looked calm and asked the people behind him without turning his head.

"Ranmaru, you should have discovered something, right?"

"Huh?" Bai and Junma Lu heard this, and immediately turned to look at Lan Wan.

And Lan Wan nodded: "Well, I have found out, there is an enemy coming!"

"Is there an enemy?" Bai and Junma Lu didn't find it, but it was normal. After all, Lan Wan's bloodline limit, 21, is very good in investigation.

Lan Maru looked at his two companions and whispered, "I think Lord Zhenwu is here anyway, so you don't need to worry too much in advance."

"Ranmaru, go and force those hidden ninjas out." Li Zhenwu said.

"Okay." Lan Wan nodded, then turned around, her eyes glowed with a faint red light, and then a kunai tail, with some detonating talismans, was slammed out by him!

"Bang!" An explosion sounded, and black smoke rose from a hill not far away.

The people who were filming were taken aback, their eyes first turned to the place of the explosion, and then they followed and saw Ranmaru's unstoppable movements.

"What are you doing!" The director couldn't help but questioned when the filming was interrupted, not knowing the truth.

'Whoa! ''Wow! '

At this time, in the place after the explosion, a figure suddenly jumped out of the snow!

The man who jumped out of the snow was slender and slender, wearing white body armor, with an icy aura on his body.

In contrast, in the other two places, there were also ninjas jumping out of the snow.

One, a big man with a stout body...a thin female ninja.

They all have one thing in common, that is, they are all wearing silver-white armor.

"Hahahaha, welcome back to the Snow Country, Little Snow Princess."

The ninja who appeared first seemed to be in the lead, and with a crazy smile, he laughed at Fuji Kazee.

"Princess Xiaoxue?" People were startled, even Bai and the other three were slightly surprised, realizing they didn't know it.

"Identity is exposed and exposed." Li Zhenwu secretly smiled mysteriously, looked at the Fuji Kaze-e at the moment indistinctly, and found that the Fuji Kaze-e at the moment looked stunned.

Or, she should not be called Fuji Fuyuki now, but her real name... Fenghua Xiaoxue!

Fenghua Xiaoxue, the former princess of the Snow Kingdom, who had to live in exile for many years because of a rebellion in the country and her family broke down, did not dare to return!

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