"Princess of the elementary school, I hope you come back this time with the hexagonal crystal with you."

The ninja laughed again.

"Bai, Ranmaru, Junmalu, you go to deal with the three of them, and I will protect the others."

Li Zhenwu had already made arrangements to make them want to deal with the three snow country ninjas who suddenly appeared.

"Okay!" Bai and the other three had the will to fight, and they cooperated tacitly. They just glanced at each other, and they were already divided into three groups, and they went to the three Snow Ninjas.

"It turns out that there are ninja protection from an unknown little ninja village." The snowman headed by him is called Avalanche Langya, who once defeated Konoha's Hatake Kakashi ten years ago.

"Hail Dongxiong, Flying Snow Blowing Swallow, hurry up and solve these little ninjas who are overly capable, and take Fenghua Xiaoxue back."

Xue Beng Lang Ya said, and also arranged for two other Xue Ren.

At the same time, Ranmaru was already approaching him.

On the other hand, Bai found Feixue Fuyan, a female ninja from the Land of Snow.

Li Zhenwu was not idle either, he said to the director: "Hey, it's better to have someone hurry up and pass it on, otherwise, if you accidentally get hurt, you will all die."

Then, Li Zhenwu turned his head and looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was so frightened that he couldn't speak. He couldn't help shaking his head secretly, feeling that Fenghua Xiaoxue's mental block was too heavy, and her former family was destroyed and left to her. There is too much shadow.

In the face of Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was almost scared and lost his courage, Li Zhenwu used all the energy in his words, so that his voice could directly hit the heart: "That, Miss Xuehui 740, or the princess of the elementary school. Now is not the time to be decadent. , you better cheer up."

Li Zhenwu's words gave Fenghua Xiaoxue some light in her eyes, but she herself lost control at this moment, and said very lowly: "I knew that once I returned to the Snow Country, it would be like this, they Will definitely find me."

Seeing her reaction, Li Zhenwu couldn't help shaking his head, so his movements were more straightforward.

Li Zhenwu walked directly behind Fenghua Xiaoxue, put his hands on her shoulders, pressed her, and turned her body to the three Bai and other three who were fighting the three ninjas in the Snow Country.

On the other hand, Li Zhenwu said rudely: "Look at it, these Snow Country ninjas that you worry about and fear will not be the opponents of our Ninja Village Ninjas!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue was calmed down by Li Zhenwu's actions, and then she couldn't help listening to Li Zhenwu's words, her body trembled slightly, and she looked at the trio of Tai Ninja Village and a few snows who had already started fighting. Tolerate.

(I made a poll, and there is a single chapter related to the work, everyone can read it, and then you can cast a vote to decide where the next world will go!)

Chapter [-] Princess Fenghua Xiaoxue!

"Ice Escape - Yan Chuixue!" In front of Bai, the female ninja Fuxue Chuiyan quickly formed a seal, and then performed ninjutsu.

"Sure enough, it's Bing Dun!" Bai was opposite her, his eyes flashing.

In addition to coming to the Snow Country this time, in other places, Bai has never seen anyone who can use Ice Escape as well as himself.

He was very cordial when he saw Bing Dun, but unfortunately, he now exists as an opponent with the other party.

On the other hand, Bai was not idle either, and he quickly formed the seal and performed ninjutsu! "Ice Escape - Ice Wall!"

The snow and ice on the ground suddenly burst, and then a solid wall of ice formed in front of Bai.

'Ding ding ding ding ding! '

The rapid crashing sound and Feixue Chuyan's attacks all landed on the white ice wall and were all blocked.

"Ice escape?"

And she couldn't help but be slightly taken aback when she saw Bai cast Bing Dun, because the conditions for casting Bing Dun were very harsh, and in their country of snow, there were only a few ninjas who could have this kind of escape.

Just when she was stunned, Bai Ke didn't stop, but quickly used his other ninjutsu.

"Bing Dun-Thousand Books Rain!" Bai Weiwei opened his mouth, and from his mouth, a thousand books of ice that were as dense as a wolf's hair had been shot out, overwhelming the sky and blowing swallows toward the snow.

"Huh?" Feixue Chuiyan was surprised, because he found Bai's Bing Dun, which was different from theirs!

These ninjas in the country of snow, even if they use the ice escape, they can only use it when they are in the environment of ice and snow.

If there is no ice and snow, then their ninjutsu can hardly be used, and they can't show their power.

This is also the reason why their Ninjas in the Land of Snow are not well-known in other countries and only show their prestige in the Land of Snow.

But now, when she saw Bai's Bing Dun, she found that Bai's Bing Dun was fundamentally different from them!

Bai's Bing Dun is actually able to create ice out of thin air!Instead of using the natural environment to perform ice ninjutsu like them!

Fei Xue Chuiyan looked at the young man who looked like a beautiful woman in front of him, and was surprised, and he didn't have time to react.

But she wasn't worried, because Bing Dun Qian Ben Yu fell on her body and issued a 'ding ding ding ding ding ding! 'the sound of.

"Hey, what's going on, it's all blocked." Bai frowned slightly.

"Haha, this is the 'chakra armor' specially developed by our country of snow for ninjas!" Fei Xue Chuiyan couldn't help laughing and showing off: "It can form a layer of chakra on our body surface, with To protect and weaken, and even completely ignore the effect of ninjutsu! And it can also increase the effect of chakra on the wearer itself!"

She is proud because the Chakra armor of the Snow Country is their exclusive, and the entire world, the Snow Country has developed this kind of thing.

"Chakra armor? Anti-ninjutsu?" Bai smiled slightly when he heard these words: "Interesting."

Then, when Fei Xue Chuiyan was about to attack again, Bai chuckled: "You know what? Our village is called the Ninja Village, and what we are best at is not ninjutsu, but..."

Saying that, Bai's figure flashed and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Feixue Chuiyan was surprised. As a ninja, of course he knew what it meant when Bai suddenly disappeared from sight.

This is the speed of the other party, which has exceeded the range that his own realization can capture!So I can't see the shadow of the other party at all!


At this moment, in Feixue Chuyan's ear, Bai whispered.

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