She was horrified, but before there was any reaction, the whole person was already flying heavily!

"Bang!" Then, Fei Xue Chuiyan's whole body was out of control, and the continuous blows were transmitted directly to him through the armor on her body!

"Turtle fairy whirlwind!"

At the same time, there were also two violent shouts, but it was Ranmaru and Junmalu, who both discovered the extraordinary things about each other's armor, so they all used physical techniques to attack the enemy!

At the beginning of using Taijutsu, the three ninjas of the Snow Country suddenly floated like dandelions in the wind!

The three ninjas in the Snow Country were all passively beaten, and at this moment they didn't even have the strength to fight back!In terms of physical skills, they were completely crushed.

Moreover, even if they wanted to perform ninjutsu, it was too late!

"Since they are all close to the ninjas in our Ninja Village, how could they still be able to perform ninjutsu!" Ranmaru's eyes flashed red, and a pair of palms slapped Langya Xuebeng repeatedly!

It was during this continuous attack that the 'chakra armor' on the three Snow Country ninjas gradually became unbearable...

"Have you seen it? What you are worried about is nothing. With us, they can't touch a single hair of you."

Li Zhenwu stood behind Fenghua Xiaoxue and whispered in her ear, as if there was magic in the language, directly hitting Fenghua Xiaoxue's heart.

Fenghua Xiaoxue stared at her pockets. She thought that the extremely powerful ninjas from the Land of Snow were violently tyrannizing at the moment, which made her temporarily put down the shadows in her heart, and had a subversive feeling.

"Princess Xiaoxue." Fenghua Xiaoxue's former bodyguard, now the three husbands of her manager, has now resumed her name for Fenghua Xiaoxue.

The three masters were surprised to see that several rebellious Ninjas from the Land of Snow were almost suppressed by Bai and the other three, but they were more excited and excited, because this gave him a kind of hope!

"Mr. Zhenwu!" The three masters also greeted Li Zhenwu respectfully.

Then, the three masters looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue and couldn't help being a little excited: "Princess Xue, in fact, the country of snow has been waiting for you for a long time, you will come this time, besides me, there are many countries of snow. The people of this country will welcome you, and even establish a new queen who is tired of our Snow Country!"

Chapter [-] Turtle School Qigong Booms the Mountain! (Chapter two)

In front of Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmalu, the proud 'chakra armor' of the three of the Snow Country could not play any role at all, and because of the proximity, they were almost restrained from playing. Now, he didn't even have the kung fu to perform ninjutsu, and his armor was torn apart by a series of blows!

The three of them were all terrified, and in the end they retreated in embarrassment with the loud roar of "retreat" from the wolf tooth avalanche.

Here, after all, it is their home field. Although they were suppressed by the body skills of the three group of body ninja village, they could not fight back, but they could do it if they wanted to escape.

However, if the three of Bai and the others want to chase after them, it is still unknown whether the three ninjas in the Snow Country can really run away.

But they did not pursue, because Li Zhenwu stopped them.

"Forget it, I don't know how to continue the pursuit." Li Zhenwu said so, and immediately told the three Bai and the others to stop the pursuit, but looked at the backs of the three ninjas in the country of Snow who were fleeing in confusion.

Such a durable target is hard to find!

It is true that because of the 'chakra' armor on the three ninjas in the land of snow, they not only defended against ninjutsu with chakra, but also greatly improved their protection ability, so they are very durable. , let the three people in the body ninja village play 423 very enjoyable.

After all, there are usually no such good targets!

The Snow Ninja fled, and everyone was safe.

Bai and the other three hadn't found out during the battle just now, but after the battle was stopped, they found that the people in that boat were still on the iceberg, especially the director, who was directing the cameraman and filming them. .

"What is this doing?" Bai asked suspiciously.

"Hey, what happened just now is just the plot of the movie. It's the material that is very real when filmed directly!" The director said enthusiastically.

Junma Lu scratched his head, feeling that what the director said made sense, and he couldn't say anything to refute it.

However, because of this encounter, a battle was filmed, and the director did not plan to continue filming his own scenes, but returned to the ship with all the crew to prevent them from being attacked by ninjas from the Land of Snow.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was exhausted physically and mentally because of the series of stimuli just now, so she went straight back to her room, closed the door and left herself alone in the room.

"Director, in this case, our ship can't continue to move forward, only stop here." But the director faced such a problem, because of the iceberg in front, their ship could not continue to move forward.

A bunch of people were on the deck, not knowing what to do.

"I'll solve it." Li Zhenwu stood up at this time, nodded and said to everyone on the deck: "Let's drive the boat away from the iceberg first."

Because of Li Zhenwu's performance just now, the people on the boat, including the director, were very convinced of him, so they obediently drove the boat upside down to distance themselves from this iceberg.

Then, they all looked at Li Zhenwu!

After all, Li Zhenwu said that he came to solve the problem of the iceberg. Now their ship has left the iceberg for a certain distance according to Li Zhenwu's words. Then, it is to see how Li Zhenwu does it.

Li Zhenwu did not disappoint them either. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Li Zhenwu reached the front of the deck. In front of him, there was a huge iceberg across the strait.

I saw Li Zhenwu's hands folded together like Hua Yue, and white fluctuations condensed between them.

"It's the turtle qigong wave!" Ranmaru couldn't help saying.

Bai and Junma Lu also recognized this move.

Then, Li Zhenwu whispered softly, "The Turtle School Qigong Wave!"

Suddenly, the Turtle School Qigong wave dragged the blue tail flame and went straight towards the big iceberg on the sea!

"so beautiful!"

A woman on the boat couldn't help exclaiming, because the Turtle School Qigong wave was in the air, pulling out a long line like a trend.

But in the next moment, no one will feel this way, because the Turtle School Qigong wave has already fallen on the iceberg!

Then, a dazzling light!

The dazzling light made the people on the boat staring at the icebergs couldn't help but close their eyes, but when they closed their eyes, they also heard a loud bang.

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